45 Year Old
Invited by: why·
Joined on May 30, 2007
Born on September 19th
I have a crush on someone!
Hey all... thanks for the ratings & the comments! I'm gonna be away for a few weeks soon... but on my return will add more pics and stuff about me! Thanks for all the love !
45 Year Old
Invited by: why·
Joined on May 30, 2007
Born on September 19th
I have a crush on someone!
Everything except for rap (above early 90s) , favorite groups are Nirvana, Metallica, Rammstein, Megaherz, Foo Fighters , SoundGarden , Audioslave, Black Sabbath & The Doors ... I really love all 80s music and most 80s performers & The Lost Boys soundtrack heh.. and rock of all types especially 80s & grunge
ahhhhhhhhhhh your alive!!!!!!!!! I see you have returned to the living my dear..missed yaYou have just been blown a kiss! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxif you recieve1 - 3( ur sweet )3 - 6 ( ur cute )6 - 12 ( ur H0T!!!!)so start sending.--------------------------------------You have been considered ONE of the TEN SWEETEST FRIENDS on my friends list.Once you have been tagged, you have to tag TEN SWEET FRIENDS(including the one who sent it to U)and let them know they are SWEET!!""""""
Just came by to check you out and drop some Fubar love your way!! Thank you so much for the friend request!! Feel free to stop in and check out my pics and read my profile to get to know me better. Afterall thats what the FU is all about!! All personal pics of me are in my last folder titled"C'est Moi".Hope you have a great Fubar day!!
I am rating your profile a 10 and leaving some music on your page.... enjoy. Feel free to stop by and check out our pics.... and even add us as a friend!!! If you like what you hear please visit the bands page and leave them a comment.... they love to hear from the fans!!!!!Whiskey Dust @ CherryTAP
thanks for stopping by! thought id drop in and say hi!rated and fanned ya! if you could do the same that would be WONDERFUL!If you already have Thanks so much!Have a great night!