41 Year Old
Seattle, WA
Joined on April 19, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on April 11th
Meh: My name is chris, and I'm a low key down to earth guy that has a thing for adrenaline. I love to learn and try new things.
. I enjoy college, and streetbikes. I guess that's all i can say about myself, but others describe me as a wild hyperactive comical dork LOL!
41 Year Old
Seattle, WA
Joined on April 19, 2009
Relationship status: Single
Born on April 11th
paintball, Sportbikes, 420, College, Politics, Alcohol, Sports, Poetry, History, eXtreme Sports, Skydiving ,Monkey's, Concerts, Industrial, The Opera, WoW, Nature,Computers Southpark, TEAM AMERICA(joke) DIRKADIRKASTAN!!! Guns, weapons of all kinds, Cars, Skateboarding, Philosophy, Psychology, Astrology, The Bear Necessities, KinkY THINGS! Your Mom! AnarCHy
pysclon nine, Combichrist, Celldweller, Atreyu, Lamb of God, KoRn, Margin of 3rror, Five Finger Death Punch, Spineshank, Nonpoint, Sublime, Pepper, damn the list goes on...................
The list is too long, so I'll list my favorite genres: Action/Adventure, Horror, Foreign, Drama, Cult Classics. Oh but i will mention my all time favorite, which is The Boondock Saints.
I idolize no one. I'm just me...
Video Games
I'm a PC guy

. CONSOLES ARE LAME!!! But the main games that I play are Rainbowsix Las Vegas 2, F.E.A.R 2, WoW, GRAW2, Half Life 2, Crysis, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, and I play alot more, but those are the main ones

Ya I know kinda nerdy but geez oh well HA