My sister..I love you!!!
This blog is about/for my sister....I LOVE U HEATHER!!!!!!
My sister is 31 yrs old..yes she is my older sister and the only one I have..Like most sisters we have our differences but I still love her and always will!!!!Last week I spoke to my sister for the first time in a couple months..I was so glad to hear that she was doing ok. The last time I talked to her she was moving to Chicago with her boyfriend. That was over the summer and we hadn't spoke since then. Thank god for modern technology,we were able to reunite over the interent..Probably one of the few things I have appreciated about Yahell in awhile!!Last week when she spoke to my family and me she announced that she was almost 4 months pregnant with a little girl.There was some mixed feelings about this because of her current state of health. I know she was happy to be having a little girl though. Without going to deep into my families bizz, a few years ago her ex-husband pretty much stole her little girls from her and she has had limited contact with them since. That's why I know she was excited about having a little girl.Earlier this week her hopes,excitement, and dream were shattered. She had a stroke and a miscarriage. She has been in the ICU since Monday and came home today. She had to sign herself out because she has two children at home to take care of.Due to the stroke she has some paralisis(spelling sux but u know what I mean). I'm sure you can imagine that it is very hard for her to care for her children right now due to that. Not to mention she is also trying to deal with the loss of a baby.I have no idea how hard that is on her. I have suffered from a miscarriage before so I somewhat know the pain of loosing a baby.Nowhere near the extent that she is probably feeling though. I was only 6wks pregnant when I had one and she was almost 4 months. I know the pain I felt can nowhere compare to that.The stroke was cause by a hemirage in her brain and the doctors told her that they can not do surgery to repair it right now. This is because of other medical problems that she has.I would give anything if my family and I could be there with her right now but we can't. All I can do is comfort her the best I know how over the phone and internet. My parents are in West Virginia and are both very sick themselves so they are unable to make the trip. I am in North Carolina and a trip to Chicago would create a HUGE financial strain on my family here. If push comes to shove though I will take everything I can beg, borrow or steal to get there!!!I wanted to do this blog to let her know that I LOVE HER and I am praying and thinking of her every second!!I seldom ask anything of my friends but today I would like to ask a favor from all of you...Please if you read this comment on it. She needs all the prayers and support she can get right now. I will be sending whatever you leave to her, so that she knows that even though we are not there we are supporting and trying to comfort her in her time of need. Thank you all for being the great friends that you are!!!!