Kamelot - The Haunting
Omgawd! A Fucking Awesome, Song and band.
Merely the sound of your voice
Made me believe that you were her
Just like the river disturbs
...my inner peace
Once I believed I could find
Just a trace of her beloved soul
Once I believed she was all
Then she smothered my beliefs
One cold winter's night
I may follow her voice to the river
Leave me for now and forever
Leave while you can
Somewhere in time
I will find you and haunt you again
Like the WIND sweeps the earth
Somewhere in time
When no virtues are left to defend
You fall in deep
I was a liar in every debate
I rule the forces that fuelled your hate
When the cold in my heart leaves
It comes to an end
And quietly I'll go to sleep
How could that first time recur
When memories linger on and on
What made me think you were her
Helena is dead to all
Nothing can bring her to life
Don't pretend that I'll be loving you
Once I believed she was gone
But I'm corrupted from within
Follow me into the light
Leave me tonight
I've gone too far to begin all anew
With someone like you
Like ice on a lake of tears
I'll take you through
Life fades in anew
With someone like you | |
Outworld - War Cry
Omg! That Scream Makes me Want to Cream my Panties! Lmao.
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Job For A Cowboy - Embedded
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At some point a person brake's,
Sometimes the world gets to hard to Take.
Holding there feelings and fears deep inside,
With a wall so high it can touch the sky.
Tears so clear it's hard to hide your fears.
With legs so strong you run away from it all.
Am i so worthless that I can't look you in the
eyes and tell you what i am feeling in side?
I am scared to death I feel like a mouse,
in a trap with no way out.
I wanna Love you but I wanna hate you,
you was the 1st person for so long to
see me for what i really am inside.
So why do hide so much? is it because i am still
hurt from the last time?
I felt abandoned by you but, i still stuck
by your side.
Loving you blind, helping you throw your tough
times. Even after she broke your heart,
I still did everything to keep you from
falling apart. Even with my broken heart,
All I wanted was for you to be okay and,
never feel the way you made me feel....
Yes its a poem but i think it really sucks....

it's talking about how a boy and a girl were in love
and they were like, always in this
beautiful garden, then something happened to the girl, or else she just left. whatever,
but like, years later, he's trying to keep this once thriving and beautiful garden from
turning into something grotesquend over grown. and he does it 'cuz he
remembers all of the lovely things that had happened there. I absolutely love it.
only song i'v heard by them so far
Well, I'll Put it this way. I Have Been Hurt so Bad in the Past.
Then Here Lately I Stared to care about a guy.
As Scared as I Was I Still Cared.
But it Turns Out he Did not feel the same.
Even If he Acted Like it. Now Once again. I Am
So Scared, and I Am Such a Softy to him.
I Could not even be mean to him, despite the
fact that he hurt me so bad. =[
Because I Don't want him to feel bad for hurting me.
Even my Dog can tell that I Am Hurt.
Every time I Talk to him it hurts, but I Don't
Let it Show. It Feels Like a 100's of Cuts all
over my Body, and then a stabbing pain in my heart.
I Wonder What turned him away, If it was my Secret
Or my Looks, was I to Sweet or did i not show
my Sweet side As Often as I Should had.
I Guess its Like this Song.
"I Guess In the end I Had to fall I Always Fine my
Place among the Ashes"
You are the poison that runs throw my vines
Strait to the heart you go, Poison my soul with
thoughts that i am not going to make it.
I always say i'll be okay i'll live.
Sometimes I am not so sure myself.
Why did i have to be one of the survivors?
Now you tell me that its back, how am I to deal
with that? I Cry to myself never letting people
see i am weak,
I am in so much pain but it wont
just let me go.
It's holding on till my last breath.
My Every Breath is Weaker then The Last.
Sometimes I Wish the World Knew the past has come back.
I Am Scared and I Feel So alone.
I Brake Down and Cry But Shhh No one Must Know.
They will Only Know when it is far to late.
To say or do anything.
Eather way No one can Save me
Lets hope my body is Up for the fight.
It's a Fight that will Last Way Longer then Tonight.
By Me

I Am Not Always Strong. Sometimes, I Feel Like
Giving Up. But I Keep Pushing On. I Put On a Smile
And Act Like Everything Is Okay, But its Not So I
Put Up my Broken Smile and Put On a Show. Well
Sometimes I Get Scared To, But Hush Hush Little
Broken Smile. It Will Never Tell. The Secrets It
Holds In Deep Down In Side. A Life is Only as
Hollow as Its Deft, Tell Me How Deep is this Little
Broken Smile. If you Knew Would you Weep or Would
you Rejoys and Pray to your God that My Hell Will
Never Happen to you. Could you Look In to My Blacker
then Pich Eyes and Say It Will be Okay, When you
Know Nothing. So take your Pitty and Fears and Leave
me and My Broken Smile to Put on Our Show. Act Like
Everything Is Fine, And Just Let Us Lie....
By Me...

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