42 Year Old
Invited by: Loco The Morph ...·
Joined on July 9, 2007
Born on October 11th
Hi im barry but plz call me baz. im 24 years old and im 6'3. i was born in bristol but i now live in hindley just outside wigan lancs. i have a passion for motor racing and i play the keyboard and i have been playing for about 12ish years (love making my own music as well) if your on myspace you can find me @ myspace.com/baz11101982 so plz say helo :)
42 Year Old
Invited by: Loco The Morph ...·
Joined on July 9, 2007
Born on October 11th
Hey!Great profile! This site is rocking hope to get sh*t faced soon!!!!Happy Halloweeen!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3NINA ::sending you shots::Msg me:Ninadesilva22 at Y!h00