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hell hath no fury's blog: "Hmm......."

created on 09/15/2006  |  http://fubar.com/hmm/b2121

Ok, so I'm a pagan

And I saw this floating by in a bulletin today ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, I write this letter in concern of your daughter, Aradia Moon. Please don't take this the wrong way, however, although she is a straight A student and a very bright child, she has some strange habits that I feel we should address. Every morning before class, she insists on walking around the room with her pencil in the air. She says she is "drawing down the moon." I told her art class is in an hour and to please refrain until then to do any drawing. And speaking of art class, whenever she draws a night sky, she insists on drawing little circles around all the stars and people dancing on the ground. And that brings up dancing, I had to stop her twice for taking off her clothes during a game of Ring Around the Rosés! By the way, what does "sky clad" mean? Aradia has no problem with making friends. I always find her sitting outside during recess with her friends sitting around her in a circle. She likes to share her juice and cookies. It is nice how she wants no one to ever thirst or hunger. However, when I walked over to see what they were doing, she jumped up and told me to stop, pulled out a little plastic knife and started waiving it in front of me. I thought this a bit dangerous, so I took her to the Principal's Office. She explained to the Principal that she was "opening the circle" to let me in. She also said that her Mommy and Daddy always told her not to play or run with an "athame" in her hand, that she could put someone's eye out. I don't know what an "athame" is, but I'm glad she keeps it at home. As for stories, your daughter tends to make up some whoppers. Just yesterday while I was talking sternly to Tommy Johson and shaking my finger at him, he started screaming and ran from the room. When I finally caught him, he told me Aradia told him and the rest of the class that the last time I shook my finger at someone, they caught the chicken pox. I explained to him that the Sally Jones incident was just a coincidence, and that things like that don't really happen. One of the strangest things that happened was when I asked the children to bring in Halloween decorations for the classroom. Aradia brought in salt, incense, and her family album. I see she has quite a sense of humor. One of Aradia's worst habits is that she is very argumentative. We were discussing what the Golden Rule was (Do Unto Others as you would have them Do Unto You), she firmly disagreed with me and stated that it was "Do As you Will, but Harm None" and she will not stop saying "So Mote It Be" after she reads aloud in class. I try to correct her on these matters and she got very angry. She pointed her finger at me and mumbled something under her breath. In closing, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, I would like to set up a parent/teacher conference with you sometime next week to discuss these matters. I would like to see you sooner, but I have developed an irritating rash that I am quite worried about. With deep concerns, Mrs. Livingston P.S. Blessed Be. I understand this is a greeting or closing from your country that your daughter informs me is polite and correct. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, being a pagan, and raising my children the same way, this brings up some uncomfortable feelings. Its obvious that whoever initally wrote this letter was either versed in a form of the craft, or did research. HOWEVER......I'm very disturbed to think that anyone would believe that being a pagan/witch/wicca/druid/celt parent would mean that your child would innately do these things in public. Do Christian children routinely bless food in the cafeteria before lunch? "she insists on walking around the room with her pencil in the air. She says she is "drawing down the moon." " Drawing Down the Moon is a sacred, powerful thing. No child, no matter what her parents practice, would EVER be doing this, much less in school! "And speaking of art class, whenever she draws a night sky, she insists on drawing little circles around all the stars and people dancing on the ground." And this is an issue.........why? "She also said that her Mommy and Daddy always told her not to play or run with an "athame" in her hand, that she could put someone's eye out." The athame is a consecrated tool, not a TOY. Just as a boline, or a cup, or censer.....its not something to be played with, but rather a powerful means to an end. "Aradia told him and the rest of the class that the last time I shook my finger at someone, they caught the chicken pox." Wow....lets just set ourselves back to the burning times, shall we? Evil eyes, hexes, curses? I found this particularly offensive because the author had included "Do As You Will But Harm None" in their diatribe. Ugh! Theres more, but to be honest I'm starting to get more upset about this than I should. Guess its time for me to go get naked, find my black cat and go for a ride on my broom.


yes, YAGE. Yet Another Grand Exit. I see these daily here on the LC. No one decides to leave quietly, its always "I'm going 'cause no one reposts my bulletins!" "I'm leaving forever.......theres too much drama!!" For all of those leaving for "drama" Your Grand Exit is just that. If you're going, then GO. Tell the two or three people on here that you talk to, and delete your profile. Period. Most of Grand Exits are merely point ploys. "OH NO! (insert name here) is leaving!! Lets go flood their page and hope they decide to stay!!" Really people.......this is a cyber community. How many of the people on your friends list do you talk to? And how many would give a shit if you didn't come back? Go through your friends list and see how many empty pictures there are...people who LEFT WITHOUT A GRAND EXIT AND YOU DIDN"T NOTICE!! So yes......I say YAGE!!!! Because today I must have seen nine bulletins about "someone" leaving for one reason or another. I don't open them. I don't really care. Any friend I have on LC is also a good enough friend for me to have on my instant messanger program. And if they leave here, its not as if I'll never talk to them again. Just my opinion, as always.

oh, I'm disgusted

I log on to LC. And I see that I have a new friend request. And the message says "Yur so beautiful. Can I see yur private pics?" CLICK DENIED! A message like that tells me two things. 1. You have the mentality of a 12 year old and want to use my private folders for free porn. 2. You didn't read my profile. Some men, really.......


We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, when we are able to go on a nice vacation or when we retire. The truth is there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with ... and remember that time waits for no one. So, stop waiting .. Until your car or home is paid off. Until you get a new car or home. Until your kids leave the house. Until you go back to school. Until you finish school. Until you lose 10 lbs. Until you gain 10 lbs. Until you get married. Until you get a divorce. Until you have kids. Until you retire. Until summer.. Until spring. Until winter. Until fall. Until you die. There is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.

Women vs Girls

Women do not spend hours on sites like LC hitting on men ten years their junior. Nor do they feel the need to check out every other female on his friends list and leave jealous nasty comments on their profiles. Women are too busy with real men, in real life. Women aren't always pretty, with perfect makeup and shaved legs. Sometimes they take less than three showers a day. Sometimes we even *gasp* don't dress up to go to Wal Mart! Women don't think gaining three pounds is a national crisis. Women understand that the best way to attract a man is to BE YOURSELF. Either he'll like you or he won't, but at least he won't like you for someone you aren't. Women are honest. They'll tell you right up front they don't like football, instead of sitting through game after game bitter and miserable to make a man happpy. Women don't take shit from anyone. They are confident in themselves, and who they are. Snide comments or dirty looks will not change that. Women are unique and beautiful. They don't conform to the latest trends in music, clothes or food. A fad is a fad....and they've seen them come and go. Women are not afraid to be honest. But they also know a man who says "I love you" after two weeks doesn't mean it. Women will read this nodding their head. Girls will be offended. Did I offend you?

Men vs. Boys

Men appreciate women of all shapes and sizes, understanding that its what is inside the package that truly counts. They could care less what label is on her jeans, or how much (or little) she paid to get her hair "done." Boys are more superficial. They'd never dream of dating someone who buys clothes at Wal Mart or goes out in public without makeup on. Men don't brag about sexual conquests or skills. They are confident in their abilities, but not cocky *no pun intended* Men get pleasure from pleasuring their partner. Boys talk the talk, and can't walk the walk. Men understand that sometimes the best things in life are free, and that a walk in the rain can mean so much more than the most expensive piece of jewlery. Boys think that jewlery entitles them to an all night romp in bed because they "deserve it." Men will sit on the couch with you without groping. They're content to hold your hand or have you snuggled against them. Men know that little things matter. A surprise phone call can be priceless. Men understand that to have a healthy relationship, you need time apart. Seriously.....no one can be together 24/7 and not go insane. Spending time alone, without being jealous of who she's with or what she's doing, will make time together all that more enjoyable.


I saw two lovers across a field, dancing together by a dying tree, the gentleman looking upon his love, to him more beautiful than a dove. He listened carefully to her speech, then placed his hands upon her cheeks, and although I know not what was said, he kissed her soft and tenderly.

Heavens Special Child

Heaven's Very Special Child by Edna Massimilla A meeting was held, quite far from earth "It's time again for another birth" Said the Angels to the Lord above, "This special child will need much love" His progress may seem very slow, Accomplishments he may not show And he'll require extra care From all the folks he meets down there. He may not run or laugh or play His thoughts may seem quite far away In many ways he won't adapt, And he'll be known as handicapped. So let's be careful where he's sent We want his life to be content Please, Lord, find the right parents who Will do this special job for You. They will not realize right away The leading role they're asked to play But with this child sent from above Comes stronger faith and richer love. And soon they'll know the privilege given In caring for this gift from Heaven. Their precious charge, so meek and mild Is heaven's very special child.


You Are A Margarita Martini
You are a full on partier, with a good deal of sass and spunk.
You're always friendly and welcoming - and very tolerant of obnoxious drunks.

You should never: Drink and dance. The pictures will be everywhere the next morning!

Your ideal party: Is loud, with good music and fun drinking games.

Your drinking soulmates: Those with a Dirty Martini personality

Your drinking rivals: Those with a Classic Martini personality
You Know You're From Louisiana When...
The crawdad mounds in your front yard have over taken the grass. You greet people with "Howzyamomma'an'dem?" and hear back "Dey fine!" Every so often, you have waterfront property. When giving directions you use words like "uptown," "downtown," "backatown," "riverside," "lakeside," "other side of the bayou" or "other side of the levee." When you refer to a geographical location "way up North," you are referring to places like Shreveport, Little Rock or Memphis, "where it gets real cold." You've ever had Community Coffee. You can pronounce Tchoupitoulas but can't spell it. You don't worry when you see ships riding higher in the river than the top of your house. You judge a po-boy by the number of napkins used. The waitress at your local sandwich shop tells you a fried oyster po-boy "dressed" is healthier than a Caesar salad. You can eat Popeye's, Haydel's and Zapp's for lunch and wash it down with Barq's and several Abitas, without losing it all on your stoop. The four seasons in your year are: crawfish, shrimp, crab, and King Cake. You "wrench" your hands in the sink with an onion bar to get the crawfish smell off. You don't learn until high school that Mardi Gras is not a national holiday. You believe that purple, green and gold look good together. Your last name isn't pronounced the way it's spelled. You know what a nutria rat is but you still pick it to represent your baseball team. You have spent a summer afternoon on the Lake Pontchartrain seawall catching blue crabs. You describe a color as "K & B Purple." You like your rice and politics dirty. You pronounce the largest city in the state as "Nawlins." You know those big roaches can fly, but you're able to sleep at night anyway. You assume everyone has mosquito swarms in their backyard. You realize the rainforest is less humid than Louisiana. You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron... You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window... When out of town, you stop and ask someone where there is a drive-through Daiquiri place, and they look at you like you have three heads. You have flood insurance. Your burial plot is six feet over rather than six feet under. You consider a Bloody Mary a light breakfast. You push little old ladies out of the way to catch Mardi Gras throws. You leave a parade with footprints on the top of your hands. You have a parade ladder in your shed. Your first sentence was "Throw me something mistah" and your first drink was from a go-cup. You worry about a deceased family member returning in spring floods. You reply to anything and everything about life here with "Only in Nahlins". You have a monogrammed go-cup. You get on a bus marked "Cemeteries" and don�t think twice. You shake out your shoes before putting them on. Your sunglasses fog up when you step outside. No matter where else you go in the world, you are always disappointed in the food. You get up in the morning and start cooking a pot of rice before you give any thought to what you'll fix for dinner. You ask, "How dey running?" and "Are dey fat?" when you're inquiring about seafood quality. When a hurricane is imminent When it starts to rain, you cover your beer instead of your head. You call tomato sauce "red gravy." You eat sno-balls instead of throwing them. Your house payment is less than your air conditioning bill. Your grandparents are called "Maw Maw" and "Paw Paw." You fall asleep to the soothing sounds of four box fans. No one eats healthy. Fried Batter is actually a menu item in some restaurants. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Louisiana.

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