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What are you waiting for?

If you haven't worked on the back end of a website, you should just take a peek at what makes one work sme day. I am no pro but being a webmaster is my second fulltime job. I got a great deal a few years back. I somehow hooked up with an affiliate site that gave me my own web site, this was a good one to because it allowed me to edit it. I thought , WOW! I can change what everybody sees on my website! You know what? I never did learn how I could change that page, and that affiliate is long gone........ Well I build .html pages, work in cPanel, FTP, PHP, Java and pearl. I have to say the scripts still are a challenge, but I have got to figure out haw they work..... and do. If you would have told me I would be able to do this back when I saw that first page of .html, I would have said "never!". Its a lot easier today to build a web page with the web site builders, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors, and even the content management script, but even these can mess up the code on the back side of the page and cause problems. Unless you want to throw away the page and start over itis good to know at least a little about what goes on behind the page. If you don't want to lear or don't have time ...... be prepaired to pay someone for site maintainance if you plan to keep a web site up and running. There are many facitets to building a well ranked web page. You have to rank well in the search engines on keywords that lead people to your website for exactly what you are offering. The ways you do this is changing almost daily and an average person running a site themselves will work hard to keep up. So you need to pay someone for SEO (search engine optemization) to. You need lots of good copy........hire a copywriter, nice graphics....... yup hire a gaphics artist.......learning the programs alone will kill yuou here! So........... Do you think you are ready to go out on your own and put up your own website and get rich running your own online business? Ok. Maybe not today, eh? I know, They say you just find your "niche" and jump right in. Its not quite that simple....... BUT! Some friends and I are building a place where you can learn what you need and find every shortcut that actualy works to build your online business. We even set up your own domain, hosting and set up your blog so its ready for you to post in it! Then when you are making money online you can hire the sitebuilder, programmer, SEO, graphics and copy people. The first step is starting the learning process and I suggest you start with Success Patrol http://successpatrol.com

Success Patrol

Want to see where i have been the last couple of months? Building a web site to help all online entrepreneurs make money! Yup I am making money and want to help my friends. A few of us got together and are putting a collection of products and training together on a membership that will help any marketer succeed. From newbies to those of you who have been struggling for a while. http://successpatrol.com

I need help

I need help! I don't have time for my friends anymore! Am I a workacholic??? or just trying to make ends meet??? Shit..... I have worked at the same job for 23 years ......ya I am damn good at it and I like what I do but..... its a J.O.B.! Just getting by! Think about it! working for someone else is always going to be a j.o.b.! Now I am building an online business in my spare time (like I have a lot of it). Have any of you tried that???? Theres shit everywhere telling you how easy it is to make money online...... Guess what......It doesn't work that way! Any way..I've been farting around.... hopping from one program or product to another for a few years, thinking I was going to start hauling in the cash with my work from home...online business..... Ha! The moral of this story is..... all of these great programs and products are leaving me in the same place!......YUP! a J.O.B. working for someone else!!!! The only advantage is.... if you are good at it you may be able to just get by working from home! OK, now back to the I need help part.....I now have my own company, M&S Marketing. I own 2 domains and am working on a membership program of my own.....Creating a marketing mentoring group, and web traffic empire, with some of my colleages from other programs. Now mind you I am still working 50 hours a week at my faithfull old J.O.B. to pay the bills untill all of plans come together...... I like to cook, so I make most of the meals for my wife and I, help with the house work, and of course do the manly yard work. Don't forget taking care of our two dogs!! Now of course making new friends is a vital part of what I do online so I love communities like CT! If you can find the time I need to hang out and make new friends...please point it out!!! LOL All I need from you is to, rate me! Fan me! Ask me to be friends!Then send all of your friends! I'll return the favor! Being a friend of mine can be a good thing!! I find all the good stuff to use in my marketing!! Well... Back to work! Thanks for your help! Scott (burrdnut) Reynolds

another new developement

Man! How do I end up with so much work! Must be a gene thing ...lol Now.... somehow I have positioned myself to be one of the leaders of a new internet marketing team. I guess I knew this was happening.. It was one of my goals. I just hope it won't take any more time away from my friends.... seems like theres not enough time now. Any one struggling in Marketing or building a home business, let me know, we will be able to help you. I have started a web site to help, its still in progress, but you can jion now and you will get more personal guidance while the membership is small and the site is growing. Come join me! http://www.hereisyours.com/homebiz/index .php Be back soon......Scott

This is easy and fun!

Having fun building my pages with SW SEO! This is a kool program! They realy make it easy to build a website. And it will be SEO when I'm done! The top brass of SW SEO is saying some of the members already have sights in the top of Goole and Yahoo........WOW.... ... can't wait to get one of my sites there! The biggest problem I have is getting the content right.........damn.. ......I keep changing my mind... lol But the builder, training and training vidios are easy to follow, and if you have a question or problem, we are even getting help from the CEO of SW SEO! I'm sure this won't last long as the company grows....... but thats what we are gitting right now! Everyone that wants to get their message seen on the web can use this. Then there is Carl and the GMST, newly named Home Based Times team. In my 5 6 years online marketing, I have never seen a team work together so well and grow so fast! My downline and commissions are growing every day and there is always someone in the team that can help with any problem I can run into. Sorry to all my "peeps". Doing this to hopefully have more time for all the loved ones. Doesn't meen I have or ever will forget any of you. ( I may backslide a little from time to time) LOL


Hi This is a personal invitation to become part of one of the largest Power Groups on the internet. JOIN FREE - Take a look...I know you'll be excited! Don't pay a thing yet! Go To http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?52461 and click the link to take a Free Tour! Check Out This VIDEO! http://tinyurl.com/yut7nq You get paid even if you don't upgrade! Get paid on 3 levels in FREE Mode! Imagine Joining a Business for FREE And GETTING PAID TOO! We are building this 2X9 Matrix first in Free Mode We will then all upgrade together level by level and create an incredible residual income! Create Your OWN Search Engine Optimized Site and market all your opportunities from 1 site. Get Paid from the Search Engines! DON"T DELAY, JOIN FREE NOW! http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?52461 Thanks Scott The Global Miracle Success Team - Making Miracles Happen!

Making it easy

Here is one of my new "work on the Internet" programs! This one is realy taking off though! I can't believe it! If you are a marketer, you want to have your site on top of the search engines. Site Wizard SEO will do just that! For as many sites as you want! Completely web based software and training to put you on top in the search engines! " Site Wizard SEO finds the niches within the keywords we provide you and sets up your menu structure within the system for you. Its the deal of the century for such a low cost. We then help train you to add content. Its that easy. To get on the search engine any other way with this much would run you into the 1000`s of dollars." "You Can make from $20.00 dollars a day, to earning $100`s PER DAY by Marketing Your Search Engine Pages Thru Site Wizard SEO Advanced Tools and Get Ranked Quickly. Our Advanced Payplan has Infinite Payout Opportunity That Pays Very High Commissions and Bonuses. Its In everyones Interest To Help To Make Sure Everyone has a downline of Paid Members So They will maximize their own pay. This Works Very Well and with having a Great Product, his Makes it an easy Sell. It took 7 Years to Perfect This system. This Should Cost $800.00 Easily, You Get it it For Pennies and Make High Commissions On The Very Best Product The Internet Has To Offer." Now thats not all! I am working on tools to help my team with my upline. We gaurantee spillover! And are working on Extra traffic and great deals on leads for everyone in our team. We are all members of The Global Miracle Success Team, founded by Carl Haavaldsen. Which costs nothing and you can partake in his training as you wish, no cost, you don't even have to join any of the programs we are promoting! I would recomend you do join at least one of our carefully picked, profitable programs.......but its up to you! PM me here and I will hook you up with Carl and the GMST. Take a look at Site wizard SEO and let me know what you like about it! ( http://www.sitewizardseo.com/1166 ) Oh! Hury up! Site Wizard SEO Launches Soon!
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