My friend, Adam, whom you have already heard of before in previous bulletins, is already in training, and getting ready to leave for Iraq. He is doing great, but he is talking like him might not come home. Will everyone please pray to give him the strength that he needs not only to come home, but also to stay positive. I was talking to another friend in the military with me, and I asked him, "Do you need to stay positive to come home", he told me that was a big part in coming home is staying positive. If you think you're going to die, it's one step closer to death. You let your guard down. So he is getting a little depressed and now just needs to be in peoples thoughts and prayers.
Also, another friend, Shane, he is leaving for Iraq next month. It's scary once agian, but I'm asking for you all to help pray for him. I feel the more people pray the better off they are.
Thank you everyone for everything you have been doing. I'm not sure if you people even care or not, but this is a big deal, and to me even if only one more person is praying it makes a differance. So, I'm asking you all to pray for the men and women that are going over to Iraq. Even if you don't believe in the war, if you don't know the people, but someday you're going to be sick and you would be wishing someone was praying for you to be okay.
This is what the war is it is a virus. It can't be cured. It's just going to keep living and developing in new ways that can't be taken out. This is what the war is. People need to pray for one another even if you don't believe in God. A lot of soldiers don't believe untill they enlist, we then know that, that's the only person we really have to talk to when we go over to Iraq.
So, please everyone, I'm going to stop preaching and all, but I am asking you to pray for my friends, my "family". who are going over to Iraq, and the reason they are doing this is for YOU!! Not for themselves. They do this for you and all I'm asking is for you to give something back to them for doing this for you and I'm not asking to give up your life, like, they do theirs! All I'm asking is that you pray for the people who are fighting for you. Pray that they will come home one day.
Thank you!!! I love you all!