Seasons and times come and go. sheding light on the truths of life, not many know why things are the way they are only that life places a song in ones heart, songs differ from peron to person, some sing songs of love where others only sing the blues, no one can fully understand the path that is set before them, they only hope to make sense of what they see, for many visions cloud there thoughts and memories traping them in a world which once was, seeing no way out they stumble and fall, for others the light shines bright, leading them to a path of peace and love, how does life determine who is destined for which path, maybe its the choises we make as we attempt to figure out or place on this planet, maybe its destin, maybe some are meant to be happy where others are not, Me I believe our choises lead us to our destiny, If we can look past the now, look past the pain, each step we take brings us closer to our destiny. but we cant reach it if we stop to look at the now, all happiness is found through pain, I believe this, even the bible tells us that in order to find god we must first be broken, I guess thats why its so hard for some to accept, because the pain of now seems so much more real then what can not be seen, lifes paths take us down many forks in the road, choises to be made everyday, leading us to where we are suppose to be, thought the roads fork they always come back to a poin where your path is right in fronty of you, who knows why we are her, or if theres a purpose only god knows for sure, but as life moves on we need to remember that the next stop we take may lead us the happiness we so eagerly desire. I do believe each person is destined to find happiness, to find that one peron who completes them, and to finally understand what there life has been leading them to, yes there is much pain on the path to happiness but each experienc, each oppertunity to learn about ourselves brings us closer to it... so stop a moment and ask yourself, where will i find my happiness? When will I find the one who was meant for me? there is someone meant for everyone just let life lead you to that inter twining road where souls meet... dont let pain steal this from you, for it has stolen more then enough already...