If you haven't worked on the back end of a website, you should just take a peek at what makes one work sme day. I am no pro but being a webmaster is my second fulltime job.
I got a great deal a few years back. I somehow hooked up with an affiliate site that gave me my own web site, this was a good one to because it allowed me to edit it. I thought , WOW! I can change what everybody sees on my website!
You know what? I never did learn how I could change that page, and that affiliate is long gone........
Well I build .html pages, work in cPanel, FTP, PHP, Java and pearl. I have to say the scripts still are a challenge, but I have got to figure out haw they work..... and do. If you would have told me I would be able to do this back when I saw that first page of .html, I would have said "never!".
Its a lot easier today to build a web page with the web site builders, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors, and even the content management script, but even these can mess up the code on the back side of the page and cause problems. Unless you want to throw away the page and start over itis good to know at least a little about what goes on behind the page. If you don't want to lear or don't have time ...... be prepaired to pay someone for site maintainance if you plan to keep a web site up and running.
There are many facitets to building a well ranked web page. You have to rank well in the search engines on keywords that lead people to your website for exactly what you are offering. The ways you do this is changing almost daily and an average person running a site themselves will work hard to keep up. So you need to pay someone for SEO (search engine optemization) to. You need lots of good copy........hire a copywriter, nice graphics....... yup hire a gaphics artist.......learning the programs alone will kill yuou here!
So........... Do you think you are ready to go out on your own and put up your own website and get rich running your own online business?
Ok. Maybe not today, eh? I know, They say you just find your "niche" and jump right in. Its not quite that simple....... BUT! Some friends and I are building a place where you can learn what you need and find every shortcut that actualy works to build your online business. We even set up your own domain, hosting and set up your blog so its ready for you to post in it!
Then when you are making money online you can hire the sitebuilder, programmer, SEO, graphics and copy people.
The first step is starting the learning process and I suggest you start with Success Patrol http://successpatrol.com