Today is a good day for a rant. Shall I? Oh yes, I think I shall...
Where to begin? Work. I'm a drone. I work a fast paced and very boring job, that I consider to be just a way-station until something happier comes along. I go to work, wearing my drone uniform. I keep my work station very clean, I do my job with speed and efficiency. I don't stand on the line and gossip, or say much of anything non-work-related. I don't play the flirt game, or politics. I just punch in, work hard, and punch out. Bosses love me, for the most part. Co-workers, not so much. Not all of them, mind you, but the slackers and brown-nosers hate me. I don't kiss ass. I don't work hard to impress anyone, I do it because it makes my day go fast. Kinda selfish of me, really. But I work with some really catty women, with the emotional quotient of 6th graders. Can't I just go into work, without having to pry some bitch's claws from my jugular vein every single day? No, it seems I can't.
Today was one of those days. I did a MUMM a few days back about a woman who was sexually harassing me. She's gone now, won't go into the gore of it, but let's just say the boss man had to release her throat from my hand a few days back for grabbing my tit in the stock room. Word got out, and now there's a handful of them(women) trying to make me go postal. Petty stupid things, like tattling on me for having a coffee in the breakroom (which the boss bought for me, by the way), or wearing shoes that aren't corporate-approved, but due to the recent breaking and healing of my ankle, are doctor approved, and subsequently boss-approved as well. I'm in gradeschool, and for things the bosses are already aware of. You'd think women my age or older wouldn't act so childish, but they sure do. I'm torn between staying there with a chip on my shoulder, or looking for work elsewhere. I feel that if I leave, I let them win, and that doesn't sit well with me at all.
Does anyone else have this sort of trouble at work, or am I the only one? In the grand scheme of my life, if indeed there is one, it doesn't mean squat, small potatoes. But I can't, for the life of me, understand why people get such pleasure out of ruining someone else's day. Is it just some sick twist they get from it? Good Lord.
/rant off...'til the next time...