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52 Year Old · Female · Invited by: Diane · Joined on January 26, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 5th · I have a crush on someone!
52 Year Old · Female · Invited by: Diane · Joined on January 26, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 5th · I have a crush on someone!

All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Hey
Middle name?::Blondie
Like your name?::yes
Named after anyone?:: Debbie Harry
Any nicknames?:: Sweetstuff
Age?:: 35
Birthdate?:: June 5
Birthplace?:: NYC, NY
Time you were born?::10:18 Am
Current location?::someplace else
Like your height?::Yes its JUST right
Eye color?:: blueish
Hair color?::blonde
Natural hair color?:: blonde
Dye your hair often?:: none of your business!
Righty or lefty?:: righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Rock, pop, anything that moves me
Band or singer?:: Lots of folks, currently love Nickelback
TV show?:: comedy shows that are actually funny
Movie?:: Mediterraneo
TV channel?:: I have no idea
Radio station?: itunes
Place to be?::near the ocean
Thing to do?:: photography
Food?:: Thai, Sushi
Non alcoholic drink?:: tea
Alcoholic drink?::Guinness , Bailey's
Animal?:: cat
Holiday?:: I don't really like holidays!
Season?:: summer
Sport?:: Boxing
Place to shop?: H&M
Clothing brand?: whatever I think is pretty
Scent?:: Poison
Restaurant?:: Smith and Wollensky's
Fruit?:: oranges
Vegetable?:: peas
Fast food restaurant?:: none
Pizza topping?:: mushrooms
Ice cream flavor?::Mint chip
Magazine?:: Redbook and the like
City?:: Dublin
Color?:: gold
Number?:: 33
Chocolate or vanilla?::chocolate
Pepsi or coke?:: neither
Hot or cold?:: hot
Black or white?:: black
Dog or cat?:: both
French toast or pancakes?:: French Toast
French fries or onion rings?:: french fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: hamburger
Pepperoni or sausage?:: sausage
Britney or Christina?:: Christina
McDonalds or Burger King?::neither
50 Cent or Eminem?:: neither
Canada or Mexico?:: Canada
Hug or kiss?:: both
Movies or TV?:: movies on TV
Truth or dare?:: Dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:: yes
Sing in the shower?:: occasionally
Like to sing?:: yes
Like to dance?:: yes
Smoke?:: sometimes
Drink?:: yes
Cuss?:: try not to
Talk to yourself?:: no
Believe in yourself?:: yes, I believe I exist!
Play an instrument?:: no wish I did
Go to school?:: I did
Go to college?: I graduated and no one can make me do it again!
Have a job?:: sort of
Like your job?:: yes
Want to get married?:: I am
Want to have kids?:: I did
Get along with your parents?:: They were hard to get along with
Get along with your siblings?:: yes
Drive?:: yes a lot
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: yes
Think your funny?:: I have a sense of humor
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: no
Gone garbage can tipping?:: no
What are your parents names?:: Mom and Dad
Siblings names?:: Tom
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: yes I do :)
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: 2
Collect anything?:: angels
Ever been in love?:: yes
In love right now?:: we shall see
What color pants are you wearing right now? denim blue
How does your hair look?:: long and blonde
Ever had your heartbroken?:: yes indeed
Ever broken the law?:: I probably have
Been arrested?:: no
Been out of the country?:: out of which country?
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: I would not want to
When was the last time you got drunk?:: the other night
Do you do drugs?:: not now!!!
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: When I broke my finger
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: low
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: I might
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: panties or no panties, I can do both
Do you like to laugh?:: Dear Lord yes
Ever had a bloody nose?:: yes
Have you ever caught a fish?:: yes
What was the last thing you ate?:: noodles
What time do you go to bed?:: usually too late
What's your favorite color?:: gold
Do you like to give or recieve?: both
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: yes doing laundry
Do you live alone?:: no
Do you own a blender?:: yes
Do you like the snow?:: yes
Ever been up a mountain?:: yes
Ever been rootin'?:: ?
Do you like surprises?:: depends
Do you wear socks?:: yes
Do you like to shop?:: yes
Favorite position?:: depends on my mood
Favorite trio?:: A threesome :)

52 Year Old · Female · Invited by: Diane · Joined on January 26, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on June 5th · I have a crush on someone!
I'm here to flirt and chat and make friends!

I like photography, travel, exercise, music and lots of stuff.


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