If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run...for if you follow I shall crumble to the ground like dust and my soul will wither and blow away in the storm of time.
If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run... for if you come towards me I will weep tears of oceans and flood the lost souls of all time.
If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run...for if you catch me I will have to face you and come undone and the seams that hold me together will be tattered pieces of my heart.
If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow,please let me run...for if you touch me I will remember all the pain and make me realize that I have not forgiven you at all....
So please just let me runaway....
*Perhaps the pain of the past can hurt you in the sands of tomorrow...and can make a clear day pass with storms of the soul*
((And not a day goes by that I dont think of you.......damn you))