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BlueEyed Angel's blog: "Hey Everyone!"

created on 01/19/2007  |  http://fubar.com/hey-everyone/b45999
"The Voice From Within" I have been called many things over the years in my practice. A shrink. A therapist. A pill provider. Another bill to pay. But, I consider myself to be a confidant. A listener. An un-biased opinion. Although I am technically a licensed psychiatrist, I do my job to help people and hopefully, they leave my office feeling different than when they walked in. To do this, I find that my list of patients is quite smaller than those of my colleagues. I see only a handful of patients a week. I limit my sessions, but not to one hour. I feel it often takes more than just an hour for a person to really open up to another person, let alone, a stranger. For this reason, I only accept new patients under certain circumstances. I was out having some lunch enjoying my afternoon off when those circumstances happened to fall into place. “Maureen, it's Stacy.” My best friend sounded frantic. “Hey, sweetie, what's wrong?” I replied. “Um, I sorta need a favor.” “Ok. Is it illegal?” I asked, hoping she wouldn't dare say yes. “Ha, ha. Very funny. No. It's not illegal.” She said sarcastically. Stacy had never been in trouble with the law and was generally a pretty PG gal, but her spontaneity had me worried sometimes. Once, I got a call at two in the morning, “Hey Maur, you'll never guess where I am!” She was right. I had no clue. “Paris!” She screamed in my ear. “I was trying to decide how to use my airline miles and I decided to go to Paris. “Tonight?” I asked, still half asleep. “Sure, why not? I'm on vacation, right?” That was the first of many of her spur-of-the-moment travels. At least now, I've convinced her not to call me passed eleven “So, what this favor?” “I have this friend and he really needs to talk to someone. You know... like you. A professional. Can we drop by today?” “Well, I actually freed up my afternoon so that - ” “- Great! Then you can see us?” She sounded so desperate. “Of course. You can come by at two. Come by the house though. The office is all locked up.” “Thank you so much! You're the best. See ya at two.” She hung up before I could even say goodbye. That was strange, I thought to myself. Normally, I would never invite new patients into my home, but I trusted that Stacy, so I wasn't worried. Well, maybe just a little. The doorbell rang at ten minutes to two. I opened the door and invited Stacy and a very tall, dark-haired, light-eyed man inside. “This is Jason Reed.” Stacy said to me. I held out my hand and introduced myself. “Hello, Mr. Reed. My name is Maureen Clemens. Why don't we go out into the sitting area and we can get started.” He seemed a bit nervous. “I've set out some lemonade and crackers.” Once all three of us were seated and had our cups and plates full, I asked, “So, Mr. Reed. Why don't you tell me what's going on?” “Please, call me Jason.” He said calmly. “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. Can you tell me if I'm going crazy.” “Well, Jason, I have some good news for you. If you can ask if you are crazy then you are not crazy.” I could see him relax a little. He took a sip of lemonade. “So, why do you think you might be going crazy?” “Uh... um... well, see, I've been hearing this voice. It's not there all the time. Mostly before I fall asleep or in the middle of the night. It started as a whisper, like a breeze and I used to hear it only once in a while, but the voice is starting to grow louder and I'm started to hear it during the day now. I can't understand what he – or at least I think it's a he – is saying. I've gone to my regular doctor and he referred me to a psychiatrist, but he was very uptight and wanted to give me a bunch of pills. I'll take them if I have to, but I wanted to get a second opinion first. Stacy is the only one I've told about this and she just happened to know you – a psychiatrist – so, here we are.” I think he only took one breath the entire summary. “What sort of medication did the other doctor prescribe? What did he say he thought your diagnosis was?” I asked him. “Schizophrenia. He gave me Lithium and a sedative for sleep.” He showed me the prescription. Lithium and Seroquel. Pretty high doses of each. “Wow. A little much for just starting out. Why don't you do this. Get the prescription for the sedative filled, but only take half at night before bed. You do need to sleep. I would hold off on the Lithium until I can run a few tests. Do you feel like this voice is something that might cause you to hurt yourself or someone else?” “No.” “Then, if you can deal with the voice for a few more days, I'll schedule you to come down to the clinic tomorrow, run some tests and then we'll go from there. You should sleep through pretty much anything with the sedative, but here is my emergency number in case you need to talk to me before tomorrow. I also recommend a healthy dinner and maybe a hot soak in a tub or jacuzzi. Try to stay relaxed. Put on your favorite movie or music and try to clear your mind. It's ok if the voice comes back, but try and not be afraid. It can't hurt you. Listen to it. Maybe you might be able understand what it's trying to tell you. How does that sound?” “I think I can handle it for a few more days. At least you're being proactive about my situation and for that I am very grateful. Thank you.” I could tell he was somewhat relieved. “I just have one more question real quick. Have you had anything traumatic happen recently or within the last year?” I asked him. “I was in a car accident about six months ago. The car I was in flipped down a hill a few times, but I had a CT Scan in the hospital and everything came back negative. They gave me a clean bill of health. I have been having headaches that I never had before, but I figured it was from the stress of this voice I keep hearing.” He replied. “Did the voice appear soon after your accident?” “No. It started only about three weeks ago. Do you think it has to do with the accident?” He asked worriedly. “I'm not saying that Mr.- I mean Jason. These are just standard questions I have to ask. We'll find out more after the tests tomorrow. Now, why don't you go and get that one prescription filled. We'll schedule you to come down to the clinic around ten in the morning. Stacy can give you directions or come along if she likes. Alright?” “I can come along if you want.” Stacy said to Jason. “It's ok. I think I'll be in good hands.” Just then, he looked at me with those piercing light blue eyes and smiled. It was the first time he had smiled since he walked through the door. He had a nice smile.
I wish I could take the credit, but I owe it all to my genius fiancee! My website is totally amazing :0 It includes a built-in forum, so when you register on my site, you will automatically become a member of my forum, where you have YOUR OWN profile, mailbox and tons of cool features! You have to at least check it out! If it weren't my website, I would still think it was really kewl. So go to: www.traciross.com and at least register - FOR FREE - so you can start your FREE membership. Then, you can email me, other members, upload your pic, check out my gallery and leave comments on the FRONT PAGE. If you have already signed up, Derrick has cleared the database, so you will have to sign up again. We are still working on the activation emails, but for now, just re-login from the homepage and you will have full access. Cant wait to hear what y'all think! Traci www.traciross.com

It's Official And Free!!!

I finally got my own domain name for my personal web site. Head on over to www.traciross.com and leave a comment on what you think about it so far. It's still in the development phase, so the links dont work yet, but you'll get the idea. You have to sign up to leave comments or view pages (when they're done), but it's totally FREE! Hope to see you over there!
I Found this information on the internet and thought it was very interesting in light of the the VT Shooting. Maybe we should re-evaluate and deal with what the REAL problem is!!! Depression Statistics * Depressive disorders affect approximately 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5% of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. This includes major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder. * Everyone, will at some time in their life be affected by depression -- their own or someone else's, according to Australian Government statistics. (Depression statistics in Australia are comparable to those of the US and UK.) * Pre-schoolers are the fastest-growing market for antidepressants. At least four percent of preschoolers -- over a million -- are clinically depressed. * The rate of increase of depression among children is an astounding 23% p.a. * 15% of the population of most developed countries suffers severe depression. * 30% of women are depressed. Men's figures were previously thought to be half that of women, but new estimates are higher. * 54% of people believe depression is a personal weakness. * 41% of depressed women are too embarrassed to seek help. * 80% of depressed people are not currently having any treatment. * 92% of depressed African-American males do not seek treatment. * 15% of depressed people will commit suicide. * Depression will be the second largest killer after heart disease by 2020 -- and studies show depression is a contributory factor to fatal coronary disease. * Suicide was the eighth leading cause of death for males and the sixteenth leading cause of death for females in 2004. * Almost four times as many males as females die by suicide. * Firearms, suffocation, and poison are by far the most common methods of suicide, overall. However, men and women differ in the method used, as shown below. ================================================= Suicide by: Males (%) Females (%) Firearms 57 32 Suffocation 23 20 Poisoning 13 38 Is suicide common among children and young people? In 2004, suicide was the third leading cause of death in each of the following age groups. Of every 100,000 young people in each age group, the following number died by suicide: * Children ages 10 to 14 — 1.3 per 100,000 * Adolescents ages 15 to 19 — 8.2 per 100,000 * Young adults ages 20 to 24 — 12.5 per 100,000 As in the general population, young people were much more likely to use firearms, suffocation, and poisoning than other methods of suicide, overall. However, while adolescents and young adults were more likely to use firearms than suffocation, children were dramatically more likely to use suffocation. There were also gender differences in suicide among young people, as follows: * Almost four times as many males as females ages 15 to 19 died by suicide, * More than six times as many males as females ages 20 to 24 died by suicide.
As most of you already know, our wedding date was set for 4-7-07. I say WAS because we have post-poned it. There's nothing wrong with our relationship or anything like that. We are doing fine. It just came up on us so much quicker than we expected and we aren't even close to being ready. Plus, we've decided to save up some more money, since we aren't receiving any financial help from family. I guess it just seemed too soon as the date became nearer. Is it just us, or do other people experience the same thing? I know weddings are typically supposed to be this huge occassion where everyone gets dressed up, goes to some boring ceremony, then some formal "party" afterward. We dont want all that. Maybe that's why it seems so uneventful. We are both very casual peple and we just want to have a fun wedding, share a few vows and hang out with the people we care about. But, why doesn't this feel like 'enough' for me? I suppose I always had the same chidhood dream of a fairy tale wedding. The beautiful dress, my handsome prince with his eyes wide and misty as he saw me for the first time walking down the isle. I'm not saying those things cant or wont happen, but for some reason I have this unfulfilled part of me that wants something more, but I cant put my finger on it. I figure once you're married, there are very few benefits other than the ceremony. Dont get me wrong, marriage is a beginning, a trust, an understanding, a compromise and a promise to respect the other person. I get that part. But, honestly, the only real benefits are the tax break, the shared health and dental insurance and any Social Security benefits if your spouse should die before you...which would really suck. For some people who have waited until marriage to have sex, this would be an awesome benefit. The only problem is, will he be able to perform? Will she be a prude? Will they like the same things sexually? Have they built intimacy? So many dilemmas either way. So, how do you know when you're really ready? I mean the whole way! Emotionally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, financially, etc.? Do you give up your idea of a dream wedding just to get it over with? Why do some people rush right in and last forever and some wait until it seems like the right time, but end up divorced and unhappy? Am I nuts? Do I have cold feet? Is there something in my past that I need resolved before I can actually take that walk down the aisle? Or am I going through the same thoughts and emotions as any other nervous bride-to-be?

My Amazing Dream

Last night I had my first dream where I could actually SEE my Grandma! I have drempt of her house and other images of her, but never truly saw her face. That is until last night. I can't really explain the dream except that I felt very warm and comforted. She was still alive and had some sort of tumor, but my family wouldn't pay to have it removed. So, I came up with the money and paid for her surgery myself. The look on her face when she awoke from the anesthesia, is one I will never forget. I got to see her smile again! It was amazing. Awesome. Fantastic!
I guess I didn't realize how much I really do miss her. She never had a tumor in real, just died of a heart attack, peacefully. But, being able to give her the gift of a longer life in my dream, was the best feeling I've had in a long time - asleep, or awake. My Grandma wanted to have her ashes spread out over the ocean, like my Grandpa. She didn't want a funeral or service. We honored her wishes and had a small family gathering about a month after she passed. I never thought it was right though. She was loved by so many people and I'm sure they would have liked to say good-bye.

But, at our gathering, I was able to sing a very special song for her. I didn't write it - I'm not that talented ;) But, I sang it for her while an old friend played the acoustic guitar. Here are the words to the song I sang from a wonderful artist named Carolyn Dawn Johnson:

They gave you a corner room on the fifth floor
The city lights were like candy to a kid in a store
Like a king you'd lay in your bed so state fully
So thankful they gave you a room with scenery
You always were so healthy, so full of life
So seeing you so helpless just didn't seem right
And how you kept your head so high I'll never know
I guess you knew you had a better place to go
You've got a room with a view
A window to the world
You always had your sights set high
And now that you're gone
Your memory lives on And I see you smiling in my mind
With angels as visitors dropping by
Your room with a view
I'll always miss you
I'll always feel the loss
I have to remind myself that you're better off
I gotta believe even through these tears of mine
Wherever you are there's a sun that always shines
You've got a room with a view
A window to the world
You always had your sights set high
And now that you're gone
Your memory lives on
And I see you smiling in my mind
With angels as visitors dropping by
Your room with a view
With angels as visitors dropping by
Your room with a view
Last week, on my birthday, we were driving home late and listening to this minister on one of those Christian Talk Radio stations. Although, the point of his sermon could have been relayed in only about 5 minutes and some of the passages he quoted were out of context, his message was clear. He was telling us that the blessings we receive from God are to be seen as gifts, not as a reward. I think in the back of my head, I always new this, but life can burden us so much to the point where when something good happens, we can feel like we deserve the break or the blessing. Maybe some of us even think that it's about time our prayer was answered. But, the truth is, we dont earn or deserve anything God gives to us. His gifts are just that - GIFTS! We may never know the reason for his gift, but all we can do is be thankful and remember to stay humble so as not to take advantage of the blessings HE gives. Derrick was hired to build a website for a furniture company here in town. At first, I was sorta upset that he underbid the job so much (only $250), but then when I met the couple (Dan and Julie) that owns the shop, I knew that these two people hadn't been brought into our lives purely for the sake of business. Miraculously, the very FIRST day I met them, I had been having a terrible tooth-ache for a few days. I took a drink of my Gatorade and the coldness made my tooth begin to throb. Immediately after I grabbed my mouth, Dan got on his cell phone and called his dentist without any hesitation. Not only did he get me an appointment with the most amazingly gentle dentist for the same day, but when we went to pay the bill, we were told that Dan had already had it taken care of! Can you believe that?!? Such a small gesture for most people, but it was the greatest gift given to me in a long time. As soon as we left the Dentist's office, Derrick and I looked at each other and we both began discussing how much that sermon from the previous week, had such a new and profound meaning to us. Now, we are on their payroll and I am keeping busy helping them build their business. They have even offered us a house on a 50 acre ranch for barely any rent! These two people have been such a gift in our lives and right at the moment when we were beginning to lose hope in people all together. They also have an amazing 12 year old daughter that I might be homeschooling part time. I don't know if I will ever find a way to thank them like I'd like to, but more importantly, if I will ever be able to thank God for bringing us together. I just wanted to share this story will all of you to remind you that God is still a very big part of our daily lives. I guess I needed to be reminded too. Maybe all we can do is pass on the gifts that we are given. For all of you that have seen the movie, go out and "Pay it Forward."
Well, I just did another photo shoot and I think we got some pretty cool shots. The only editing I have done is cropping them. I wanted to keep the raw image to hear your honest feedback. Head on over to my profile and select my modeling album to view and comment....thanks!


So far I only have 3 votes and only 1 of them was from here. THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO: Babes in Toyland! Please, just take a moment to text and vote for me! All the info is in the first blog. Thanks!
PLEASE PLEASE, PLEASE, tell everyone you know to send a text message to 99134 and enter 'VOTE 1273'. If I win, I'll get a $5,000 prize and a photo session with a top Hollywood photographer! It only costs .99 per vote and you can vote as many times as you like. If you wanna check out the site that I'm on for the contest, or even become a contestant yourself, go here: http://www.americasdreamgirl.com/ My Contestant ID# is 1273. Look me up! Thanks! Traci
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