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horus-eye.jpg ********************************************************************************************* * Horus * He Who Is Above * Eye of Ra / Re * Eye of Horus * Wadjet / Wedjat * Udjat * ********************************************************************************************* HORUS - The Son of Suns, Horus is the Eye of creative focus. It moves through the cosmos as a spherical imprinting devise, rolling across the star fields imprinting the divine logos or word or breath of activation upon each and every particle. Through the Hori (Hor Eye) the whirlwind of breath expands and contracts the vision or focus of worlds in motion. Consequentially, the Eye of Horus (representing the primary Horian principle) develops the Language of Light and the many signs, symbols, sacred utterances and language which come out of that font. Horus as a whole system develops contact between the Creator and the created, which are both really the same things from different perspectives. These perspectives are beheld in the "Eye" and translated into specific Light Mathematic functions. There is kinship between the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra, the latter being a focus / alignment with the Solar Principle of Creation, the former more a imprinter of worlds. the "HOR" is the falcon, in whose talons the sun ascends to the sky. ********************************************************************************************* Horus, the son of Isis and of Osiris, was a god whose attributes appealed strongly to the Egyptians from one end of Egypt to the other, because in him every man and woman saw the type of what he or she wished to possess, that is to say, renewed life, and life as opposed to death, and movement as opposed to inactivity. ² ********************************************************************************************* MY OFFERINGS OF LOVE TO YOU: ********************************************************************************************* Nuk-Pu-Nuk (I Am He I Am) Au-U Ur-Se-Ur Au-U (I Am the Great One, Son of the Great One, I Am) Ra (Egyptian Sun God) Ra-Neter-Atef-Nefer (The Divine God, Ra is Gracious) Nefer-Neter-Wed-Neh (The Perfect God Grants Life) Osiris Isis Erta-Na-Hekau-Apen-Ast (May I be given the words of power of Isis) Heru-Udjat (Eye of Horus) ********************************************************************************************* HORUS - HE WHO IS ABOVE ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* The falcon-headed Sky God ********************************************************************************************* Horus is the god of the sky, and the son of Osiris, the creator (whose own birth was thought due to the Ogdoad). Horus became depicted as a falcon, or as a falcon-headed man, leading to Horus' name, (in Egyptian, Heru), which meant The distant one. Horus was also sometimes known as Nekheny (meaning falcon), although it has been proposed that Nekheny may have been another falcon-god, worshipped at Nekhen (city of the hawk), that became identified as Horus very early on. In this form, he was sometimes given the title Kemwer, meaning (the) great black (one), referring to the bird's color. Horus is an ancient god of the Ancient Egyptian religion, whose cult survived so long that he evolved dramatically over time and gained many names. The most well known name is the Greek Horus, representing the Egyptian Heru/Har, which is the basic element in most of the other names of Horus. Horus was so important that the Eye of Horus became an important Egyptian symbol of power. He had a man's body and a falcon's head. He only had one eye because after Osiris was murdered by his brother Set, Horus fought with Set for the throne of Egypt. In this battle Horus lost one of his eyes and later this became a sign of protection in Egypt. In one story he has said to have cut off his mother's head. Horus united Egypt and bestowed divinity on the pharaoh. ********************************************************************************************* Identities ********************************************************************************************* - Mekhenti-irry (He who has on his brow Two Eyes) - the sun and moon representing his eyes, on nights when there is no moon. In this form he was considered the god of the blind. - Haroeris (Horus the Elder) An early form of Horus - God of light. His eyes represented the sun and moon. He was the brother of Osiris and Seth. Sometimes he was the son, or the husband of Hathor. - Horus Behudety In the form of Horus of Edfu, he represented the midday sun. This Horus was worshipped in the western Delta and later, as his cult spread south into Upper Egypt, a cult center was established in Edfu. Horus of Edfu fights a great battle against Seth and an army of conspirators. He is pictured as a winged sun-disk or as a hawk headed lion. - Ra-Harakhte (Horus of the two horizons) - He was identified with Ra and the daily voyage of the sun from horizon to horizon. The two deities combined to become Ra-Harakhte. He was represented as a falcon or a falcon-headed man wearing the solar disk and double crown or the uraeus and the atef crown. - Harmakhet (Horus in the Horizon) In this form he represented the rising sun and was associated with Khepri. He was also considered to be the keeper of wisdom. He was sometimes pictured as a man with a falcon's head, or a falcon headed lion. But his most recognizable form is that of a sphinx, or as a ram-headed sphinx. - Harsiesis (Horus son of Isis) This Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris. He was conceived magically after the death of Osiris and brought up by Isis on a floating island in the marshes of Buto. The child was weak and in constant danger from the scheming of his wicked uncle Seth, who sent serpents andmonsters to attack him. But his mother, Isis was great in themagical arts and she warded off this evil by using a spellagainst creatures biting with their mouths and stinging withtheir tails, and the young Horus survived and grew. - Harendotes (Horus the avenger of his father) - Har-pa-Neb-Taui (Horus Lord of the Two Lands) - Harpokrates (The infant Horus) As a child he represented the new born sun and was often pictured being suckled by Isis. he was usually represented as a seated child, sucking his thumb, his head was shaved except for the sidelock of youth. Even as a child, he wore the royal crown and uraeus As Horus was the son of Osiris, and god of the sky, he became closely associated with the Pharaoh of Upper Egypt (where Horus was worshipped), and became their patron. The association with the Pharaoh brought with it the idea that he was the son of Isis, in her original form, who was regarded as a deification of the Queen. It was said that after the world was created, Horus landed on a perch, known as the djeba, which literally translates as finger, in order to rest, which consequently became considered sacred. On some occasions, Horus was referred to as lord of the djeba (i.e. lord of the perch or lord of the finger), a form in which he was especially worshipped at Buto, known as Djebauti, meaning (ones) of the djeba (the reason for the plural is not understood, and may just have been a result of Epenthesis, or Paragoge). The form of Djebauti eventually became depicted as an heron, nevertheless continuing to rest on the sacred perch. Just as a precaution: a great deal of the following information is incorrect. For example, Isis has always been Horus' mother and never his wife. Osiris has always been Horus' father and Horus is not both Horus and Osiris. The relation between the story of Jesus and the story of Horus is the fact that Horus' story is the story of the REAL first immaculate conception. The story goes as follows: Seth (brother of Osiris) was jealous of Osiris and fought him to the death. After he killed Osiris he cut his body up into 14 pieces and spread the pieces throughout Egypt. Isis (Osiris' wife) found out that her husband was killed and she searched egypt looking for his body parts. She found all but one (his penis) and using her magic she put his body together and buried him, during the process of putting him back together she became impregnated with her son Horus. She gave birth to Horus who became the god of the sky and later avenged his fathers death by killing his uncle Seth. ********************************************************************************************* Sun God ********************************************************************************************* Since Horus was said to be the sky, it was natural that he was rapidly considered to also contain the sun and moon. It became said that the sun was one of his eyes and the moon the other, and that they traversed the sky when he, a falcon, flew across it. Thus he became known as Harmerty - Horus of two eyes. Later, the reason that the moon was not as bright as the sun was explained by a tale, known as the contestings of Horus and Set, originating as a metaphor for the conquest of Lower Egypt by Upper Egypt in about 3000BC. In this tale, it was said that Set, the patron of Lower Egypt, and Horus, the patron of Upper Egypt, had battled for Egypt brutally, with neither side victorious, until eventually the gods sided with Horus. As Horus was the ultimate victor he became known as Harsiesis (Heru-ur, and Har-Wer, in Egyptian), meaning Horus the Great, but more usually translated as Horus the Elder. Meanwhile, in the struggle, Set had lost a testicle, explaining why the desert, which Set represented is infertile. Horus' right eye had also been gouged out, which explained why the moon, which it represented, was so weak compared to the sun. It was also said that during a new-moon, Horus had become blinded and was titled Mekhenty-er-irty (he who has no eyes), while when the moon became visible again, he was re-titled Khenty-irty (he who has eyes). While blind, it was considered that Horus was quite dangerous, sometimes attacking his friends after mistaking them for enemies. Ultimately, as another sun god, Horus became identified with Ra as Ra-Herakhty, literally Ra, who is Horus of the two horizons. However, this identification proved to be awkward, for it made Ra the son of Hathor, and therefore a created being rather than the creator. And, even worse, it made Ra into Horus, who was the son of Ra, i.e. it made Ra his own son and father, in a standard sexually-reproductive manner, an idea that would not be considered comprehensible until the hellenic era. Consequently Ra and Horus never completely merged into a single falcon-headed sun god. Nevertheless the idea of making the identification persisted, and Ra continued to be depicted as falcon-headed. Likewise, as Ra-Herakhty, in an allusion to the Ogdoad creation myth, Horus was occasionally shown in art as a naked boy, with a finger in his mouth, sitting on a lotus with his mother. In the form of a youth, Horus was referred to as Neferhor (also spelt Nefer Hor, Nephoros, and Nopheros), which, in the Egyptian language, means beautiful Horus (i.e. youthful Horus).In an attempt to resolve the conflict, Ra-Herakhty was occasionally said to be married to Iusaaset, which was technically his own shadow, having previously been Atum's shadow, before Atum was identified as Ra, in the form Atum-Ra, and thus of Ra-Herakhty when Ra was also identified as a form of Horus. In the version of the Ogdoad creation myth used by the Thoth cult, Thoth created Ra-Herakhty, via an egg, and so was said to be the father of Neferhor. ********************************************************************************************* Mystery Religion ********************************************************************************************* Since Horus, as the son of Osiris, was only in existence after Osiris's death, and because Horus, in his earlier guise, was the husband of Isis, the difference between Horus and Osiris blurred, and so, after a few centuries, it came to be said that Horus was the resurrected form of Osiris. Likewise, as the form of Horus before his death and resurrection, Osiris, who had already become considered a form of creator when belief about Osiris assimilated that about Ptah-Seker, also became considered to be the only creator, since Horus had gained these aspects of Ra. Eventually, in the Hellenic period, Horus was, in some locations, identified completely as Osiris, and became his own father, since this concept was not so disturbing to Greek philosophy as it had been to that of ancient Egypt. In this form, Horus was sometimes known as Heru-sema-tawy, meaning Horus, uniter of two lands, since Horus ruled over the land of the dead, and that of the living. Since the tale became one of Horus' own death and rebirth, which happened partly due to his own actions, he became a life-death-rebirth deity. In the time of Christ the term "son of god" had come to mean the bearer of this title was the father god himself as well as his own son incarnated on earth. Horus was Osiris the father who incarnated as Horus the son.By assimilating Hathor, who had herself assimilated Bata, who was associated with music, and in particular the sistrum, Isis was likewise thought of in some areas in the same manner. This particularly happened amongst the groups who thought of Horus as his own father, and so Horus, in the form of the son, amongst these groups often became known as Ihy (alternately: Ihi, Ehi, Ahi, Ihu), meaning sistrum player, which allowed the confusion between the father and son to be side-stepped. The combination of this, now rather esoteric mythology, with the philosophy of Plato, which was becoming popular on the mediterranean shores, lead to the tale becoming the basis of a mystery religion. Many Greeks, and those of other nations, who encountered the faith, thought it so profound that they sought to create their own, modelled upon it, but using their own gods. This lead to the creation of what was effectively one religion, which was, in many places, adjusted to superficially reflect the local mythology although it substantially adjusted them. The religion is known to modern scholars as that of Osiris-Dionysus. ********************************************************************************************* References and Links ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* Abydos: Complete cemetery to the falcon-shaped god Horus ********************************************************************************************* Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) mission in Abydos, Sohag unearthed an important cemetery of god Horus, one of the ancient Egyptian trinity that comprises Osiris and Isis, and dates back to the Ptolemaic era, said archaeologist Sabri Abdel Aziz, director of Upper Egypt antiquities department. This is the first time a complete cemetery of the falcon shaped god Horus, who was worshipped in the area of Abydos for a long time, is unearthed, he said. The find includes tombs in which big oval earthenware sarcophagi were found with linen-wrapped embalmed falcons inside them, some of which had gold-plated dark green and black masks covering the heads. "A number of intact falcon eggs were also found, in addition to a treasure trove outside the tombs representing a scarab pushing one of these eggs forward as told by the ancient Egyptian legend of creation," he said. Traces of gold were found on the remains of human skeletons gathered haphazardly and also on the skulls, teeth, fingers and toes as well as an incomplete bronze statuette of god Horus in the sitting position, a group of amulets, bronze vessels and a god hat-hor-shaped pestle previously restored with lead, he noted. ********************************************************************************************* Horus - Hours - Time - Time and Synchronicity ********************************************************************************************* Pyramids Above and Below create the hourglass ********************************************************************************************* in the Sands of Time ********************************************************************************************* Thoth Thought Consciousness ********************************************************************************************* Emerald Tablets of Thoth ********************************************************************************************* Hermes Trismegistus ********************************************************************************************* Sacred Geometry ********************************************************************************************* Alchemy ********************************************************************************************* Thoth and Horus are the same soul - bird headed gods - metaphors for 'flight' spiraling evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time. ********************************************************************************************* Eye of God - Eye of Re - Eye of Horus ********************************************************************************************* Isis = 'I' = Eye = Sirius ********************************************************************************************* The Eye of Horus / Re / God refers to the ancient Mystery School Teachings of Creational Geometry encoded by Isis and Osiris and left behind with their priests in Egypt. These are the same souls who are the priests in Atlantis and other programs. They carry this genetically encoded information in their DNA - triggered now as we move back to 2012 (see below). There is addtional information kept hidden in the ancient mystery school teachings since the beginning of this reality/program. All hidden information will come forward at this time, as the Hall of Records - Golden Capstone was activated on December 12 - 12:12 at 12:12 am and pm in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. The calibration for the time clock of our reality was reset and consciousness shifted. ********************************************************************************************* Merging of the self - Right/Left Brain - The Eye - 'I' ********************************************************************************************* Golden Alchemy - Evolution of Consciousness in Time ********************************************************************************************* 12 around 1 ********************************************************************************************* 12X3=36=9=endings ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* Stargate and Sacred Geometry ********************************************************************************************* Metaphor - Opening of hidden knowledge in which the secrets of creation are buried. Eye of Re / Horus links with the Sumerian Gods which goes to Nibiru additional strands of DNA merge. The Eye of Horus (originally, The Eye of Ra) is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and power, from the deity Horus or Ra. In the Egyptian language the word for this symbol was "wadjet" (according to M. Stokstad "Art History"). The Eye of Horus, originally the Eye of Ra, symbolized royal power. The ancients believed this symbol of indestructibility would assist in rebirth. The Eye of Horus was found under the 12th layer of bandages on Tutankhamun's mummy. Horus was an ancient Egyptian sky god; one of his eyes was the sun and the other the moon. The eye represents a peregrine falcon's eye and the markings around it, including the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the eye. The Eye of Horus represents the right eye of the Egyptian Falcon God Horus. As the udjat (or utchat), it also represented the sun, and was associated with the Sun God Ra (Re). The mirror image, or left eye, represented the moon and the God Tehuti (Thoth). ********************************************************************************************* Eye of Horus, a hieroglyph ********************************************************************************************* Eye of Horus in hieroglyphs D10 Seven different hieroglyphs are used to represent the "eye"-(human body parts). One is the common usage of the verb: 'to do' , 'make' , or 'perform' . The other frequently used hieroglyph is the 'Eye of Horus' . ********************************************************************************************* In arithmetic ********************************************************************************************* In the Ancient Egyptian measurement system, the Eye Of Horus defined an Old Kingdom rounded off notation that continued in use in the Middle Kingdom, with each part of the eye representing a different fraction. The definition of one(1) was 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 , written as a 6-term rounded off number. It dropped the remainder 1/64. The metaphorical side of this information linked all six fractions, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and 1/64 to separate parts of the eye, as noted by: * 1/2 was represented by smell, symbolized by the right side of the eye in a form of the nose. The pyramid text says: "Behold [the fire] rises in Abydos and it comes; I cause it to come, the Eye of Horus. It is set in order upon thy brow, O Osiris Khenti-Amenti; it is set in the shrine and rises on thy brow." * 1/4 was represented by sight or the sensation of light, symbolized by the pupil. The pyramid text says: "Perfect is the Eye of Horus. I have delivered the Eye of Horus, the shining one, the ornament of the Eye of Ra, the Father of the Gods." * 1/8 was represented by thought, symbolized by the eyebrow. The pyramid text says: "...the Eye of Horus hath made me holy...I will hide myself among you, O ye stars which are imperishable. My brow is the brow of Ra." * 1/16 was represented by hearing, symbolized by the left side of the eye in the form of an arrow pointing towards the ear. The pyramid text says: "That which has been shut fast/dead hath been opened by the command of the Eye of Horus, which hath delivered me. Established are the beauties on the forehead of Ra." * 1/32 was represented by taste, by the sprouting of wheat or grain from the planted stalk, symbolized by a curved tail. The pyramid text says: "Come, the Eye of Horus hath delivered for me my soul, my ornaments are established on the brow of Ra. Light is on the faces of those who are in the members of Osiris." * 1/64 was represented by touch, symbolized by a leg touching the ground, or what can also be thought of as a strong plant growing into the surface of the earth. The pyramid text says: "I shall see the Gods and the Eye of Horus burning with fire before my eyes!" The 'Eye of Horus' fractions were further discussed in the Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll following elementary definitions that built the Egyptian fraction system. Weights and measure subunits of a hekat were also connected to Eye of Horus numbers in the quotient, and as an exact remainder, the remainder including an Egyptian fraction and a ro unit, correcting the Eye of Horus 1/64 round off error. The ro unit, 1/320 of a hekat, was cited in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus and as applied in the medical texts, like the Ebers Papyrus. A precise mathematical derivation of ro is found in the Akhmim Wooden Tablet. ********************************************************************************************* Eye of Horus, Eye of Ra (Udjat, Wedjat) ********************************************************************************************* Designed to resemble the eye of a falcon, this symbol is called the Eye of Ra or Eye of Horus represents the right eye of the Egyptian Falcon God Horus. As the udjat (or utchat), it represented the sun, and was associated with the Sun God Ra (Re). The mirror image, or left eye, represented the moon, and the God Tehuti (Thoth). (A very similar concept of the sun and moon as eyes appears in many religious traditions) According to legend, the left eye was torn from Horus by his murderous brother Seth, and magically restored by Thoth, the God of magick. After the restoration, some stories state, Horus made a gift of the eye to Osiris, which allowed this solar deity to rule the underworld. The story of this injury is probably an allusion to the phases of the moon as the eye which is "torn out" every month. Together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe, a concept similar to that of the Taoist Yin-yang symbol. Spiritually, the right eye reflects solar, masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magick. Together, they represent the combined, transcendent power of Horus. The Eye of Horus was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective amulet, and as a medical measuring device, using the mathematical proportions of the eye to determine the proportions of ingredients in medical preparations) to prepare medications. The Masonic all seeing eye, the Eye of Providence symbol found on American money, and our modern Rx pharmaceutical symbol are all descended from the Eye of Horus Horus, represented as the falcon-headed god, was an important god in Egyptian legend. The symbol representing his eye, Eye of Horus, was a powerful symbol used to protect from evil. Pronounced "udjat" by the Egyptians, the Eye of Horus represents a human eye with the cheek markings of a falcon.The ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus or wedjat ('Whole One') is a powerful symbol of protection, and is also considered to confer wisdom, health and prosperity.The ancient Egyptians considered the eye of horus as a representative of eternal renewal of the kingdom from Pharaoh to pharaoh. The ancient Egyptians believed that this symbol has a very powerful and magical effect on restoring harmony to the unstabilized world and restoring unrightful things. According to the old myth, the rivalling god Seth tore Horus' eye out. Seth was his uncle, who contended with him for the Egyptian throne after he had killed and dismembered his father, Osiris. Thot, the wise moon god and the patron of the sciences and the art of writing, put it patiently back in order and healed it. As an ambiguous symbol, it describes the status of regained soundness. In the field of astronomy it is the moon symbol absolute and refers to the increasing completion of the moon disk; the Eye of Horus symbol was inspired by the "Eye of God" and "solar falcon" that are manifested during total solar eclipses; In the most different sizes and degrees of preciousness of its materials, it served as an amulet worn around the neck or as a graphic motif for beautiful jewels; it decorated the lunettes of coffins and sarcophagi; it was part of a suspicious picture mysteries in the ornament of receptacles or other personal objects. The Eye of Horus symbol was used in funerary rites and decoration, as instructed in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. After 1200 BC, it was also used by the Egyptians to represent fractions, based on repeated division by two. The value of a fraction was assigned to each individual part of the eye which Seth had torn up according to the myth. Their total, corresponding to the restoration of the eye brought about by Thot, should have added up to a whole. In fact, however, the total of the six fractions used results in only 63/64; it was assumed that Thot had withheld the missing 1/64 by magic. The Eye of Horus fraction system was based on the Eye of Horus symbol. This system was used to record prescriptions, land and grain. Fractions are created by combining sections of the Eye of Horus symbol. Each section has a different value. The complete Eye of Horus with all parts in place has a value of 1. In reality the complete Eye of Horus represents 63/64, which is rounded off to 1. The system is based on halves. Half of 1 equals 1/2, half of 1/2 equals 1/4 and so on until the smallest value of 1/64. By adding together the values of different sections fractions are created. The 'Rx' symbol which is used by pharmacies and in medicine has its origins in the Eye of Horus. ********************************************************************************************* The Eyes of Horus - ANOTHER VIEW ********************************************************************************************* "Let the Eye of Horus come forth from the god and shine outside his mouth." The Pyramid Texts Horus "who rules with two eyes" ********************************************************************************************* Utchat ********************************************************************************************* The word utchat, sometimes spelled udjat, refers to Egypt's sacred eye symbol. The right eye is called the Eye of Ra, symbolizing the sun. The left is called the Eye of Thoth, symbolizing the moon. Both eyes together are the Two Eyes Of Horus The Elder. The eye is the part of the body able to perceive light, and is therefore the symbol for spiritual ability. Her-nedj-tef-ef Horus as now conceived is a mixture of the original deities known as "Horus the Child" and "Horus the Elder". As the Child, Horus is the son of Osiris and Isis, who, upon reaching adulthood, becomes known as Her-nedj-tef-ef ("Horus, Avenger of His Father") by avenging his father's death, by defeating and casting out his evil Set. As Horus the Elder, he was also the patron deity of Upper Egypt from the earliest times; initially, viewed as the twin brother of Set , the patron of Lower Egypt, but he became the conqueror of Set. Later in his campaigns against Set, his father’s murderer, he was known as Hartomes, ‘Horus the Lancer’, and by this time he had almost completely assumed the identity of ‘Horus the Elder’. ********************************************************************************************* Harakhte ********************************************************************************************* Harakhte meant the god on the horizon: Horus was the first state god of Egypt, but in early times he appears to have become so confused with Ra that the two gods exchanged places, with Ra eventually becoming known as Ra-Harakhte. ********************************************************************************************* Heqat ********************************************************************************************* In the Ancient Egyptian measurement system, the Eye Of Horus represented a fractional quantification system to measure parts of a whole. The entire eye measured 1 heqat. And each of the parts of the eye measured fractions of the heqat. The Right Eye of Horus represents concrete factual information controlled by the left brain. It deals with words, letters, and numbers and those things which are describable in terms of sentences or complete thoughts. It approaches the universe in terms of male oriented ideation. The Left Eye of Horus represents abstract aesthetic information controlled by the right brain. It deals with esoteric thoughts and feelings and is responsible for intuition. It approaches the universe in terms of female oriented ideation. We use the Left Eye, female oriented, right side of our brain for feeling and intuition. ********************************************************************************************* Eye of Horus Mystery Schools ********************************************************************************************* Akhenaton founded a Mystery School of unity consciousness training based on the Order of Melchizedek’s ‘Law of One’. Initiates first went through twelve years of training known as the Left Eye of Horus, an emotional body and right-brain training which focused on mastering emotions, feelings, fears and other individual aspects of the personality, as well as both positive and negative aspects of the chakras. Each of the temples built for this training dealt with the specific fear related with each chakra and allowed initiates to work with different aspects of their human nature. This was followed by another twelve years’ training in the Right Eye of Horus Mystery School which was controlled by the left brain, the logical side of how everything was created by Spirit, which included what we now term Sacred Geometry. Today we have been given both understandings for now is the time to bring both our left and right brains and their aspects into perfect balance. Unlike the initiates of thousands of years ago however, we now have the opportunity that if we so choose we can consciously make THIS LIFE OUR FINAL INITIATION! But just as the initiates of old had to learn to master and live the fundamental Divine Principles, so too do we but this time within the context of our everyday lives — herein lies our soul’s challenge and for many of us our soul purpose for incarnating during this momentous and unique time upon planet earth. ********************************************************************************************* RIGHT EYE OF HORUS MYSTERY SCHOOL ********************************************************************************************* An ancient legend tells of an Egyptian Mystery School whose symbol was the Right Eye of Horus in a Golden Sun Disc. The secret wisdom of this mystery school is known throughout the universe, but was only taught on earth once before, for 17-1/2 years during King Akhenton's 18th Dynasty in Ancient Egypt. As the legend goes earth has been visited by many advanced intelligent life forms for longer than the human mind can comprehend. Still, only during King Akhenaten's 18th dynasty was this information ever taught on earth until recently. The teaching reveals that Thoth (Egyptian God of Writing) and King Akhenaten (from the mystical time of the 18th Dynasty) helped bring this wisdom to Egypt. Some believe that King Akhenaten and Thoth interfaced with time travelers and organized mystery schools to bring this knowledge into our reality. Learn Sacred Geometry. ********************************************************************************************* We are one global family, all colors, all races, one world united. We dance for peace and the healing of our planet earth. Peace for all nations. Peace for our communities. Peace within ourselves. Let us connect heart to heart. ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* Flower of Life Symbol ********************************************************************************************* Through our diversity we recognize our unity. Through our compassion we recognize peace. Our love is the power to transform the world. Let us send it out... NOW!! This ancient image is known as the Flower of Life. The ancient knowledge it represents is already encoded in your body...waiting for you to remember. Drunvalo Melchizadek says "all life in the universe know the Flower of Life as the creation pattern...the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness, we fell into darkness and forgot who we were. For thousand of years the secret was held in ancient artifacts and carvings around the world, and encoded in the cells of all life." We now have the opportunity to move consciously into a higher vibrational level or into what is called the dimensional shift. Our planet is already well into this process. Most of humanity can feel this on some level though many may not yet have the awareness or understanding of what is happening. Mother Earth's vibrational rate is increasing rapidly and we've all been invited to evolve with her into a fuller, more loving consciousness. The Flower of Life is part of the "sacred geometry" encoded in every cell in your body. The ancient knowledge it represents will help you remember and feel the unity of all life. ********************************************************************************************* ISIS UNVEILED ********************************************************************************************* In the Egyptian ideas, as in those of all other faiths founded on philosophy, man was not merely, as with the Christians, a union of soul and body; he was a trinity when spirit was added to it. Besides, that doctrine made him consist of kha - body; khaba - astral form, or shadow; ka - animal soul or life-principle; ba - the higher soul; and akh - terrestrial intelligence. They had also a sixth principle named sah - or mummy; but the functions of this one commenced only after the death of the body. After due purification, during which the soul, separated from it's body, continued to revisit the latter in its mummified condition, this astral soul "became a God, for it was finally absorbed into "the Soul of the world." It became transformed into one of the creative deities, "the god of Ptah," the Demiourgos, a generic name for the creators of the world, rendered in the Bible as the Elohim. In the Ritual the good or purified soul, "in conjunction with its higher or uncreated spirit, is more or less the victim of the dark influence of the dragon Apophis. If it has attained the final knowledge of the heavenly and the internal mysteries - the gnosis i.e. complete reunion with the spirit, it will triumph over its enemies; if not the soul could not escape its second death. It is "the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone" (elements) in which those that are cast undergo a "second death". This death is the gradual dissolution of the astral form into its primal elements. But this awful fate can be avoided by the knowledge of the "Mysterious Name" - the "Word", say the kabalists. quoted from H. Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled - Vol II - page 367/368 ********************************************************************************************* EYE OF HORUS - ALL SEEING EYE - SYMBOLOGY OF CREATION - ********************************************************************************************* All things are viewed through an eye of creation - conscious creation - projected illusion in the alchemy of time. Everything sweeps forth from the 'eye' - experience consciously - then returns to the eye as the patterns of reality create and recreate in loops - think spiraling galaxies. Eyes are windows to soul experience - think virtual reality. The eye is a lens which allows us to see and become consciously aware of our experiment in third dimension. The eye has a pupil. We are pupils/students in a university experiencing consciously through the lens of time or virtual reality. To understand that the eye is the window to the soul - there are 2 techniques you can use - alone or with one other person. Alone ... stand in front of a mirror in the dark. Shine a flashlight below your face pointing upward. Now stare at the eyes in the mirror and you shall see your image change into many people - some may not be human - all of whom are aspects of your soul experiencing in other grids. To do this with another person ... sit across from the person in a dimly lit - or dark room. Place the flashlight below your face again. This will enable the other person to see you in other lives and tell you what they see as they look through the windows of your soul. They may also see themselves in that lifetime with you. Next repeat this by looking into the other person's eyes. It is important not to move while doing this form of scrying. To truly be skilled at this - you will take the other person - or yourself - to their 'soul spark' of light. It is the flicker of light - white - blue - purple - that you sometimes see in the periphery of your field of vision - for only a second. Always remember - your experience here is just that ... a second. The third eye is the 6th chakra. As it begins to activate and open - it is a common experience that one sees an eye - or eyes - looking back at them. Your perspective in - dreams - of colors - your personal life and relationships - will be seen through a 'new light.' You are moving into a higher frequency that enables you to expand your consciousness and see reality on many levels and dimensions. This can be a quantum leap in perception and can be life changing as you discard patterns that no longer work in higher frequency. Your total perception changes in this acceleration of time. The opening of the eye - is symbolic of a time of awakening - the evolution of consciousness -- the activation of your DNA = 11:11 digital alarm. The opening of the eye - Iris - Isis - I - can be the physical eye or what is called the 'third eye' - which looks up and out - has a lens and is the pineal gland. The camera slows down the action allowing us to experience events as linear in nature - when indeed they are not. Exploring in linear time allows us to experience emotions through an electromagnetic field - duality - polarity - love vs. fear. We see balance as we awaken and remember that we are souls sparks - the twinkling lights you see - who are in a physical form that is evolving back to its original creation - pole shifts of consciousness - earth changes both physical and as metaphors. There is much symbology linked with the image of the 'eye' - all linking to the eye as a metaphor for the source of creation - God - Eye of God. People dream or meditating and see an Eye that is either opened or closed. The opened eye is awakened consciousness. Everything in our reality is created by the patterns of sacred geometry. We begin with a sphere - the egg - female. The separation of the sphere - creates an oval opening - the vesica pisces - opening in the penis - shape of the eye. From the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools Teachings - the Flower of Life - we find Horus and the Eye of Horus. All is created by sacred geometry or patterns that repeat in loops - fibonacci spirals - the movement of consciousness in a cone shaped manner. Horus - Hours - Time - Thoth -- thought and consciousness -- and Isis - Eye - 'I'. From Egypt we find the All Seeing Eye The Great American Seal Masonic [Mother Sound] Program - Harmonics of Creation The top of the Great Seal pyramid shows an eye-in-triangle, which has been associated with Sirius, the Eye of God, the pineal gland, and the Illuminati. Not only was the Egyptian calendar based on the rising of Sirius, but that the Sun is astrologically conjunct Sirius every year on July 4, for the birthday of the United States of America. Inundation of the Nile - Annual flooding is on that date. The seal appears on the US dollar bill. It shows a 13-step [13=1+3=4=time] pyramid with the date 1776 [1776=21=3=3rd dimension] in Roman numerals, on it. Just as the Pyramid of Kukulcan and a link to Quetzalcoatl. The pyramid has has 91 steps on each of the 4 sides, making 364 in all, plus the top level giving the number 365, the Great Seal pyramid also has an encoded calendrical meaning. The pyramids has 4 sides of 13 levels which comes to 52, which is the number of weeks in our year. 13 and 52 are key numbers in the Mayan calendar systems - Read More Linked with the movement of the knowledge from Egypt and the Middle East - to Europe - moving to the American and the Freemasons who created a nation called the United States of America in the 18th century. They placed the eye on the dollar bill. They designed the blueprint for the architecture around the nation's capitol - based on the patterns of sacred geometry. Egypt is also laid out based on the patterns of sacred geometry. These areas are major grid points and would attract souls. There are monuments that remind of us the nature of reality - from the pyramids and obelisks - to the giant megalithic towers - including the Twin Towers and the Pentagon - which would be attacked and in the case of the towers - be destroyed - signifying a change in the patterns of creation. Much has happened to the monuments in Egypt through the millennia, but there are 2 that have remain as once they were - the Great Pramid - at the center of the planet - and the Sphinx. The Great Pyramid is located at the center of the planet - just as the pineal gland - third eye is at the base of the brain. We use the eye to see/sea. Water - sea - flow/sea of consciousness - streams of thought - the grid - collective unconsciousness - electromagnetic energy grids - programs - akashic records - creation - amphibious gods and creational myths. The eye has a lens - rods - cones - an iris [Isis] - a black pupil=black hole - you are the pupil in the universe/university - all metaphors. Reality is based on 12 spiraling cones/tones around a central source of creation. 12=1+2=3=third dimension - manifestation in 3D 12 around = 13 = 4=4th dimension = time Forming grid programs of eXperience - MatriX - Tricks - Trickster - Duality - The boX = 'X' or the hourglass='Z' 'X' - As is above, So is Below - Emerald Tablets of Thoth=Hermes Trismegistus Hermes The Magician - Magic - Tricks - Magi - Christ Consciousness Grid Thoth the ancient Egyptian Scribe who wrote our program Emerald = Alchemy - Emerald City = OZ - The WiZard Alchemy Wheel of Consciousness based on the spiraling patterns of Sacred Geometry = SG = StarGate = Wheel of Karma = Alchemy Wheel which spirals consciousness back to Source linked with Eye of the Milky Way Galaxy - Heart - center. The rods of the physical eye represent the electromagnetic energy rods linked to the gods. The cones of the physical eye are the cones in the image above of 12 around 1. * Reality is projected illusion - seen through the eye of the camera - our conscious mind and interpreted by the brain. * The eye of the camera is the lens of the soul. * The eye is the center of the spiral of creation. * The Center of the Golden Ratio * The Eye is the Eclipse of consciousness at the end of time. * Eye Nebula New Creation * The Center of The Galaxy is Source * The Eye of the Galaxy * Pi In The Eye * Aldebaran is called the Eye of Revelation. * It is the eye of Taurus The Bull - the Apis - who is Osiris. * We move to the Incan civilization where we find the Apus who are mountain spirits who 'look down". The Pre-Incan god Viracocha created Apu Inti (Sun God) Viracocha takes us to God With Water Buckets the same soul who played the roles of Quetzalcoatl who created the Mayan calander with time ending at 2012. This is linked with the Sumerian Gods creating a biogenetic experiment in which we experience - and Amphibious Gods which take us to the Nommo or Dogon tribe. * The Dogon symbol takes us to the symbol of the Eye - Pisces the fish - Symbol of Jesus * The metaphor representing the Yin and Yang or the first male and female connection - the right and left eyes of Horus is the Vesica Pisces becoming the symbol for the First Light. First Light occurs at every instant without functioning inside the restraints of time. * Symbol for Jesus * Which returns/spirals us back to the Christ consciousness Grid * The Vesica Pisces - The Eye Please see FOR COMPLETE BLOG ON HORUS
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