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Loco The Morph Master's blog: "Help"

created on 12/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/help/b34281

I will make HQ Ring tones out of any song that you request, that I am able to get and send the Ring tone made from the song directly to your phone if im able too, (will need cell phone type and network you are on). If I can't mail it too your cell phone, I will provide file for ring tone for you to get to your phone via blue tooth or other methods such as memory card.

Please simply send me a msg with RINGTONE in subject line, or shoutbox me.


(I only ask you give me time too do this, I don't know how many people will be requesting FREE ring tones from me.)

Examples of ring tones already made are on my site for ring tones



How am I able to do this do you ask? I purchased a program that allows me to make custom ring tones, wall pappers and so on and send directly to phones.


Information on the program:

You can create ringtones using any of your personal songs on your computer or from Audio CDs. DJTX works with mp3, wma, aac/mp4, wav, ogg files and songs from your Audio CDs.

Why do I want to do this for free for you:


I enjoy helping other people, if you want you can donate fubucks , rates, cherry bomb my pictures, bling, pimp me out, so on of the fu nature.


I hope you enjoy your ring tones :)



Loco The Morph Master

"I want to take a screenshot of my screen and save it in a graphics file, so I can email it to a friend. Do I need to purchase or download special software to do this?"

(PC First | Mac Second)



First the basic's about this.


“A screenshot, screen capture, or screen dump is an image taken by the computer to record the visible items displayed on the monitor or another visual output device. Usually this is a digital image taken by the host operating system or software running on the computer device, but it can also be a capture made by a camera or a device intercepting the video output of the computer.” (Wikipedia, retrieved 20:18, 30 July 2007 (MEST)).

One may make a distinction between:

Outputting the entire screen or a part of it in a common bitmap image format such as BMP, PNG, or JPEG.
Screen dump
The display system dumps what it is using internally upon request. Output may be rendered in a different format, e.g. PNG instead of X or Display Postscript.

Capturing with the Print Screen method

"Print Screen" means to make a copy of the desktop or a section through the Operating system (OS).

You can either capture the whole desktop or the active window:

  • To capture the whole desktop, hit the 'Print Screen key (sometimes labeled "Prnt Scrn") which you usually can find somewhere in the top right of your keyboard. On some other keyboards, you may have to hit shift-prnt scrn".
  • To capture just the active window, press ALT+Print Screen.

These operations will put the screenshot into the clipboard. Therefore after pressing the key you won't see anything, but you then can simply paste the acquired bitmap into an imaging program with either one of the two following methods:


Getting the screenshot image OUT of the clipboard and saving it to a file is just a bit more involved. If you have a favorite graphics or photo editing program that you prefer, open that program now. If not, open the Microsoft Paint program. To do so, press Start, Run, type MSPAINT at the prompt, then press Enter.

When MS Paint opens, click on Edit, then Paste, as shown in the illustration here. The screenshot image will be pasted from the clipboard into your MS Paint window. If you want to save the entire screen as an image file, click on File, then Save As. Enter a file name that's meaningful and easy to remember, then select JPEG in the Save as type box. Make note of the folder where you're storing the file (My Pictures is a good choice) then press Enter or click the Save button to save the file.

That's it, you're done! You can attach the image to an email, upload it to a website or save it for further editing.


Advanced Image Editing

If you want to crop, add text, resize or otherwise manipulate the image, MS Paint provides a very basic set of image editing tools. If you handle graphics files on a regular basis and want a more powerful editing tool, try IrfanView. This is a free software

More information about the software above, its a fast, small, graphic viewer/editor for Windows that aims to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals. It supports many graphics file formats, effects (sharpen, blur, etc.), creates slideshows, and can print or email your image files.


Screenshots With Mac OS X

Mac OS X offers several ways to take a screenshot. Try the following key combinations in Finder:

  • shift - apple key - 3 - Captures the full screen, and places a PDF File with your screen image on the desktop.
  • shift - apple key - 4 - Lets you capture part of the screen. The cursor will turn into a crosshair, and you can select a portion of the screen. Press the space bar and you can capture a window, menu, icon, etc.

In Mac OS X Tiger, the screen image files are created in PNG format instead of PDF. If you want the image to go to the clipboard instead of a file, hold the control key (ctrl) while taking the screenshot. This is handy because you can then paste the image into any program for further editing.

Got any screenshot tips? Post your comments below...


This blog was brought too you by Loco The Morph Master!

Many have noticed I know how to get referrals... So you want to know how to go about getting legit referrals. First I must stress it’s not a walk in the park. You can't just post your referral link by itself and expect to get referral joins. You need to work and you got to work hard to get referral joins. Yes it can be time consuming but that is what work is. So Get a pen and paper and take notes as this is a lesson on how to go about getting referrals. The first thing you’re going to want to do is find your referral code. Then you’ll want to mask/hide the referral code. You do this by finding a site who can make the long url small, I use http://surl.se/" target="_blank">http://surl.se/ Feel free to use any type of redirect site. I just mention this one. The reason you want to mask/hide your URL referral code is because sometimes people like to be jerks and just join the site without giving you credit as being the one who recommended the site to them. The second reason is by masking/hiding your referral code is because allot of the websites out there will block your referral link because it has a = which is also used in allot of spam urls and spyware links. By masking/hiding the URL it makes your link hidden and usually linkable on your MySpace page or other social networking website. You now need to come up with a catchy bulletin/email too use alone with your referral link. I recommend mentioning facts about the site like upon join from your link they will receive a personal gift from you and also be greeted by allot of the users of the site. Then mention how the site is for adults. Very adult oriented. Then try to mention about the different features of the site. Then put your referral link and say if you think all that sounds great and want to give it a try as its free to join, and then click this link here, your masked/hidden URL link goes here. Be sure to copy / click Your URL Link that you’ve made via the redirect website to verify that it is working. If posting bulletins after posting the bulletin click the link and verify again that it’s working. This is a important step to remember, Allot of the time When you’re not getting joins could be cause the URL link is bad/dead, broken. SO make sure you check :) Now you send this out in bulletin or email. Now what sites too post your link too, do you ask? This can be the fun part; you should search Google.com for "social networks" and join all that you can/want too. Then on each of these sites make friends hang out and then tell them about the site via like above. :) And that’s it folks... do like I mentioned above and maybe someday soon you’ll end with more referrals See legit referrals are not easy as people think but nothing is that requires work right? I hope this helps some people get some legit referrals and has made it easier for people to understand on how to go about getting some referrals. :) This has been brought to you by: £ô©o™
have you ever wanted spotlight but no idea how to win it ?... don't got the fubucks (see other blog). Im just giving tips/advice here for how too have a beter chance at the spotlight. if you don't know what spotlight is see the help bibble for fubar. First off you will want a set amount of fubucks that you wanna bid. next you should check the spotlight, figure out usaual ammount its been going for for each set date. as some days it will be cheap (for example on sundays). other times like thanks giving it will be outrageously high. Now that we know the above.. and your familliar with spotligt, know the amount you want to bid and you think your ready. try to hold out on biddin untill 11:50PST (pacific standard time) (aka FU-time) Make a note of the bid amount that you have done. Now that we have placed a bid... at 11:55pst check back on spotlight, click bid again ya know like you did earlyer to make first bid. check what the current bid is at, look and check with your note of previous amount that you bid. see if it has changed. if your bid has changed, wait now to bid till 11:58, make your bid and don't let it do the auto generated bid which would be for instance, if you bid 5million (500000) previously, Your new bid would be 5million + 250.(from what ive noticed)- make it like 5million 350. or some odd ammount over 250. Now check back on your bid in one minute (11:59pst). if your bid hasnt changed put a small bid ammount additinal to your bid you previously did at 11:58pst If your bid isnt the same now. then be sure to do a large bid fast like 5million 1thousand. And You have like 80% chance to win the spotlight. cause most people are so much in a rush to bid, they just let it auto generate the bid and we know no that is usaly 250 + there previous bid/your previous bid. Did that make sence? I hope so... good luck on spotlight bidding :) Ty £ô©oClause™- Ťĥē Mòŕpĥ MÄŝŤêŕ

@ fubar -------------------------------------------------
below is something I saw in a bulletin once and full credit stolen from "bbG~Prince Jesse's Lover~" for maken this, Im postin for everyone too see who is not aware on how to do this. £ô©o™- Ťĥē Mòŕpĥ MÄŝŤêŕ

@ fubar Ty for taken time to read this and hope it helps you, Loco The Morph Master If your still needin help check out http://cherrytap.com/bible.php :)
First... Someone asked me... How do you rate a page... You go to the person's profile Look to the right side of the page, under the Blast box, and you see this: 3282254606.jpg You then click either the 10 or 11 :D Now, someone else asked me, how do you become a fan... Look to the left side of the page, under the Alerts box (My Bar Tab), and you see this: 1226780164.jpg Click the one that suits what you want to do :) This is a Blast box... 2591154279.jpg This is an Alert box (My Bar Tab): 75959981.jpg Any questions? Just ask Loco

hey all, Welcome to those who are new. Im posting this so all know some tips here. Please check out the following links for tons of helpfull information. Its worth doing so if you plan on geting around nice and easy on this site. it explains the tips and tricks, basics and so much more. and the biggst problem on fubar... the new users not understanding why people don't like to be rated anything but a 10. So Please click theses links and read and learn :) This is good for new users, current users, even us old timers who been here for a while. http://fubar.com/blog/34281/444341 http://fubar.com/blog/34281/407903 http://fubar.com/blog/102666 How do I change my default picture? Click on the “My” link and select “Photos” on the top left hand side of your page. Once inside your gallery, find the image you want to set as your primary photo or avatar. Click on the link on the right hand side called “make primary.” DO NOT set any non flagged NSFW photos as your default or your account will be terminated. This has been a friendly reminder, welcome and lesson on fubar brought too you by your one and only. £ô©o™- Ťĥē Mòŕpĥ MÄŝŤêŕ

@ fubar
Some new nifty site features and links...and some new information as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Vault http://fubar.com/blog/60737 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Underage Reporting http://fubar.com/blog/60737/324322 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mumm Drama http://fubar.com/blog/60737/430810 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NSFW Repost of SCRAPPERS blogs http://fubar.com/blog/60737/249509 NSFW Flagging Abuse and Guidelines http://fubar.com/blog/60737/257665 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harassment...How to Cope http://fubar.com/blog/60737/359777 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important FuBar Links http://fubar.com/blog/60737/324245 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FuBar Tool Bar http://fubar.com/blog/60737/407431 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Salute Submission and Verification http://fubar.com/blog/60737/324210 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main Profile Pictures http://fubar.com/blog/60737/436785 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mass Delete for FuMail http://fubar.com/blog/60737/442101 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So..that's a lot of reading. :) lol Hope you're enjoying the site and get FuBar'd. Year of the Dragon FuBar Bouncer
To apply to a Tapper... replace 000000 with the tappers user number. OTHER USERS LINKS Remove a fan... http://www.cherrytap.com/myfanof.php?remove=000000 Remove a friend... http://www.cherrytap.com/myfriends.php?remove=000000 Block a user... http://www.cherrytap.com/blockuser.php?block_id=000000 Add a friend... http://www.cherrytap.com/addfriend.php?u=000000 Send CT Mail... http://www.cherrytap.com/cm/?x=cm&cmp=1&recip=000000 Send Gift... http://www.cherrytap.com/giftshop.php?u=000000 Send Blast... http://www.cherrytap.com/add_blast.php?recip=000000 Send a VIC... https://cherrytap.com/vic.php?recip=000000 Whistle http://cherrytap.com/poke.php?u=000000&type=1 Laugh http://cherrytap.com/poke.php?u=000000&type=2 Get Attention http://cherrytap.com/poke.php?u=000000&type=3 Whose Viewed Friend http://www.cherrytap.com/user/000000#profile_viewers Friends Photos http://www.cherrytap.com/images.php?u=000000 Friends Profile http://www.cherrytap.com/000000 Friends Stash http://www.cherrytap.com/stashFullView.php?stashUid=000000&category=Videos Friends Blogs http://www.cherrytap.com/allblogposts.php?blogid=000000 Friends Lounges http://www.cherrytap.com/user_lounges.php?u=000000 Friends Skins http://www.cherrytap.com/user_skins.php?u=000000 Friends Friends http://www.cherrytap.com/friends.php?u=000000 Friends Family http://www.cherrytap.com/family.php?u=000000 Friends Fans http://www.cherrytap.com/fans.php?u=000000 Friends Fans Of http://www.cherrytap.com/fanof.php?u=000000 YOUR OWN LINKS My Photos http://www.cherrytap.com/myimages.php My Profile http://www.cherrytap.com/profile.php My Stash http://www.cherrytap.com/stashAccount.php My Mumms http://www.cherrytap.com/mymums.php My Blogs http://www.cherrytap.com/myblogs.php My Contacts http://www.cherrytap.com/contacts.php My Blasts http://www.cherrytap.com/myblasts.php My Lounges http://www.cherrytap.com/mylounges.php My CT Mail http://www.cherrytap.com/cm/?x=cm My Friends http://www.cherrytap.com/myfriends.php My Family http://www.cherrytap.com/myfamily.php My Fans http://www.cherrytap.com/myfans.php My Fans Of http://www.cherrytap.com/myfanof.php My Skins http://www.cherrytap.com/myskins.php NEW STUFF LINKS New Cherries http://www.cherrytap.com/newusers.php New Photos http://www.cherrytap.com/recentphotos.php New Stash http://www.cherrytap.com/topCherryStash.php?ct=Videos/www.cherrytap.com/browse_mums.php New Salutes http://www.cherrytap.com/recentsalutes.php# New Features http://www.cherrytap.com/newfeatures.php GENERAL CHERRYTAP LINKS Help Page http://www.cherrytap.com/help.php CherryTAP Bible http://www.cherrytap.com/bible.php CT Mail CT Support http://www.cherrytap.com/cm/?x=cm&cmp=1&recip=60228 CherryTAP Dictionary http://www.cherrytap.com/blog/2111/304483 CT Support Lounge http://www.cherrytap.com/lounge.php?l=643 CherryPoints http://www.cherrytap.com/bible.php#cherrypoints CherryLevels http://www.cherrytap.com/bible.php#levels Search http://www.cherrytap.com/search.php Invite A Friend http://www.cherrytap.com/invite.php I am bored http://www.cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?surf Gift Shop http://www.cherrytap.com/giftshop.php Vault http://www.cherrytap.com/vault.php# Emotes http://www.cherrytap.com/emotes.php TOPS Top Scores http://www.cherrytap.com/topscores.php Top Photos http://www.cherrytap.com/topphotos.php Top Cherries http://www.cherrytap.com/topcherries.php Top Legends http://www.cherrytap.com/top_legends.php Top Blasters http://www.cherrytap.com/topblasters.php Top Stashes http://www.cherrytap.com/topCherryStash.php?ct=all/www.cherrytap.com/top_blogs.php Top Bulletins http://www.cherrytap.com/top_bulletins.php Top Mumms http://www.cherrytap.com/topmums.php Top Lounges http://www.cherrytap.com/browse_lounges.php Top Packs http://www.cherrytap.com/top_packs.php
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