Halloween is great,
Dressing up as gouhls and ghosts,
Making the costume,
Is always half of the fun,
Not all wear costumes.
Halloween mischief,
Toilet paper and eggs thrown,
Those little vandals.
You're never too old,
Trick-or-treat, the tradition,
Of October fun.
BUTH I go to EGYPT/Hurghada* sunning on the beach!
When pumpkins grin and growl
And black cats roam and prowl
Owls call and wolves howl
Great bugs and spiders crawl
Witches cackle and call
While conjuring such sour
Potions and poisons foul
Mixed in cauldrons bowl
All these signs give a clue –
Halloween is here at last!
BUTH I go to EGYPT/Hurghada*sunning in the sun!