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What are you waiting for?

Delusional fancy

Oh what dreams do conspire? Where were lost in the muck and mire, Lost soul turn to each other in search of sanctuary, Only to find that it houses the advisory, Lost in love, never knowing the truth Kidding all reminisce of its proof, Searching, searching, searching, but never finding, Because from it we are always running, Dreams disguise the pain inside, Wrapped in fantasy that our minds devise, Why do we run from what we seek? Is it fear or because we’re weak? Or is it that our souls can’t bare the thought of edan, Which lies just there? Peace, happiness, joy and bliss We’ll never know just what we miss. One day when we are in heaven will Look down on all the earth and wonder Why we do what we do to ourselves, And realize that chasing a dream stole or reality...

whispers in the wind

One night i sat all alone on a grassy hillside, looking out into the night sky, as i looked into the heavens visions of the past played in my mind, I thought of days of old when things seems so peaceful and sereane, not asingel worry plagued my day. As I saw the shadows of these moments new visions began to take there place, I could hear a voice, coming from the distance whispering a name. I couldnt quiet make it out, the voice seemed so faint, but the sound touched my heart and a single tear fell from my eye. how could i miss someone this much when i dont even knowwho they are i pondered to myself, then again came that whisper, this time a little louder a little clearer, but i was a name i didn not know, till i met you, now every time i hear that name my heart begins to race, I colse my eyes and there you are right back in that heavenly place. to hold you to touch to feel your warm lips, oh what visions they were, which were carried upon the whisper of the wind....

winding roads...

Seasons and times come and go. sheding light on the truths of life, not many know why things are the way they are only that life places a song in ones heart, songs differ from peron to person, some sing songs of love where others only sing the blues, no one can fully understand the path that is set before them, they only hope to make sense of what they see, for many visions cloud there thoughts and memories traping them in a world which once was, seeing no way out they stumble and fall, for others the light shines bright, leading them to a path of peace and love, how does life determine who is destined for which path, maybe its the choises we make as we attempt to figure out or place on this planet, maybe its destin, maybe some are meant to be happy where others are not, Me I believe our choises lead us to our destiny, If we can look past the now, look past the pain, each step we take brings us closer to our destiny. but we cant reach it if we stop to look at the now, all happiness is found through pain, I believe this, even the bible tells us that in order to find god we must first be broken, I guess thats why its so hard for some to accept, because the pain of now seems so much more real then what can not be seen, lifes paths take us down many forks in the road, choises to be made everyday, leading us to where we are suppose to be, thought the roads fork they always come back to a poin where your path is right in fronty of you, who knows why we are her, or if theres a purpose only god knows for sure, but as life moves on we need to remember that the next stop we take may lead us the happiness we so eagerly desire. I do believe each person is destined to find happiness, to find that one peron who completes them, and to finally understand what there life has been leading them to, yes there is much pain on the path to happiness but each experienc, each oppertunity to learn about ourselves brings us closer to it... so stop a moment and ask yourself, where will i find my happiness? When will I find the one who was meant for me? there is someone meant for everyone just let life lead you to that inter twining road where souls meet... dont let pain steal this from you, for it has stolen more then enough already...

waiting on time

make me moan, make me groan, make me scream, consume me with passion of a dream. As I wait in the shadows of love I wait for the one sent from above. Passion, lust, greed, desire, seen as sin serves to kindle the fire. Awaiting the one who will awaken my soul destined to find he heart which will make me whole. As I wait with heart in hand, I watch the hourglass spill its sand. Time truely is the greatest distance, wroth with questions, kept with persistance. in hte end when everything is complete, from the tree of life i will eat.

Sweet Surrender

Oh, that I were able to drink from the cup of passion and desire, That I could extinguish the fires which burn deep in my lions Which consume me as I gaze upone your flawless beauty, One sip from this cup would satisy the lust which coursesthrough my vains, But as my heart struggles with this i lift the chalis of love to my lips and drink greedly, The necture of the Gods which lies within awaken my senses, as our souls become one I am consumed by your entoxicating aroma, the sily smooth feel of your skin, the taste of your sweet lips, the soft moans of passion as I look into your eyes, lost forever in the sweet embrace of love. Yes the cup of passion and desire would satisfy but the chalis of love transends the moment into eternity were our souls are joined in a bond as one forever.

The power of a kiss

Under the dancing moonlight i see the reflection of your face. Visionsof a first kiss play out in my mind as the soft breeze moves across the ocean, Whispering to me the name of my one true love. As the sound of your name flows into my ears, a single tear of bitter lonelinees escapes me. My heart begins begins to flutter, my pulse quickens, the very essence of my manhood is stired, As passion begins to consume me one thought remains, A kiss, one single kiss, which entangles my heart, devours my soul, and sets my whole being aflame. funny how much power lies within a kiss, which has not yet been.

a dream before time

As i dreamed one night i saw your face, a vision of loveliness unlike any i have ever dreamed before, I looked into your eyes and saw a soul so beautiful that i made the angels weep, the way your eyes sparked as you melted my heart with your smile I knew that your were more then just a dream. As the clouds drifted under my feet I moved to get closer to you, but then I remembered its only a dream. I see you standing, arms wide open waiting for me to come near, but then i remember its only a dream. You reach out to me and hold my hand, you tell me you love me and just as my heart is about to explode from joy, I remember its only a dream. You kiss me passionately, nearly consuming my soul, entangleing my heart and as my heart is about to break because this is only a dream I remember, how cat it be, only a dream, i haven't been born yet>

a promise from my father

As i walk along this narrow path I see troubles surrounding me. I look into the heavens and cry out to the lord, "Help me father for I am weak," My sinful nature is at constant battle with me seeking to devour and destroy my soul," As I close my eyes I hhear a voice, "fear not my son for I am with thee, but I have made for you a help mate, The one whom I have choosen before the beggining of time to share your heart, your soul, and your life." The time is near, and two wsouls will met to become one. two hearts beating in perfect unison two minds working together to find the true meaning of love." You road will be hard but you will find solice in the arms of your soul mate." As i hear these words my heart begins to feel heavy and a single tear runs down my cheek for though I have not yet known you, my heart aches to be with you, my arms become lonely at the memory of a touch which has not yet been, my soul yerns to be complete. I close my eyes and imagine your face, your smile, your beautiful eyes, your full lips,. As i walk this narrow path i can now only dream of the day you will become my destiny.

lost and found

Hidden in the shadows of the past surrounded by pain and anguish, he looks out into the world and wonders just how long it will last. He sees the days and nights fly by, lost in the confussion of the turmoil, He thinks to himself, I know my life has past. He looks around wondering what had happened to the young man he once knew, seems to be only a memory which he has come to rue. Lost without a glimpse of light he closes his eyes and saysa prayer and then came you. Oh, how his heart felt renewed, filled with a passion and a love like none he ever knew, The shadows begin to drift away, surrounding him with a glow of belief. A soul once lost now lives again, standing tall, knowing that life have once again begun anew. The powe within your love has made him strong again, as the joining of two souls brings his spirit relief.


A single red rose, hidden under a mask of perfection, The sweet smell, the fregrance of enchantment, the power to make , the fairest of angels stand in awe. Looking at its outer appearence one can only see what lies on the surface. Within the perfection lies something very different, the worries, the constant battle within, never knowing for sure if perfection is truely enough, The thorns lie in wait to stab at any who dare to get close, the root buried deep where no one ever goes. There lies the real rose, the one no one ever looks for. Content with its beauty and lovely smell, the passion and life are often overlooked, But when you look at what lies deep down buried under the past, under the heartache and the pain, you see the soul of a flower shich so depreately wishes to be known. But for now it remains content to shine in the admoration of others, but as the sun sets and it stands all alone its heart breaks because no one really knows what i means to be a rose.
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