Well, this has been on my mind for some time now, ever since someone rated my sis's photo AND her profile a 1.....yes....I said ONE!! How effing rude/mean/rotten and down right ignorant is that? I've also gotten rated as low as a 2, and it doesn't make ya feel real good when you come on your CT page and you see that! I already KNOW I'm not the most attractive person, so I don't need someone to come on my page and basically "tell me" that I'm freaking ugly! I've always gone by the motto~~> "If you don't have anything nice to say, then just don't say anything at all"!! Fortunately...my Sis and I are strong enuff types of people that we can over-look the "ignorance" of those that get their rocks off by doing that to us! I'm not saying that it doesn't hurt our feelings, cuz it damn sure does, but WE can move on.....But what these "ignorant A-holes" don't understand, is that there are people that come on here, perhaps that are lonely, looking for friendship, needing an uplift, or whatever, and that already have a "low-self-esteem".....they don't need or deserve to be "beat-down" like that! I just think it's wrong, there's no call or reason for it, and I think we all need to get together and get rid of the ignorant people in here that are doing this! It "costs" nothing for you to rate someones profile or photos and stuff a TEN (10)nor does it "hurt" you in any. In fact....Motto #2~~> "Do unto others as you'd have them do to you" seems to work just fine! I wonder if those that are going around giving people these low ratings, like getting them back?? I don't care WHO you are, nobody can "honestly" tell me that they don't care if they get rated lower than a 10..!! This is just a "fun-friendly-chat-board" where people get to meet new people from all over and they get to express themselves by puttin their photos and stuff on here, and the cherry point rating just makes it more fun to give us something to do when we're bored with life or whatever! But when you see your stuff has been rated a 9, 5, 2 or 1....that takes a bit of the fun out of it! I feel this way....If you're gonna take the time to go on someone's page, be nice, at least give their profile or photo a 10, If you're not even gonna do that much, then why even bother wasting the time to go on someones page to begin with!?!? Cherry Tap IS supposed to be a FUN place to be.....Isn't it?? Or did I miss something when I joined up??