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Riddle me this. Riddle me that??? i would like to know where you've been. not there to see me through all my sins. not happy with me till the end. and you said that you were my freind. you told me that you would be there. you said that you'd always care. with everything we would share. that you wouldnt go anywhere. you said one day id see, how together we would be. forever happy and free. you got me to belive. why did you go away. never again to play. remember when you would say, you would be with me night and day. now what am i supposed to do. now that i dont have you. i guess that i always new, that one thing would always be true. one day you would have to leave. one day i would have to greive. one day i would have to see. how much you meant to me. and so now that day has come. days like this, there will be more than one. and though theres nothing i can do, this day will always be for me and you. WOULD YOU SAY THIS IS.......... 1. A letter from a boyfreind to his x? 2. A letter from a child to his late pet? 3. A uligy from a wife to her soldier husband M.I.A or P.O.W. 4. Other????????????????????????

done feeling jaded

CANT FIX WHAT AINT BROKE.....JUST IMPROVE! Have you taken the time to show that your love is blind? If so or if not you should still read this rhyme!! If you've gone as far as to forgive each lie...... Made it a point to forget when your other makes you cry...... Put up with the worst and been treated like shit, cause being wrong and found out they refuse to admit..... Gone as far as to take them blame on yourself, and you do it to show that their love is your wealth..... Did you never pass judgement? Did you belive in fate? Did you forget your past, to live in a moment thats great? Did you feel in your heart more than you could ever explain? Did you hide all your troubles so they'd not see of feel your pain? Were you proud at the fact that they always made you smile.... Not the fake ones but the real ones you could see without denial. Were you suprised one day to relize and honestly see..... You put them before you and it made you happy.. Have you ever explained in every way that you could, that you are proud to be by them thru all the bad and the good..... Did you ever surrender every ounce that you are, heart, mind, and soul and no fear of being scared...... Did you open your mind to their oppisite veiws.... Look in their eyes and belive all their words were the truth.... When you held on to them in silence, and alone..... Did you feel that your heart and theirs was your home...... Was it impossible to ever get tired or mad at their flaws..... Did you show more than say your love was theirs at all cost.... Had you honestly missed them when they went away.... Was there only peace in your heart when they were in your day..... Were you sure without doubt that there would be never an end..... They were your lover, your soulmate, your family & best freind..... were you sure that for them you would never give up, no matter how much they pushed, or tested your love........ Did you fight the good fight for your love till the end..... Only to be thrown by yourself all again??????? Well you should feel really good, because you were in love.... you proved to be true, their loss if they gave up! I know it feel like there is a hole left inside. But you need not worry and i will tell you why!!!!! First of all i dont care but im blunt. If your love isnt returned, then their love you shouldnt want. Go onto the next one that catches your eye. Your wasteing your time if you mourne or you cry. You got what it takes to let your love shine, and there are many others out there with you on their mind. It may take a while or even no time at all. But no matter how long you will get your call. Love isnt just a feeling but also a state of mind. And soon you will have your love returned in kind. Love is worth giving so dont ever give up. Those whom only receive greedy Dicks or Sluts. Treat them as they are, which is only your ex. If they gave up your love then give it to whos next. Leave them behind you like a day of bad weather. Trust me when I say you can always do better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dont torture yourself, just keep it in mind, the one that you miss dosnt miss you in kind. Once your left all alone, then alone you are left. You need not seek forgiveness cause the one you love left. For the one who leaves you is the one with something to hide. Their scared that youll see through their secrets and lies. The ones they call freinds claim to rat out their truth, remember if they knew all along then they also lied to you. At some point in time he or she that you belived was the one, has wronged you so bad that they feel they must run. If they provide no answars for the questions youve asked, then the truth that they hide would have had you dump them real fast!! Bask in solitary moments and give yourself peace. They may have said it was all you, but the blame isnt yours in the least. And when your mind calms down enough to comprehend that fact, be sure that youll soon get your life back on track. Let them live out their lies, because though feelings were hurt in the end. Now their promises turned lies show they were never your freind. I know it sounds mean, and my words may be sharp, but im just blunt, and direct when i speak from the heart. So chin up my freind. Smile!!! Its good for your health. Remember that their not hurting you, your just hurting yourself!

give me a sign

If there is a god, then make me belive. Show me once that he cares to hear me. Call it a wish, or call it a prayer. Just hear me this once. Can you so me that favor? All of my life i have tried and ive tried. Many days ive laughed, too many nights ive cryed. Ive faced all my issues, come to terms with my past. But yet left to wonder how long i will last. Freely i've given more and more of myself, only to find its only others i helped. I've done onto others as you asked me to do. When i been slaped on one side, i"ve offered the other too. I have spoken the truth in my mind and my heart. Been missunderstood and unbelived from finish to start. I've gone as far to never make enemys. Even after all the foulest things that have happened to me. I have always lended a hand to help another. Nothing wanted in return, nor ask help from another. I have always payed back more than i been given. Everybody wants more, what world do i live in? Is it to much to ask that or to hope to receive, is a person who will trust and belive in me? Is it too much to dream that maby one day, some one will appriciate all that i gave? That onece in my life i will be understood, and be trusted that all i do is for a grater good? Am i wrong to belive that there is anotherout there too, who can love, care, and show it as much as i do? All i am asking is that there is more than just thought. If there is such a person, or if there is not. So tell me o'lord, provided your there. And for once in my life answer my prayer..........


Take a close look around instead of stareing toward the ground. You'll be amazed at the things that are found, even if for long they havent been around. Remember all the things that made you happy way back when. They could be the same ons to bring you happiness again. Take it into account that things always do change. For better or worse, but the dont stay the same. No matter how you look or where you are going, aspects in life change, your mind's always growing. So pick your head up and take a hard look again. You may feel much better to find an old freind!!!

true dat!

No one know me like i do. Dont tell me about me, i'll tell you! I can't explain more than i've been thru, so listen when i say my words are true. I don't live my life for myself, I put myself in my own hell. When your not happy, im not well. When there is no one left to hold, its me who fell. I can admit, i know no other way. I'll do for you before me each day. Go to war for you, or stay home to play. You hear me but dont belive what i say. Im the nice guy that finishes last. And knowing so i feel like crap. No faith in others to hold me back. For i end up stuck in my own traps. Growing up as me was tough. Abuse and hurt are hard enough. Pulling thru aint easy stuff. Being alone is what really sucks. A life alone is only hell. A place i belive i know too well. With someone near i can excell. With no one there my home's a cell. Love's my excape, dont care if i sound sappy. To share my life's what makes me happy. To show my love without restraint. To not be judged, tho im no saint. Just let me be my all for you. Dont knock or question what i do. I could be your dream come true. You should take that chance, if you only knew.


Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate http://images.blogthings.com/whatsyourbloggingpersonalityquiz/thoughtful.jpg" height="100" width="100"> You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger. You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause. You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you! A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others. What's">http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourbloggingpersonalityquiz/">What's Your Blogging Personality?

Creative my ass!!!

CANT FIX WHAT AINT BROKE.....JUST IMPROVE! Have you taken the time to show that your love is blind? If so or if not you should still read this rhyme!! If you've gone as far as to forgive each lie...... Made it a point to forget when your other makes you cry...... Put up with the worst and been treated like shit, cause being wrong and found out they refuse to admit..... Gone as far as to take them blame on yourself, and you do it to show that their love is your wealth..... Did you never pass judgement? Did you belive in fate? Did you forget your past, to live in a moment thats great? Did you feel in your heart more than you could ever explain? Did you hide all your troubles so they'd not see of feel your pain? Were you proud at the fact that they always made you smile.... Not the fake ones but the real ones you could see without denial. Were you suprised one day to relize and honestly see..... You put them before you and it made you happy.. Have you ever explained in every way that you could, that you are proud to be by them thru all the bad and the good..... Did you ever surrender every ounce that you are, heart, mind, and soul and no fear of being scared...... Did you open your mind to their oppisite veiws.... Look in their eyes and belive all their words were the truth.... When you held on to them in silence, and alone..... Did you feel that your heart and theirs was your home...... Was it impossible to ever get tired or mad at their flaws..... Did you show more than say your love was theirs at all cost.... Had you honestly missed them when they went away.... Was there only peace in your heart when they were in your day..... Were you sure without doubt that there would be never an end..... They were your lover, your soulmate, your family & best freind..... were you sure that for them you would never give up, no matter how much they pushed, or tested your love........ Did you fight the good fight for your love till the end..... Only to be thrown by yourself all again??????? Well you should feel really good, because you were in love.... you proved to be true, their loss if they gave up! I know it feel like there is a hole left inside. But you need not worry and i will tell you why!!!!! First of all i dont care but im blunt. If your love isnt returned, then their love you shouldnt want. Go onto the next one that catches your eye. Your wasteing your time if you mourne or you cry. You got what it takes to let your love shine, and there are many others out there with you on their mind. It may take a while or even no time at all. But no matter how long you will get your call. Love isnt just a feeling but also a state of mind. And soon you will have your love returned in kind. Love is worth giving so dont ever give up. Those whom only receive greedy Dicks or Sluts. Treat them as they are, which is only your ex. If they gave up your love then give it to whos next. Leave them behind you like a day of bad weather. Trust me when I say you can always do better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mizz. Right?!?

Are you the one??? Current mood: exhausted Category: Romance and Relationships are you the one i been looking for the one i will always adore the one my souls been screaming for to be with me forever more are you the one that will be there to share my life without a care to share your warmth when i feel bare would that be you, would you dare are you the one that i can trust to know that i want love, not lust to understand there is a must to trust in me and belive in us are you the one that i can start to trust you with all of my heart will you be my loving spark my guiding light through all thats dark will you be there at any cost to call my name when i am lost can you be my loving boss can i be sure i wont be tossed could it be you by any means be the one that haunts my dreams somewhere there behind the scenes who always keeps me safe it seems whenever you feel the need to frown will you choose me to be around to pick you up when you are down to be your smile bringing clown are you the one that i will prey and thank the heavens every day for loving me in every way and holding you each night we lay tell me cause i need to know should i stay or should i go tell me if its safe to show you every day my love still grows tell me that its not to fast that our love will always last we can leave our bad times in the past and forever stares of love we will cast tell me that it is all true that everything that there is to do youll do for me and i for you that we are crazy for eachother too tell me that i need not fear the words you wispered in my ear explain to me, just make it clear that what you said was all sincere are you the one i been looking for or romances revolving door was there love or was it doubt love me, taste me, spit me out?

could you imagine??

Who would have thought? Current mood: cold Category: Writing and Poetry While driving down the highway today, I saw a boy alone. I pulled over to ask him if he needed a ride home. He only looked nine or ten, as he stood there in a trance. And when I asked him if he nedded help, he never changed his stance. As i approached he stayed quite still, as if i wasnt there. I waved my hand in fron of him, and still he only stared. I wondered what was on his mind. What made him stand so still. I could ask him what he is thinking of but i do not think he will. I slowly moved around him to see if something had him scared. And when i reached the other side i still saw nothing there. Nothing but the tire that he had been looking at. And when i moved toward him again, right on the ground he sat. This puzzled me cause then at this point i had not had a clue. Sould i call someone or leave him here? I knew not what to do. I could not just leave him here so many miles from town. It made no sence that he was here with no one else around. Then all the sudden i saw the tears rolling from his eyes. So then i figured that leaving him might not be to wise. Yet with no response and no idea what had made him sad. Did he walk , where is he from? Where is his mom and dad? Just as i decided that i would just sit and wait. Much to my suprise i heard the slamming of a gate. I turned around as i could tell it came from across the street. And just as quick as i turned round the boy was on his feet. His face had changed now quite a bit, as if ready to fight. The woman who came through that gate said "look out or he will bite!" No sooner had she said those words the boy just ran away. The woman said to let him be, and that was all she'd say. So confused i was by now that i just had to leave it be. And then the reason for this day i read later that week. "look at this one, what a shame" exclaimed my brother Roy The front page of the paper had the story of this boy. As i started reading i could not belive my eyes. The first thing that i had read was that the little boy had died. Not only was his death quite to my dismay. It shocked me more to find that he had died that very day. The little boy was hit by a truck goin down that street. And in the picture shown the trucks back tire upon the dead boys feet. That dat that i had put aside for not knowing what to do. I wondered if my lack of action meant that it was my fault too. And also in that picture was the woman by the gate. She told the story of this boy and his twisted fate. "It started with his parents," were her first words out the door. They died along that very highway where he stood before. "It was a Thursday I do recall. Rifgt after it had rained. The car had spun out of controll after it had hydroplained. At first it spun then flipped and rolled, and yet it did not stop. And next the car had caught on fire while spinning like a top. When the car stopped moving there was a space where the boy could get through. But as for that poor boys parents, there was nothing they could do. The little boy heard their dieing screams before anyone reached the scene. They thought the boy had died as well, he left before he coulda been seen. He had returned one week later to sit there in dispair. To sit alone and look at the tire that had been left there. He would come back there every Thursday every single week. And he would gaze in memory, and he would never speak. As for those who got to close only meaning to do some good. He would just turn and bite everyone he could......." (I should have grabed him or not stopped at all) Is what i tell myself each day. Either would have made this story go a diffrent way. I am sorry this story goes no further, cause in my mind i see, that little boy might still be living if not had been for me.
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