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51 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 18, 2007 · Born on September 13th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!


My How Times have changed... Been on Fubar since it was Cherry Tap... Good Times... I am just a liad back kinda guy, love to laugh and make others laugh... Love meeting people and experiencing new things... can be extremely spontaneous at times.. Let's have a conversation, a meeting of the minds... Holla at me...

One Luv


All I want is to be with you,
To hold you ,
To touch you ,
To feel you ,
To caress you ,
To melt into you, that would be so nice.

But how can this ever be ,
Because there are so many obstacles ,
That are currently in our way .
Distance ,
Our own fears of what may happen ,
That may hinder us .
So what should we do ?
Do we hold back our feelings ?
Do we fight against what may happen ?
Once we connect , do we live in denial ?
And never experience what could have happened ?

NO , is my answer, I won't live my life ,
In the negativity,
And self doubt .
But today , I will experience everything love has to offer !!!

But my question for you is ,


"If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more."
-- Harriet Tubman

"Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog."
-- Unknown

"Peace is costly, but worth the price."
--Old African Proverb

"We are people, we like the birds and bees. But we rather die on our feet, than keep living on our knees."
-- James Brown "Say It Loud"

51 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 18, 2007 · Born on September 13th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
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Sexy Pics, Icons, Smilies and Wallpapers for CherryTap
Hosted by UltimateCherryTAP.com


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I have a special love for animals... Tigers In Particular... Who Knows... Maybe It's The Beast In Me.. RAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR

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  • Love Sponge I hope Everyone Had a wonderful Christmas and I wish for you Nothing but Love and success in the coming year
    8 years ago · Comment

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