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f m's blog: "//ho i am just me"

created on 11/20/2006  |  http://fubar.com/ho-i-am-just-me/b26695

something about fake love

love is meaningless well these day and ages is a false remembrance to embrace companionship but its mostly compared in par se betrayal in lies and triffling females and males alike who are in lust they cant define it into words and say docile you try n selcude but relationships art based on trust and verbal communications enforcing the predicate of the movement however its a word of an understatement to say the least for all of you art unfaithful now your just inadequate in the knowledge of that emotions for its to complex for the average mind to comprehend i speak to tha atmosphere wonder then i blink once i see your face in the sky smiling down at meh telling me you love me your adoring persona is so consuming me on the inside a spirit whispers into meh while i look in your eyes of your picture i think to myself then i start to cry mesmerized shadowed by your big heart sheltering our fears pulling you closer in my dreams that far star in the zodiac awakens me trusting confort you leave me contageous sweetheart then i finally smile knowing how youve been there through thick n thin a monn is your feelings to me nurturing mother of asperity a sun is us together mars holds ou aggression to fight and survive im hypnotized this clairvoyance love hold commitment wilter like water into you hands lift me higher into the cl0uds so we become angels i know the second part didnt belong but i didnt want it to appald as being short and a bitter suffix just a tiny excerption about love or supposedly truthful aspect of it. ~Raul!
Hi everyone... Please RE-post for me Thanks I am receiving tons of emails and comments and I really want to THANKS everyone. I CAN NOT do it personally so please do not take it the wrong way. I really do appreciate all your comments, supports and love. Check my pics lately? http://cherrytap.com/drturi - CHECK THE PICS! http://www.globalenquirer.com/ WORLD WIDE More will be added when I have a chance. here is a little present for you Learn the Cabalistic Candle Ritual Cleansing one's environment, body, mind and soul is a must for true peace and happiness. Click here to go to Dr. Turi's Healing Room Page To All My faithful Readers and Supporters; You may use and enjoy this FREE Cabalistic Candle Ritual and send it to those you care about. Cleansing one's environment, body, mind and soul is a must for true peace and happiness. The Cabalistic Candle Ritual Instructions for cleansing your physical and spiritual selves: The Cabalistic Candle Ritual is designed to clear negative energy and should be performed after a dramatic experience such as the loss of a loved one, a lover, a pet or any difficult mental or spiritual situation you find yourself going through. You may also use the Cabalistic Healing Ritual to remove negative thoughts incrusted in your apartment/home walls that could harm you by initiating a depressive mental process. Someone may have died in the house or suffered drastically and the thoughts could be still very much alive. This negative energy MUST be removed if you want to feel good or sleep peacefully. The Cabalistic Candles Ritual is for removing basic negative energy only. In most severe cases of depressions, bad luck, bad health, possession by evil spirits, negative entities can only be cured with a three to four hours Cabalistic Healing session in my healing room in Phoenix. The released negative energy is replaced by a dense umbilical cord of light connecting you directly from this dense world to the archetypal realm of consciousness with your guardian angel or a departed loved one. The transition taking place with the Cabalistic Candle Ritual allows the departed soul to connect with you as your personal guardian angel on this dense physical world where guilt, sadness and pain is replaced with forgiveness, acceptance, love and peace of mind. Purchase a white, green, and blue candle during the new moon period (waxing moon) and always perform this ritual for the very first time during a new moon trend. For best results, choose the first day of the New Moon or when the moon rides your natal Dragon's Head. Before anything is started, grab a full hand of powdered salt with the left hand, and turn around in a circle (counter clock wise), dropping the salt around the entire area where the ritual will be performed. The salt quartzes act like diamonds, reflecting light and all energies from the outside world. Do the candle ritual inside the circle of protection only. This ritual has tremendous power and will clean the inside and outside of your house. Arrange the candles in a triangle. At the tip of the triangle (farthest away from you) place the white candle. The green will be to your left and the blue to your right. The green and blue candles form the base of the pyramid. You will stand and operate behind it. A small bit of incense is placed in the center--any type of incense will do. If you do not have a protective figure in your possession, you may buy a guardian angel (after the new moon only) and place it in front of the white candle. You may also use the picture of someone you cherish that has gone on to the other side and place it in front of the guardian angel. Chances are this person is your protector. First light the incense, then the white candle, the green candle, and lastly, the blue candle. One inch of incense is more than enough to last for the duration of the ritual. The prayer or meditation is made for the length of time the incense is burning. The candles themselves (fire) the mix of the colors and the smoke from the incense create a vacuum funnel right into the Superconscious in time and space and reach the entity's protective spirit. This spirit will grant any of your wishes and will protect you in any situation. Pray intensely and use your power of visualization. When the incense is burnt, the ritual is over and you can extinguish the candles. You may repeat this ritual anytime you choose thereafter; before or after a new moon. Very often, following the Cabalistic Candles Ritual, the intuition or the dreams becomes clearer and should be used as guidance. I also teach my students that; if the Temperance tarot card # 14 (the angel) is drawn during the Egyptian Cross Astro-Tarot reading, the ritual is under the jurisdiction of a guardian angel and will promote all the affairs of the houses it is found. This card also predisposes for luck, good news and protects the soul from any low astral plane entities. If you cannot sleep well, if you are distressed or often depressed, chances are you could be "invaded/infected" and this ritual becomes a must for your mental and physical health. Lastly, make sure to let those you care about know about my newsletters, my predictions my site and my work. I will take this opportunity ONCE MORE to thank you for the tremendous feedback and support I am getting from all of you on a daily basis. Blessings, Dr. Turi .
wow thiis is interesting and deep for we are imperfections of the helix which spins a cyclone of society anout rhetoricians anthropolegized whilst the insider crovitus of intermissiionate levatious complatecant omens of disgrace defacing the fact we are existing for onlii must acknowledge we are here to just accpet be gracious in the fact we should be glorious we just breath and not materialistic about our robust behavior wanting no flaws in ou r souls for on e cannot demane the priority of cause for we all cannot be with no mistakes arisen the theology a hypothesis of incoherency upon many for great minds think alike we must unify the conventional life and reiterate what we can change about the requiems and get the bright days of the dawning suffering bring sunlight to our redundant adversaries in love is cherishing ones soul for who they are on the inside not just fornicating or what they look like on da outside but why you were attracted to them in the first place nahh mean....when you say i love you well basically two things,means i just wanna have sex or depends on how you say it like how much do you really admire their emotions to really ablige by that aphorism of empathy i highly doubt that true love exists if its biased on external image so therefor beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and love is what you make it and not what they think it is i think love is,,integrity,admiration,attention,courtship,and basically being with them if they can make you happy..mah neck hurts thanx for making me type this:) this Raul on a situation headed fo tha crucifix walkin on edge of my parliament worshippin that solstice envisionate circles confusing whats in how my heart cries fo tha world but i dont need a critic just waiting fo the crucifix since friends switched dealin me tha faith tarot card of death makin me that black bed representing how they stabbed my back on too many times rollin my temper at ends got that claw they wont hesitate to stab your all even though they say the flaw something i never saw which is my attitude fuck you all rather have me dead,depressed treacherous tension yes it happened now im pissed living my sin plottin this suicide dying,fallin,crying askin why dont pass me by smite a nine on my spine ill cut,slash,puncture this rustic knife then whats alive but not until im in a dillusionate phase gettin a suffice you to my lonely vine walkin blind left behind regardless this line im in angst those that imply diminish mine ill come back take you with me to the dark,silhouetted shadowed light ive been a nobody so no pity fo my suicidal mind
really give a damn wha ya think when im on the brink to extinct to fringe off the end of sin some types brethren within to stipulatin ends n collect no plex but forget this is the great texas where ya clip from a tec in haters chest slugs jumpin from the breathe where we decapitate extract the organs fro the ribcage to the intestines craze gimme that pay for these get sprayed we dont play in the lone star state escape we crucify a stage spittin pain no happy grace just frowns to extract from our phrase release my stress cause im never blessed in this life's show nope cant cope so ill call up the devil lock em in a scope m.o.e. where we murder mo murder mo flee from laws from these fo's fuck em tryin talk plottin to drop but fuck yall even if one my own gotta fall holdin my own now i feel i wanna change names maybe switch identities holdin me in commecary for my coincidental sanctity for your literaries locked away in greed from your eyes can see your jealousy fuck in these means code of the streets never snitch out fam to the police g hope ya bite the piece from my bright n die n get slain for tryin put us away in the ghetto full shame dont make my aim release my anger keepin one in the chamber watch ya back i expose the fakes in this crooked game claimin live a thug life ya aint right dont disrespect the stop sign makin paper evertime even at night under the limelight adhered to smite them fakes trying recycle the troubles hard times in the hood crossin the line standin cold cant repent wanna collect transact my ends cant mend this click to you irreconsilable fact no concept dont commence cant resist do anything you can to get rich even bust on a trick gettin a lick know not nice but a cold killa do the murder fo tha price hustle these quarta's nicks n dimes till i get rich n die affix ya narcin mind right cause we dispose those xeroxin our hard times soundin like nursery rhymes[snitch]

depressed and bothered

mnnk.. where do i start to talk about this isn't nothing easily propounded with something simple. my life is confusd th rollercoaster lt the grims depth carry m to the underworld again i am feling as if the whole world is ignoring me again i just don''t know the factors imma just write until my hands bleed as if my arms already arent i just wish precariously i had some definiton a clarity of the notion nothing can add up anymore you do not even recall to compar what i am feeling right now i society wants to burn me away into the sub cultures of the earth let it be i can return it also i try to be countr productive each tim i'll try to present with joy it's just a monster living in me the demon in my core tells m thy are lying they don't want me to succeed should i follow him and th door opens but th hall of that naughty gauntlet tests me i really do not think none of y'all are here for me real talk. i am scripting my life i could care less you cannot guide me to positive sunlight i am drowining myself to the end do you know how provisional i sense this crying tears i die it's addicting lif isnt forever but my friend is depression my stunt doubl allocating more space thn i need/ i am my refuge no on can save me caus nothing is real i am following with a pattern of words so ti prevent myself from slicing my wrists again life is so fucking hard whoevr dosnt read this is a bitch and i hate you eternally and well ive already reopened old wounds wont people get off my case i need someone to talk to here in my arms to cry on their shouldrs hell erryon i evr known in my childhood has changed why do they evolve to forid who i am i would like to preserve my existence just cure this disase who will take me away from this world im so pure and nice with kindness but it's my mistak i will soon perish broken scars this array regroups my soul with irrelvance a catalyst im not of here i belong somewhere else i just want to expire erryone let m go thgis is my path ws i just born to suffer what the fuck is wrong im manipulated in chaos. learing to that chamber where th undead want to comfort my blood in ruins fuck a heaven slam me shut while th curtains fall and i am imprisoned barricaded to the transformation i am not wanted no more who even comprehends what it like you want to tell someon but you just aquire for them to predict you're alon and carress your agony but it's nothing i intrude where i stand only to locate my reflection deformed not even blonging i am alienated in a canal of confusion will you just releas me like i nevr eexisted isolation abandonment stranded forgotten as always i am usd to it i am not angry i am just null n void no one can fill this emptyness i cannot feel affection coutteousness gratification no mor fucking fak smile i am crying but screaming on th inside i could peeel all thse voices from my cranium i am synchronizing to leak out all this information fuck it like y'all evn care to young to understand what i go through my life is already over but before i go let y'all know i bleed and drink my letting so that i may never experience the brilliant alignment i am in misery no angels just th evil in me not abstract emotionally raping me what's on my priorities are me just pour all these expressions into a coffee grinder and throw it all away don't even try to seam or sew or stitch me back together i am unrepairable you cannot be my saviour unless you wer me so i conclude this let my tears rain on your parade mnnk.. tomorrow i will live now what if i didn't would it be the same no i would even b in trwachery and hierarchous behaviour where ever it is the spirit relocates on its vacation none of you will ever grasp my reality all for nothing i am using all my tim gaining nothing i will shd my remains until theres a forefront searching to banaid this aura that's controlling me remember this suffix is emotional serious not immensely fabricated it's been a long time i hav finally written somthing and i will never be the same thanx readers for looking at this assortment of mixed feelings that will never be the same mnnk.. i am leaving before i cry the most ive ever cryed that i can remember. don't pity my these are just my memories i wish i would awake this nightmare i am insignificant no on will listen i am sifting in ashes losing my character each day passing with no promising goals.. by bye associates i would like to call you friends but i do not know i query for someone to hold m company in my arms for comfort but that will never happen will it now i enclose this body with that bye novv i'll go crying in tears..............

listen up kids!

mnk. no// i am a person that isn't on that feeble minded adolescent gossip. no\/ i take my patience to script this my double you key doesn't //ork so i am improvising vvith other keys to create it. the vvord that is. ok back to the original topic before i go insane. is that understood mnk. i infatuate myself vvith vvrting text my emotions insecure memories. allocate my terminology as complex or being i don't knovv vvhat the fuck i am talkin bout it's vvhatever i am from texas represent it to the fullest regardless of this moronic president and his pointless vievvs of iraki vvars. he knovvs nada. hm in that vvhole bevarian illuminati secrecy of the capitalisms involvements i could sympathize less on politics. just nforming you demographic individuals i am not here to socialize i have a public anxiety disorder to many issues included in my life to speak about i isn't gong to define to the nation public vvhatever those vvho commented me are y'all botts yes you are. sending me the same message saying rate your page to be honst i think it'll b pornographic so i vvill not go to it. plus i am not trying to sinister my eyes to such arbitrous material. i had only joined this because some crip girl person had me register it you knovv. let me see in time vvho has the sufficient intellcts to compare vvith mine. congratulations this is Raul a great nevv vvorthy addition to cherrytap and vvhen my keyboard is fixd i vvill vvreck yard terminologically of my sorrovvs. by bye kids adolescents preteens it's vvhatever love me or hate me cause i am real and most vvho jade me are the fakes n you'll be exposd novv i am off to listen to my evanscence cause im an emo gankstah.
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