=== '
*Tif*' spewed forth the following at '2006-09-21 06:33:22'..
> href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=24890550'>*i L0v3 Ma B3sTfri3nD D@ntiTo B3rry MuCh!*
Date: Sep 20, 2006 12:22 PM
PLEASE add this profile HELP FIND TRENTON DUCKETT and spread the word.

This page was done to help try & find 2-year-old Trenton Duckett...if you have any information about him, please don't hesitate to call 1-800-CALL-FBI. Trenton is 2 years old & has been missing from his house in Leesburg, FL for about 2 weeks now. If you happen to see him ANYWHERE in the United States (whether it's Florida, New York, California, etc.) PLEASE call 1-800-CALL-FBI. I'm sure you'll see his story on the news & in newspapers, his dad has been putting flyers up everywhere trying to find him & it's not working. Look for the flyers to see more information on Trenton & another picture. Trenton was last seen wearing jean shorts, no shoes, & no shirt. PLEASE HELP US FIND HIM!
Copy and Paste the link below to see it live on the Amber Alert's website:

Please repost this.
If you can repost stupid and pointless bulletins about what flavor skittle you are and how you'll find $20
you can repost this and possibly save a little boy's life
> (repost of original by '
UrdreamGurl!' on '2006-09-20 16:51:17')
> (repost of original by '
INSERT WHITTY NAME HERE' on '2006-09-20 17:56:50')
> (repost of original by '
HOT LIL CHERRY' on '2006-09-20 17:58:28')
> (repost of original by '
wayne' on '2006-09-20 18:21:28')
> (repost of original by '
~Swt_Kitty~' on '2006-09-20 18:25:07')
> (repost of original by '
William' on '2006-09-20 18:39:07')
> (repost of original by '
Cassie' on '2006-09-20 19:02:21')
> (repost of original by '
Stoned Immaculate' on '2006-09-20 19:05:46')
> (repost of original by '
Lil Whiskey Gurl™' on '2006-09-20 19:20:00')
> (repost of original by '
~*Angel VixXxen*~' on '2006-09-20 19:21:52')
> (repost of original by '
Įm â ßÅŖβΊĒ Ġĩ༠ŀn ǎ ßÅŖβΊ' on '2006-09-20 19:31:08')
> (repost of original by '
CABRIOLET' on '2006-09-20 19:34:07')
> (repost of original by '
Selene Papillon' on '2006-09-20 21:30:03')
> (repost of original by '
NiZZiE' on '2006-09-20 22:42:15')
> (repost of original by '
Lucky Chance' on '2006-09-20 22:49:09')
> (repost of original by '
Army Wifez are Tougher' on '2006-09-20 22:54:57')
> (repost of original by '
Alpha Army Black Wolf' on '2006-09-20 23:07:39')
> (repost of original by '
SIS' on '2006-09-20 23:17:04')
> (repost of original by '
Mz CJ' on '2006-09-20 23:21:55')
> (repost of original by '
texashubby' on '2006-09-20 23:32:27')
> (repost of original by '
Thats Mz Biotch To U' on '2006-09-20 23:38:40')
> (repost of original by '
Crazyfreak' on '2006-09-20 23:43:33')
> (repost of original by '
Xdealer' on '2006-09-20 23:45:59')
> (repost of original by '
*:!:*Shaylynn Marie*:!:' on '2006-09-21 00:10:30')
> (repost of original by '
anger' on '2006-09-21 02:24:24')
> (repost of original by '
Angeliz' on '2006-09-21 03:35:08')
> (repost of original by '
babygrl05' on '2006-09-21 04:26:13')
> (repost of original by '
Browneyed_BlondeBBW' on '2006-09-21 05:38:14')
> (repost of original by '
boobymac' on '2006-09-21 06:29:59')