The combination is one, two, three, four, five...
Current mood:

1. Everytime I try to write one of these something comes up, so I'll try for the I don't know how many times. 2. D decided he perfers folkstyle wrestling this season, can't say I blame him. 3. Aardvarks are nocturnal. 4. Had to change my cable around, damn new show addictions (I'm currently on Season 4 of Dexter). 5. So in CZW (speaking of CZW Fist Fight is this upcoming Saturday; check local times and listings) my stable has gotten its first championship belt (Congrats Drew), The CZW Wired Television Title, this means alot more than I could possibly describe in this blog. 6. Buckle in folks this is gonna be a long one. 7. The aardvark is sometimes called "antbear", "earth pig", "Cape anteater", "earth hog" or most commonly "anteater" (which it is not even closely related to, its actually closer to an elephant). 8. Everyone should have a successful exit strategy. 9. Lost is ending very soon (booo!) and I'm quite nervous that it will end up like 90% of major comic book events ie Civil War, Final Crisis, 52, and on and on (I swear to whatever deity you hold high I will find the writers if it sucks, I gave alot of time to that show). 10. DVR is prolly the best invention ever. 11. Aardvarks have 4 toes on their front toes and 5 on their rear. 12. We think our toaster died (Damn! D loves toaster waffles). 13. I am now also a proud member of The Bastard Squad ( barbwire bats, grill knives, and helping set people on fire, only in wrestling). 14. Aardvarks take up an astonishing number of insects with its long, sticky tongue—as many as 50,000 in one night have been recorded. 15. If you like fast food, never go to Five Guys Burgers and Fries, if you do you'll never eat shitty drive thru burgers again (I'm saying you should go there). 16. My downstairs neighbor likes shitty music. 17. Wouldn't it be funny if wars were settled by battle raps. 18. Freddy is not a squinty British fellow, sorry I'm not buying it (plus where is the Robert England cameo). 19. Arthur is an an aardvark. 20. I greatly dislike yawning. 21. Iron Man 2 looks amazing! 22. I have consumed numerous Lagers and Ales as of late, Yuengling is still the measuring stick. 23. You know even though its been a routine for years, cold water and cigarettes is still my morning ritual (then recording the hotline). 24. The Surfing Bird ep of Family Guy is on, it never gets old. 25. Aardvarks can live to be over twenty four years old in captivity. 26. Its Always Sunny switched to Comedy Central? 27. You know what rules, Fearnet OnDemand does, thats right. 28. Longest blog ever. 29. I miss Mike Judge cartoons. 30. I don't even like aardvarks, I perfer platypi(sp?). 31. Don't forget to floss daily!