From Indianapolis, IN·
Joined on July 9, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 4th
I have a crush on someone!
To live life is to enjoy life, never regret, and always love what you do and who you are with. Someone once special in my life once told me to never regret, to always go on and bring the happy moments from that time you want to regret. Things in life happen for a reason and that time may be a time when god gave you a challenge. Regrets are things that people do to often. I do not regret letting go of someone I loved so deeply. I look at it as though my heart let go to make life a little easier for both. I couldn't have what I wanted, and he didn't want, what I needed. Everyone makes mistakes in their life. No one is perfect. If there was total perfectionism in this world, we wouldn't have the problems we have now. For some, those mistakes can never be forgiven by someone who loves them or you think loves them. Yet, when they make a mistake, no.... they didnt do wrong. No admiting to a mistake. It's ok, because that is how some people work. Regreting a personal choice, such as being in love with someone, is your choice. For me, regretting something that amazing and binding, is childish. You can't erase the past, for the past makes the present, which makes the future life you live in. For some, they can't see the loss of what happened or what took place during that seperation in life from the one they loved. For others, they took what happened and worked with it, everyday and tried to make sense of what happened and how it can be used and applied toward forward problems. Some say this is how you officially seperate yourself from the negative. This is what I did. At least now I know that whenever I may see my ex, it wont be with anger or hatred, because deep down inside, I still gen. care for him and hope he is ok. I have a heart, and its a big heart. Once you are in their, I want to protect and cherish what I gained. I still worry, I still get scared, I still cry once in a while, but it's ok.... because he meant that much at one time to me. So today, I sit here, and I type. I type a personal view on a subject that is highly debated. I don't care what others think. This is my view and my view only. Shaners ________________________________________________________________________ first and foremost, I am not here looking for sex. Im not here for having meaningless one night stands or just hook ups for sex and so on. Im not really into this site, but I am here against everything I stand for. I am looking for friends. If you have other thoughts and ideas about things we can do, then move on. Sex isn't important anymore. Friendship is really important right now. If you want.. hit me up and we can chat. __________________________________________________________ To my we could have seen the world... but it was your choice. Through everything you have put me through... I still have a heart and it cares for you. I don't hate you. I find it better for me to talk about him than to hide his total existence and erase him out of my life like he did. Erasing and hiding someone who you once loved is not mentally or emotionally justice for one to do. In the long run, they tend to break down more and have moments of uncertainity as well as future relationship troubles with hiding and erasing things they chose out of the picture. To be blunt...its just not healthy. Im glad I spent time to talk and try to grasp the whole situation by the belt. It has helped me understand why, where I am heading, and who I want in life. Im still working, still hanging with friends, and still spending my life how it should be, without someone trying to control or tell me Im not doing something right and need to change. Thank you. I do mean that because it has woke me up and showed me I am no longer a puppet for the puppetteer.
From Indianapolis, IN·
Joined on July 9, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 4th
I have a crush on someone!
Welcome 2 Fubar I Rated ya a 10!! Being New around here its hard 2 adjust but..... IF you want a New Friend plz feel free to add me I make a pretty good FriendIF ya like cool people 2 chill with and all kinds of music you GOT to check out CK2 We'd Love for ya to JOIN US!!!!!...JUST CLICK THE PIC AND YOUR THERE ! :)Tell them Sweets Sent ya and Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE IF WE'RE NOT THERE COME BACK !!!
Hope your OK, I'm praying for you Shane. Hard and Full of Passion - YouTube Video - Hope you enjoy: