I hate the fucken hoildays. WISH THEY NEVER CAME AROUND AT ALL, of my father was still here. I'm sick of life these days or shall I say since my fathers been gone. I hate it all. I told my Grandma maybe I should drink my life away. There has been rumors going around saying that I'm an alcholic or pregnant. I dont drink usally an HELL NO I aint Pg. I will when I find the right guy that actually wants me for who I am an dont want me for sex. Why do we even have a life if we dont have the people who we loved our whole lives! My fucken crack of a mother ya I called her to see if she can run me to the store cause I dont have a car right now. Yes a deer hit my driver side an totaled it almost 2 months ago, and she said no I dont have time for u kids. Isnt that an fucken nice mother! I DONT THINK SO. My godparents are very awsome I look at them as my parents but hate to bother them all the time for things cause they have a life to. I wish I wasnt single anymore 2 in a half years being single is too damn long. Well thats my feelings for the last week now an going to be til this FUCKED UP YEAR is done!