I don't even know how to begin this. Latley, I've been feeling really down thinking about my life and how it has little or no positive direction. Yes, I can admit I've been feeling depressed thinking about my life and what my future may hold if any.
Well, that's beside the point. Today at work, one of the Special Ed kids started yelling, cussing, and kicking a dog next door which has neen labeled as "the Haunted House" ever since I was a student there. Well, one of the Pit-Bulls next door didn't take too kindly to this kid. I'll call him "Marty". The Dog bit Marty's foot and yanked his leg through the bottom of the fence. As he dog was Gnawing on his foot and pulling him in, the bottom of the chain linked fence was cutting into "Marty's leg. Soon after, there was a "call 911" over the radio. My job, as the school's campus aide required me me investigate what was going on, since everything that was called over the radio was not clear due to the yelling, screaming, crying and any other type of panic.
As I got to the playground, and noticed the fence dividing the school to the
"Haunted Hose", I noticed the Vice Principal holding on to Marty, one of the aides trying to distract the dog with a Hula Hoop, and some of the staff trying to control the mob of children trying to rushin an see what's going on. During all the commotion, some one called in for a stick or piece of iron pipe (courtesy of the construction going on campus). An aide hand me a wooden stake considering I was the only Male there at the moment and their intuition was that I was the best candidate for the job. I quickly started to jab and poke the dog so he would let go of Marty. Someone also called for a bucket of water (considering the fact that Canines dislike water to be thrown at them).
I noticed Marty's shoe lace was a bit untied (or so I thought), and this point the dog's owner had come out of his house to move the dogs and get the one that had Marty with locked with the ravageing bite. I could clearly see the look on the dogs eyes, and could tell that the dog had Murder written all over his eyes. I don't know what came over me, but I saw an opening in timing, stuck my hand under that fence and removed Matry's shoe knowing that at any momement that Pitt would let go of his foot and choose my hand as its next taget, and potential meal. As I pulled off his shoe, the dog's owner tackled his pet, and took him away.
Part of the problem was over here, but the fence had now closed in on his leg, and was very lacerated from the chain link. I realized the Assistant Principal was gone since she had gone to verify the 911 call. So from the time that the dog was pulled off and when the Paramedics arrived (which I'm guessing was about Six to Seven Minutes) I had to pull the bottom of the fence so his leg could have some slack and not cut in deeper, and then talk to him so he wouldn't go into shock, and pass out . I was in an uncomfortable position holding pulling the fence as to not hurt Marty's leg any more untill the Paramedics arrived to take over causing much discomfort on my back and ankle (the broken one).
Well, the point is after the incident everyone was calling me Hero for my actions of going "above and Beyond" by removing his shoe in an attempt for the dog to let go risking my own and hand, and then not leaving his side until medical attention arrived. As much as I dislike being the center of attention, deep down I felt good about myself for helping others, which is something I have not felt since my Jarhead days almost 2 years ago. I forgot how satisfying it feels to do a good deed.
Here is a picture of the Fenced area where the incident happened.