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Harley Bitch's blog: "Homelife"

created on 10/16/2006  |  http://fubar.com/homelife/b14400
Ok this is a test to see just how smart my friends are...make sure you read it all b4 you click on the link..I hope this works..let me know if it does....Happy Halloween!!!! There are two indentical pictures that will appear on the screen after you click the link below. Almost 8,000 people were tested to see if they could find the 3 differences in the two pictures. Only 19 found all 3. See how observant you are. If you find all 3,you're one of very few people who are able to do this...GOOD LUCK..and just in case you are wondering I wasn't able to find them all!!!! http://members.home.nl/saen/Special/Zoeken.swf ok so the link didn't work so please just copy and paste in your browser!!

An Update on my Sis

This is for the few of you that cared enough to read my last blog...I won't mention any names..you know who you are and I love ya!!!My sister is still in very bad shape health wise!! She isn't doing one bit better. Actually she is worse now.Mentally she is doing alot better, due to the fact that she is now in WV with my parents. Which is right where she belongs.She came home Sunday!!!Friday she signed herself out of ICU after being there for a week and suffering a stroke and the loss of a baby. She will be returning back to the hospital Tuesday.She no longer has a relationship with her boyfriend,the father of the baby she lost. He apparently told her Saturday while on the way back to the hospital that she had too many medical problems for him to handle. What a fucking jerk!!! I can't say that I am unhappy about that though. He doesn't deserve her even if she does have alot of medical problem,most of which he was aware of before they even moved to Chicago.Anyways, just to let the ones who care know..she is doing awful right now. On top of what she has already been thru she had to indure a 16hr ride to WV yestarday with the X boyfriends mother. I'm sure that wasn't a very pleasant trip. Now she has started to have seizures. She is still experiencing severe pain in her head and back. She is spitting up blood and the list just goes on.I am very scared and worried about her!!! I hate that I am so far away but atleast she is with her family now and doesn't have to worry about her other kids while she is trying to get herself well. I feel alot better about her being home. Atleast this way I can get to her if anything should happen. A drive to WV is only 6hrs for me!!I appreciate all the comments I got on my last blog and I am sending them to her. Please keep em coming. She needs all the prayers she can get right now!!!

My sister...I love you

My sister..I love you!!! This blog is about/for my sister....I LOVE U HEATHER!!!!!! My sister is 31 yrs old..yes she is my older sister and the only one I have..Like most sisters we have our differences but I still love her and always will!!!!Last week I spoke to my sister for the first time in a couple months..I was so glad to hear that she was doing ok. The last time I talked to her she was moving to Chicago with her boyfriend. That was over the summer and we hadn't spoke since then. Thank god for modern technology,we were able to reunite over the interent..Probably one of the few things I have appreciated about Yahell in awhile!!Last week when she spoke to my family and me she announced that she was almost 4 months pregnant with a little girl.There was some mixed feelings about this because of her current state of health. I know she was happy to be having a little girl though. Without going to deep into my families bizz, a few years ago her ex-husband pretty much stole her little girls from her and she has had limited contact with them since. That's why I know she was excited about having a little girl.Earlier this week her hopes,excitement, and dream were shattered. She had a stroke and a miscarriage. She has been in the ICU since Monday and came home today. She had to sign herself out because she has two children at home to take care of.Due to the stroke she has some paralisis(spelling sux but u know what I mean). I'm sure you can imagine that it is very hard for her to care for her children right now due to that. Not to mention she is also trying to deal with the loss of a baby.I have no idea how hard that is on her. I have suffered from a miscarriage before so I somewhat know the pain of loosing a baby.Nowhere near the extent that she is probably feeling though. I was only 6wks pregnant when I had one and she was almost 4 months. I know the pain I felt can nowhere compare to that.The stroke was cause by a hemirage in her brain and the doctors told her that they can not do surgery to repair it right now. This is because of other medical problems that she has.I would give anything if my family and I could be there with her right now but we can't. All I can do is comfort her the best I know how over the phone and internet. My parents are in West Virginia and are both very sick themselves so they are unable to make the trip. I am in North Carolina and a trip to Chicago would create a HUGE financial strain on my family here. If push comes to shove though I will take everything I can beg, borrow or steal to get there!!!I wanted to do this blog to let her know that I LOVE HER and I am praying and thinking of her every second!!I seldom ask anything of my friends but today I would like to ask a favor from all of you...Please if you read this comment on it. She needs all the prayers and support she can get right now. I will be sending whatever you leave to her, so that she knows that even though we are not there we are supporting and trying to comfort her in her time of need. Thank you all for being the great friends that you are!!!!

An Update on my Boy

Well we have been to the doctor so i thought I would update all my friends on my boy,Dakota!! THANK GOODNESS it is not a fracture!! No cast, which is what we wanted to hear. However he does have to be on crutches for a couple weeks. The told him he needs to wear an Aircast on his ankle and walk with his crutches. He can gradually start to put weight back on his foot in a couple weeks. Ok here is where the drama of this ordeal comes in. The doctor's office wouldnt give us the Aircast. I was told that i could pick it up at any medical supply store. Ok so off we go!!! We went to 3 frigin stores and NO ONE had the damn thing!!!! They would all have to order it and the fastest it could be here is tomorrow morning after 9am...WTF!!! ANd to top it all off they are saying that my insurance may not pay for it...That dang thing is over 50 bucks..Price is not really an issue when it comes to my kids though..I will go out of my way for them anyday!!! Ok enough ranting...I hope everyone had a Marvelous Monday!!!!!!

Another Injury for my Boy

Another Injury for my Boy!! Well folks, he has done it AGAIN!!! My oldest son Dakota, has injured his ankle!! We just got the cast off a couple weeks ago and on Friday, yes the 13th he fell at school and hurt his ankle. He was running to the gym at school to try and get back inside and out of the cold when he got the bright idea to go around the sidewalk and dodge the traffic. Well that little plan didnt work so well..lol. He stubbed his toe which resulted in his left ankle turning outwards and in an attempt to catch his balance and not fall he stepped on the ankle with his right foot. He had tried to convince me earlier that morning to let him stay home from school because of it being Friday the 13th. Therefore when I got the call from the school nurse my first instinct was it was a ploy to get to come home. I told him on the phone that I would come and get him and take him straight to the doctor thinking that if he was playing me that hearing that would make him tell me. I was wrong!!!! We went to the E.R. and they took some x-rays and said there was no obvious fracture but the growth plate(which was what he fractured in his wrist) could be fractured and that will not show up on an x-ray till it starts to heal. We have to go back to the orthopedist on Monday to find out if there is a fracture of the growth plate. For now he is not allowed to put any weight on his left foot and has to be in a splint on crutches. As you all can tell he didn't have a good weekend. It is really bothering him that he has got hurt again. He was so happy when the cast came off and now he may be getting another one. So the saga of being a mother to three very rowdy boys continues for me. i will keep you all posted on the outcome. Please keep your fingers crossed for him. He needs all the luck and prayers he can get right now!!!!
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