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DJPJ WSR PJBJM DK4's blog: "icp"

created on 01/31/2007  |  http://fubar.com/icp/b50503

Who is ICP?

Who is ICP? In the early days, Joe Bruce ("Violent J") and Joey Ustler("Shaggy 2 Dope") grew up in the nicer suburbs of Detroit, but were underprivileged. Bruce's mother was a janitor most of his childhood and went from one broken father to another. Both lived a childhood that is purely unbelievable and better left for those that read their book ("Behind the Paint") The Insane Clown Posse actually started out as these two with another rapper in a group called the Inner City Posse. Back then, they were at least trying to be a real street gang. After years of the hard life that went along with it, Violent J had this brainstorm, which he claims had come to him in a vivid dream explained in his book, of the whole Dark Carnival and the meaning and doing Six separate Jokers Cards. Over the years, they literally worked their asses off. From 1993 to 1997 when they got their second big deal with Hollywood Records, they spent their lives doing shows, hitting up Kinkos, and covering Detroit with flyers. When they were signed with their first label, Jive Records, they were still stuck in the Detroit scene and determined to travel to Dallas, TX, of all places, and pass out samplers for their third Joker's Card album, The RiddleBox and became an underground hit there too. Hollywood Records came along and signed them up. The Great Milenko was produced. The same day of its release, though, it was recalled from store shelves after Southern Baptists had protested against Disney, who happens to own Hollywood Records. Insert big bad news is good news adage, and we have ICP re-signed to a new label, Island Records, who proceed to hook up with everything ICP could ever want to get their message out. After a couple years of big backing from Island, things started to get stale and ICP wanted out by the time their 6th, and final, Joker's Card was released. After initially trying to bide time and wear out their album quota, Island decided to straight not renew their contract. Now, standing alone on their own label, ICP has released its final Jokers Card and living large. And attract over 5,000 fans to yearly four day festivals, make one of the largest margins in music merchandise, own their own label, which now boasts more than 7 different artists/groups, and countless other media bearing their likeness. It's the American dream personified.

The Dark Carnival

The Dark Carnival While its name invokes some disturbing intentions, the truth is the Dark Carnival, described through the 6 Joker Card albums, is a representation of Death. Nothing can really describe what it really is better than these lyrics... "...Now we been told this Carnival shit has touched on many lives People have fuckin sworn to us they too can feel it inside What is it that draws you in? This magic that compels you? We've been waiting six fuckin Joker Cards to finally tell you The messages and hints were there, although, most never picked up on em We snuck em in subliminally with that wicked shit around em We mentioned more and more of this on every Joker's Card The bottom line, always the same, you ain't have to look hard We wickedly kick it, inflict it, you get it, get wit it, and then we don't preach it flat out" "'Cause some ninjas don't wanna get wit 'cha They quick to forget 'cha without the hatchet and gat out So we rose the hatchet, do or die, now Juggalos standing tall After all six have risen, the end of time will consume us all! It ain't got nothin to do wit us! It ain't Psychopat-chic Records! All we're doing is bringing shit out to you; We in this together! Who's behind the Dark Carnival, the Gatherings, and the Hatchet? Who's behind Dark Lotus, the circus, and everybody at it? Who invented Juggalos, and Juggalettes, and fucking Faygo showers? What about that feeling you get when bumpin' our shit? Who's behind the Juggalo Powers?..." "...It ain't about Violent J, or Shaggy, the Butterfly, or 17 When we speak of Shangri-La, what you think we mean?! Truth is, we follow GOD! We've always been behind Him The Carnival is GOD; May all Juggalos find him!" "Thy Unveiling" from The Wraith: Shangri-LA
Hosted by Insane Clown Posse with DJ Clay and featuring performances by Boondox, Wolfpac and Dead By Wednesday, this is one hell of a kick-off for the March 20th, 2007 release of ICP's next album, The Tempest! Also featuring JCW and as well as a massive line of Tempest merchandise, this is one party you don't want to miss out on! February 25, 2007: Cincinnati, OH @ Bogart's February 26, 2007: Cleveland, OH @ Agora Ballroom February 27, 2007: Grand Rapids, MI @ Intersection February 28, 2007: Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue March 1, 2007: Kansas City, MO @ Beaumont Club March 2, 2007: Denver, CO @ Fillmore Auditorium March 3, 2007: Salt Lake City @ Saltair March 4, 2007: Reno, NV @ New Oasis (formerly The Oasis) March 5, 2007: Las Vegas, NV @ Fprt Cheyenne Casino March 6, 2007: Long Beach, CA @ The Vault 350 March 7, 2007: Tempe, AZ @ Marquee Theatre March 9, 2007: Oklahoma City, OK @ Diamond Ballroom March 10, 2007: Sauget, IL @ Pop's March 11, 2007: Columbus, OH @ Newport Music Hall March 13, 2007: Norvolk, VA @ The Norva Theatre March 14, 2007: Philadelphia, PA @ Electric Factory March 15, 2007: Baltimore, MD @ Rams Head Live March 16, 2007: Allentown, PA @ Crocodile Rock March 17, 2007: Worcester, MA @ The Palladium March 19, 2007: Pittsburgh, PA @ Mr. Smalls Theatre March 20, 2007: Detroit, MI @ St. Andrews Hall What is the latest, earth-shaken, totally devastating tour coming your way? When will it be? And where the hell is it playing at? This is the place to find out all these questions. Whether it's an autograph signing, an In-Store appearance, a full blown concert, or any other special event, all you have to do is click on the tour and find out all about it! This is the official down-low, don't trust word of mouth or any other website until you see it here on InsaneClownPosse.com! We'll keep you posted on any special effects or any changes that's going down with each special event, so keep checking the Tour page for all the latest flavor happening... next stop could be right outside your door! The Tempest Tour Insane Clown Posse and Twiztid, and plus other guest performers will be hitting the road following the epic release of The Tempest Date: APR 26 2007 Venue: Orbit Room City: Grand Rapids, MI Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Ages: 16+ with valid photo id Date: APR 27 2007 Venue: Agora Theater City: Cleveland, OH Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: APR 28 2007 Venue: Congress Theatre City: Chicago, IL Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: APR 29 2007 Venue: Myth City: Maplewood, MN Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: MAY 1 2007 Venue: Val Air Ballroom City: Des Moines, IA Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: MAY 2 2007 Venue: Pop's City: Sauget, IL Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: MAY 3 2007 Venue: The Cotillion Ballroom City: Wichita, KS Tickets: Available March 24th at 10am through Tickets.com Date: MAY 4 2007 Venue: Fillmore Auditorium City: Denver, CO Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Ages: 16+ with valid photo id Date: MAY 5 2007 Venue: The Great Salt Air City: Magna, UT Tickets: To Be Announced Date: MAY 8 2007 Venue: The Big Easy Concert House City: Spokane, WA Tickets: To Be Announced Date: MAY 9 2007 Venue: Roseland Theater City: Portland, OR Tickets: Available at TicketsWest Date: MAY 11 2007 Venue: Senator Theatre City: Chico, CA Tickets: Available at TicketWeb Date: MAY 12 2007 Venue: New Oasis (formerly The Oasis) City: Reno, NV Tickets: Available at TicketWeb Date: MAY 13 2007 Venue: Fort Cheyenne Casino City: Las Vegas, NV Tickets: To Be Announced Date: MAY 14 2007 Venue: The Grove of Anaheim City: Anaheim, CA Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: MAY 15 2007 Venue: The Grove of Anaheim City: Anaheim, CA Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: MAY 16 2007 Venue: Marquee Theatre City: Tempe, AZ Tickets: Available through Marquee Theatre's website Date: MAY 18 2007 Venue: Cain's Ballroom City: Tulsa, OK Tickets: Available at GetTix.net Date: MAY 19 2007 Venue: Palladium Ballroom City: Dallas, TX Tickets: To Be Announced Date: MAY 21 2007 Venue: Jannus Landing City: Saint Petersburg, FL Tickets: To Be Announced Date: MAY 22 2007 Venue: The Masquerade City: Atlanta, GA Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: MAY 23 2007 Venue: Tremont Music Hall City: Charlotte, NC Tickets: To Be Announced Date: MAY 25 2007 Venue: Electric Factory City: Philadelphia, PA Tickets: To Be Announced Date: MAY 26 2007 Venue: The Palladium City: Worcester, MA Tickets: Available at Tickets.com Date: MAY 27 2007 Venue: The Palladium City: Worcester, MA Tickets: Available at Tickets.com Date: MAY 29 2007 Venue: The Norva Theatre City: Norfolk, VA Tickets: Avilable at Ticketmaster Date: MAY 30 2007 Venue: Sonar City: Baltimore, MD Tickets: Available at March 24th at 10am through Ticketmaster Date: JUN 2 2007 Venue: Expo 5 City: Louisville, KY Tickets: Available at TicketWeb Date: JUN 4 2007 Venue: Granada Theatre City: Lawrence, KS Tickets: Available at Ticketmaster Date: JUN 5 2007 Venue: Sioux Empire City: Sioux City, IA Tickets: To Be Announced Date: JUN 8 2007 Venue: Playmaker's City: Fargo, ND Tickets: To Be Announced
What Does It Mean To Be A Juggalo? Not sure if you wanna post this on your site or not, but feel free. I started getting into the ICP in about 2002. At first, i was like most people, thinkin "yeah, this shit is cool. they rap about sum pretty crazy shit." but I missed the real message. As time went by i progressed and got more into it and started to pick up on the messages about treating people equal, and not blindly hating someone based on their race/colour/religion/sexual preference/etc. Then i got The Wraith: Shangri-La. Everything changed. I suddenly saw the whole picture clearly. I understood everything on a higher level. Being a Juggalo isn't about listening to the ICP or using them 2 help carve yourself as an individual. It's about being yourself, and respecting and helping others. It's about being tollerant as a mother-fuck of everyone. If someone hates on your for being a Juggalo, just keep on walking. They'll end up in Hell's Pit anyway. Sure, I still hate it when people put shit on me for being who I am. Sometimes I even tell them where 2 go. No one's perfect. And thats another part of being a Juggalo. REALISING that people have faults and being able to forgive them. Being a Juggalo is about understanding more than anything I think. >From a Bass Playin Clown. MCL. My name is Jake. I self-appointed myself with the name JJ after Jake Jeckle, the nice one. To be a Juggalo, doesn't mean that you have to be in a gang, go out and kill people, go get laid at 14. Thats not what it's about! I believe thats its about helping someone out. For example, when me and my lifelong homie, JOE, first met we were in detention. We got to talking about ICP, he introduced me, and we decided that we weren't going to be thugs trying to fit in, we were going to be part of our own group. Our group now consists of about six, we help each other on school projects, school bussiness, and personall busisness. ANYONE in my group knows that if they need a place to crash for a while, while they are in trouble with the folks or sumthin stupid like that, they have my place. And it's the same way all the way around. To be a juggalo is to be a famly memeber in a world of outsiders. I mean this in a good way trust me. Juggalos have been very sucessful and juggalos have not. We are not in the POPULAR group because of the style of our hair, or the style of our clothes, or the people that we hang out with. We are a band of brothers and sisters that will stick together until the end. I speak for me, my homies, and homies that i don't know. I speak for a young juggalo starting out in stage 1. I speak for all the people who grew up not being able to go to a fancy resturant every day. I speak for the white,black,hispanic,italan,cuban,puterican,brazilian. I speak for anyone and everyone that has ever had a fight with some1 they love, and had a homie there to pick them up. I speak for the ones that are tired of all the hated against people of a different color,different sex,or different religion. I speak for everyone who bears or wants to bear the hatchet. On that note I would like to go out on some qoutes from the masters of the underground ICP. "Fuck skin color, everybodys blue"&"I speak for the crazys, i speak for the scrubs,i spek for the thugs pissen in your hot tub. I speak for the ones that you always say don't know how to act, we like em just like that." & " Leave the kids ALONE" & Finally, "We have been told this carnival shit has touched on many lifes. People have fuckin swarn to us they to can feel it inside.What is it that draws u in the magic that compells u, we've been waitin six fuckin joke cards to finnaly tell you. the messages and hints were there almost none never picked up on em. we snuck them is sublinamally with that wicked shit around them.i cant remember how it goes i dont have the cd my homie has it. but i do remember one part that is very special to me. It's cause we follow GOD!!!! We've always been behind him!!!! Thats what its about JUGGALOS AND JUGGALETTES GOD and how to reach him. Until next time MCL, YA HOMIE JJ ---southwest snake-- What is a Juggalo? Here's how I see it. A Juggalo is a person who sees things different from everyone else. We are the people who society takes every opportunity to tell that we are screwed up. We are the last true vigilantes left in this society of pre-packaged music and cellophane wrapped life. we are the people who see past the outer core of a person into their hearts, just as we see through the violence and rough language of the records put out by Psychopathic. We see the true story put down by the likes of ICP Twisted and Blaze. We feel the love of our family... our Juggalo family, even when our real Family treats us like we are nothing. My homies stood by me through my transformation from Lette to Lo... and that is proof that my Fam will stand by me through anything Missfit I would like to take a moment to speak out on a few things I have noticed in regard to the way juggalos are viewed by outsiders, especially as gang members: 1. We wear similar clothing and paraphernalia; 2. We have our own "lingo" and terminologies; 3. The music we listen to is filled with expletives and images of violence; and 4. We tend to have been involved in several criminal incidents, including battery, drug possession and theft. If these are the factors upon which people make their decision whether or not to like ICP and juggalos, let me draw the following comparisons: 1. N'Sync, New Kids on the Block, Mickey Mouse and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans should also be considered "gangs" under the definition that juggalos are considered a gang for wearing similar clothing and paraphernalia. I don't see officials harassing these fans for gathering in groups of more than 4 or 5 and wearing similar clothing and paraphernalia. 2. Snoop Dogg, Power Rangers, Lord of the Rings and Mucha Lucha have their own "lingo" and terminologies. Again, I don't see officials and townspeople harassing fans of these things for it. 3. There are some ICP songs that are filled with expletives and images of violence, but there are also songs that are non-expletive and filled with images of friendship and compassion for others. If you look at other artists, such as Metallica, Enrique Iglesias, 98 Degrees and Backstreet Boys some of their songs and videos deal with violence, sexual content and other "adult materials." 4. Not all juggalos are violent drug addicts who tend to steal. On the opposite side of the coin, some of the supporters of Willie Nelson, Britney Spears, Madonna and Frank Sinatra have had their share of violence, drug addiction and theft. My point is, that just because someone dresses a certain way or hangs out with a group of people you can't simply assume he or she is a violent criminal who needs to be locked away. I have been a juggalo for a couple of years now. If you passed me on the street during regular business hours, you probably wouldn't even know I was a juggalo. I would probably be in a dress suit or a pants suit. I work at a nice office as a paralegal and am going to school to be a lawyer. I have never been arrested. I have never had any brush with the law. No one has any way of knowing how another person is without speaking to and hanging out with him or her. I can make assumptions about anyone, but I normally don't. If I meet you, I will certainly have a first impression but I don't assume you are a criminal or a violent person simply because you have an ICP shirt on. On the other hand, I don't assume you're a nice person and trustworthy simply because you're dressed in a three-piece suit with a respectable haircut and are neatly shaved. Get to know a juggalo before you draw a conclusion. That's all I'm asking. You might find out we're the type of people to give you the shirt off our back if you needed it! What Does It Mean To Be A Juggalo? What I think it means to be a juggalo. Being a juggalo means more than juss wearing ICP shirts and buyin the cds. Its stickin up for who you are. i mean check this shit out for an example. if a 2pac fan sees another 2pac fan gettin they ass beat they juss shrug it off and say "glad i ain't that guy" but on the other hand a juggalo sees another juggalo gettin whooped then they jump in there and help out family. if one juggalo gets hurt its effects everyone. but like lets say a 2pac fan dies then you know they don't do shit. but i mean i was new to where i live now, and i was a juggalo when i moved here, i had no friends knew nobody. on that first day of school i had over 20 friends. juss because they liked the same shit. i mean that right there is helping people out. if you don't think it is i don't know what the hell you are thinkin. i mean yeah when i get made fun of i get down. but my juggalo family is there to pick me up. its like a real true ass blood related family. i get MORE love from juggalo family than from my real family. ive never had any more friends than i do now. i love being a juggalo and never do regret it. i think being a juggalo is the best thing in the world. ICP and the WHOLE Psychopathic family has brought me alot of good shit in my life. I have earned so much respect from being a juggalo. I used to be a whimpy little kid that used not to stand up for himself but now that i am a juggalo ICP in there lyrics has taught me how to do it. but there is like 3 stages to a juggalo. stage one is the begining it is when you first become a juggalo. you don't know what the fuck is goin on and this is all new light to you. step two is when you finally realize what the hell you are now and what family is to you. you start collecting cds and merchandise. stage three a TRUE juggalo. you now go to shows and go to instores and everything to do with Psychopathic Records. then you actually know what the hell is goin on and now it is coming through to you for what you are and why you converted to being a juggalo. that is my perspective on being a juggalo. those are my words to new juggalos old juggalos young juggalo every juggalo. Thank you family to take the time to read this. MUCH CLOWN LOVE Juggalo Mike I decided for this Freek-O-Week update to just respond to this. So, I'm just going to use my own space on juggalosauce.com to respond and let out my Carnival Karma. What it means for me to be a juggalos! Ninja oh man. I'll tell ya this has been a whirly, spinny, shiny diamond, tornado of karma for me. I can remember when I first heard of ICP. I heard about them through Crazy's little cousin Chucky. I heard THE RINGMASTER, I think it was Mr. Johnson's Head and Chicken Huntin'. I'm not sure what the hell I was listening to. A few weeks later, I was watching ECW, and I saw Rob Van Dam beat the fuck out of ICP. I thought, wow they wrestle. I loved wrestling so much then, this was before we started our own backyard wrestling. Then this kid, Kemats, who introduced me to the Riddlebox and The Great Mileko. He showed me his website for ICP. I started going through websites and getting info. I heard Milenko and RB for the first time. It was love at first chop! From then on me and Crazy were Juggalos. Kemats had given us a tape of The Great Milenko. I schooled that shit. I bought my first ICP cd, Carnival Christmas. Some bitch had stolen it. I had bought THE RINGMASTER. Some bitch had stolen that too. Finally it all started collecting. Crazy and I had no clue what we were getting into. His little brother Lil' Perv had started to get into it. Then we met the infamous Jim Bal. We had a little posse going. By this time we had backyard wrestling going on. The Grunden brothers had just moved from Youngstown. They were cool. We became homies quick. We all liked wrestling and talking about hoes we'd never get to fuck. They had joined our backyard wrestling fed. We found out that they have heard of Great Milenko. By this time, it was on. We had Girdy (Then known as Nutstain), Dave (DeZ-L), Josh (Lil' Perv or Lil' Juggla), Jim Bal, Chris (Crazy, and Me. It was a beautiful thing. We went crazy with it all. Dressed up as ICP on Halloween. Listened to ICP at school. Downloaded ICP songs at the library computers. We even had a little mini-gathering. Jim Bal had been to the first Gathering. He told it to us like Moses talking about the 10 commandments. Crazy and I had decided to do an ICP concert after we saw Shockumentary. It was cool as hell. But something Awaited. Sorry about that drama in last sentence. We had all these cd's and jammed all the time with our posse. Wrestled with ICP and Twiztid tags on. I was feeling the carnival. I knew something was up. It had gotten me outta my depression. I was always feeling karma. Then after Bizzar/Bizaar and Freekshow came out, we heard of an autograph signing. This was it. The moment to meet the Godfathers of the Dark Carnival. We got there and I found my new love. Juggalos and Juggalettes. I had never met any outside my crew. I found these beautiful lettes. All these down to earth ninjas. They were just like us. ICP and Twiztid came out to the street in the middle of it all and had us sing Happy Birthday to the Rude Boy. We never got in. We got cut off. But, it didn't disappoint me at all. I think The Dave was pissed. But not me. I had met this girl I liked there. I had met so many cool people. We were there all night hanging with juggalos and The Rude Boy and Squeaky. Then ICP and Twiztid came out heading towards there tour buss. We all met them and shit, it was so fucking tight. So that's my answer. Family. That is what being a juggalo means to me. Str9 up family. The Carnival power at it's best. It's about sharing that love with somebody you don't fucking know. To share the power of hearing the unveiling for the first time. The mosh pits, the helping juggalos get picked up off the ground kinda thing. We were all born with something. We all have this knowledge bestowed into us. It reaches us in any form it can. The Dark Carnival has gotten ahold of us all. We know what we are. Every time I go to a concert (Bizzar/Bizaar, Hatchets Rizing, Hallowicked, Mirror Mirror, Green Book, Shangri-la, Wicked Wonka, All the gatherings.) I feel that power that blessing. It's not about the artists. It is but it's not. They brought us some insight that they have had. We all share it. The power is strong within all of us. I thank J and Shaggy for busting their asses over the years, just to reach us. We reach them too. And Juggalos are the chosen ones. "Hold your hatchet high cause were gonna need 'em when there's fire in the sky , Together we will die" The Wraith: Shangri-La. It's all there we have each other. Juggalos have the power. I met my girlfriend Melissa because of it. And I care for her very much. Thanks you PA juggalos for Juggalo Day. Every juggalo I've ever met, they be my homie to the grave. I love all of crazy mutha fackos. I am a Juggalo> http://westernpajuggalos.com/

Who is ICP?

Who is ICP? In the early days, Joe Bruce ("Violent J") and Joey Ustler("Shaggy 2 Dope") grew up in the nicer suburbs of Detroit, but were underprivileged. Bruce's mother was a janitor most of his childhood and went from one broken father to another. Both lived a childhood that is purely unbelievable and better left for those that read their book ("Behind the Paint") The Insane Clown Posse actually started out as these two with another rapper in a group called the Inner City Posse. Back then, they were at least trying to be a real street gang. After years of the hard life that went along with it, Violent J had this brainstorm, which he claims had come to him in a vivid dream explained in his book, of the whole Dark Carnival and the meaning and doing Six separate Jokers Cards. Over the years, they literally worked their asses off. From 1993 to 1997 when they got their second big deal with Hollywood Records, they spent their lives doing shows, hitting up Kinkos, and covering Detroit with flyers. When they were signed with their first label, Jive Records, they were still stuck in the Detroit scene and determined to travel to Dallas, TX, of all places, and pass out samplers for their third Joker's Card album, The RiddleBox and became an underground hit there too. Hollywood Records came along and signed them up. The Great Milenko was produced. The same day of its release, though, it was recalled from store shelves after Southern Baptists had protested against Disney, who happens to own Hollywood Records. Insert big bad news is good news adage, and we have ICP re-signed to a new label, Island Records, who proceed to hook up with everything ICP could ever want to get their message out. After a couple years of big backing from Island, things started to get stale and ICP wanted out by the time their 6th, and final, Joker's Card was released. After initially trying to bide time and wear out their album quota, Island decided to straight not renew their contract. Now, standing alone on their own label, ICP has released its final Jokers Card and living large. And attract over 5,000 fans to yearly four day festivals, make one of the largest margins in music merchandise, own their own label, which now boasts more than 7 different artists/groups, and countless other media bearing their likeness. It's the American dream personified.

The Dark Carnival

The Dark Carnival While its name invokes some disturbing intentions, the truth is the Dark Carnival, described through the 6 Joker Card albums, is a representation of Death. Nothing can really describe what it really is better than these lyrics... "...Now we been told this Carnival shit has touched on many lives People have fuckin sworn to us they too can feel it inside What is it that draws you in? This magic that compels you? We've been waiting six fuckin Joker Cards to finally tell you The messages and hints were there, although, most never picked up on em We snuck em in subliminally with that wicked shit around em We mentioned more and more of this on every Joker's Card The bottom line, always the same, you ain't have to look hard We wickedly kick it, inflict it, you get it, get wit it, and then we don't preach it flat out" "'Cause some ninjas don't wanna get wit 'cha They quick to forget 'cha without the hatchet and gat out So we rose the hatchet, do or die, now Juggalos standing tall After all six have risen, the end of time will consume us all! It ain't got nothin to do wit us! It ain't Psychopat-chic Records! All we're doing is bringing shit out to you; We in this together! Who's behind the Dark Carnival, the Gatherings, and the Hatchet? Who's behind Dark Lotus, the circus, and everybody at it? Who invented Juggalos, and Juggalettes, and fucking Faygo showers? What about that feeling you get when bumpin' our shit? Who's behind the Juggalo Powers?..." "...It ain't about Violent J, or Shaggy, the Butterfly, or 17 When we speak of Shangri-La, what you think we mean?! Truth is, we follow GOD! We've always been behind Him The Carnival is GOD; May all Juggalos find him!" "Thy Unveiling" from The Wraith: Shangri-LA
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