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My hubby is part of a message group and this is one of the messages that was sent...SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ABOUT THIS!!!! ITS WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! My name is Rhonda Gruber AKA Wicked Lil Witch and I am a Proud Witch. I am currently being persecuted as a Witch by a Lt. Kevin Duke of the Horry County Police Dept. My life and the lives of my family and friends are being threatened and destroyed by this man with the backing of countless other officials. I was arrested Monday Sept 10th '07 by Lt Duke for Breach of Peace, Child Endangerment/ Neglect and 1st degree Harrassement. This all began around the end of May '07 from many false police reports from a neighboring family, The Luisettis, who also seemed to think I deserved to be arrested for my religious beliefs. They stated such in their police reports. When this began to become a pattern of filing false reports, we began seeking Police protection FROM them. We were told numerous times that we had no reason to receive their protection, just to ignore them. Yet they continued to file their reports on us. We were told the only we could do is file a Civil Suit. This wouldn't fix the problem for quite awhile if ever.The Police Dept on numerous occasions, even refused to file any reports for us. We had at one point searched out help from Magistrates in the area. One told us that filing these reports was most definitely something the Police could do something about and that they should but he was fairly certain that they wouldn't. He went on a 10 min rant about it to us. He even took the time to gives us copies of the laws on filing false reports, which we took to this Lt Duke, who after realizing we weren't going to leave his office too easily, Then wrote us report stating that the report from the Luisettis was investigated and the allegations were unfounded and seemed to be stemming from harrassement from the neighbors. Now Monday, my 16 yr old son was targeted for their harrassment . In the morning the Luisetti's daughter had a young man assualt him at the bus stop. We filed a report that morning. That afternoon another allegation from their daughter that he beat her up Friday on school property which led to his suspension since the school wouldn't investigate it other than her statement and her 2 friend's statements. She would have been getting on the bus at the time while he was on the other side of the building getting a ride from one of his friends. Then as we were sitting in my garage workshop working on getting the suspension investigated by the school board, waiting to see if the death threat my son received was going to take place. The threat came from the Luisetti's daughter getting a young man to "kill" my son due to the beating she received from him. He was supposed to be coming to our house after school. We were then visited by an irrational Lt. Duke as he whipped into our driveway screaming that Spencer was reported to be brandishing and pointing an assault rifle at the Luisettis. Which isn't even close to what he was doing. Duke then stated that is is tired of all this and someone is going to jail. He didn't care to hear anything we had to to say about our side. Anytime I was trying to say something I was told to shut up or be arrested. He was VERY aggressive and yelling. He seemed to trying to provoke an altercation. I freely admit I was upset and a little loud but I was trying to defend my son. I was never violent or out of control. I was just pissed and trying to make some sense out of the situation. When I was told to shut up I did which seemed to further anger Duke. I was only arrested after they put the cuffs on my son. I then told my Husband to find a f...ing attorney and quick. This was when they arrested me. I was never read my Miranda Rights to this day but the questions they asked me were used in my arrest. Doesn't seem legal to me... My charges of Child Endangerment were due to the fact that we have several legal weapons around a minor. I must inform you my son is an ROTC member with Marine Boot Camp training in weapons, can disassemble/ reassemble an M16 on the field. He was also on the Rifle Team last year and is Athletics Team Commander. He also knew our weapons, from target shooting and cleaning. He even pointed out to the Police Weapons Expert how to release the clip and open the bolt chamber as they couldn't. He is very safe and well versed in weapons. I must point point that is legally old enough to have a hunting license. He is also looking to join the National Guard on his 17th B- Day, Oct 3rd this yr. Upon his 18th B-Day he was planning a Military career. We are proud of him and is a really good person. We are very upset with all the things being alleged about him. To summarize: We are being persecuted because of my spiritual choices, not being Christian. Lt. Duke has a web page stating his religious beliefs and infertility and adoption problems which leads us to the belief that he can no longer separate his personal feelings from his ability to do his job in an objective manner. He seems to have appointed himself as a personal victim's advocate for allegedly neglected and abused children. The fact that I am a practicing witch is being noted in complaints and warrants against me and my family. It has even been voiced in court along with allegations stating I have cast spells on 2 cops and the luisetti family by the solicitor during proceedings. My familiar pyewacket seems to have been mishandled during the search of our home. She was running and flinching from us the day after. I am very hurt by this. Though this can't be proven, I know my animal and this is not her normal behavior. We have always tried to help others and be good people, so this is very hard for us to deal with. I am lucky to have a very strong supportive circle of friends and family or we would still be in jail. My in-laws had to take the majority of their retirement fund for some 20 thousand dollars to hire a powerful law firm to help us. Though I will never be ashamed of being a witch, I am so very sorry for all the trouble and loss of money it has cost them to stand up for us. The reason for this letter is that we need all the help we can find to fight this. Whether it is positive protective energy, advice, or donations to help pay for this. I will not rest until I have made a difference for all that believe in freedom of religion. I don't want this to just disappear, I want to make a stand for all free thinkers against persecution. We all know the squeaky wheel gets the oil. For all that believe in freedom of choice, please stand behind me or even beside me in court while I fight. I am not a quitter and I have a loud voice. I always stand up for what I believe in, all I ask is to not have to stand alone in this. It's time to fight for what we all believe in, not just lie down and take it. I have enclosed the papers that are in my possession to prove my claims. I will include more as they come into my possession. I am not easily scared although they are trying to intimidate us. Threatening phone calls have been made to family and friends even now. In supporting us, you are also supporting yourselves. We are looking to get this story out to as many places as possible. The more people who are aware the harder it will be for them to get aware with it! We NEED your help!!! Blessed be. Rhonda Gruber AKA wickedlilwitch@ gmail.com 843-997-7558 or 843-602-0160 (happy to answer questions)

Spare a rate?

I understand that not everyone can bomb...But it only takes 2 seconds to rate...Soooooooooo come on by and rate ~Hot Momma~ in the hobby contest!!!!!
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Thats right our ~hot momma~ is in another contest and is behind...She has enetered ~Tracy~ Manager of the O.C.L & Pit Bull Bomber's hobby contest...We all know what ~hot momma~'s hobby is because we all have benefited from it...Its awesome graphic and tags she makes us all!!! LETS SHOW HOW MUCH WE LOVE HER HARD BEAUTIFUL WORK!!!! BOMBS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!
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