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Lady Di's blog: "Hectec"

created on 12/31/2006  |  http://fubar.com/hectec/b39374
Hi! Well most of you are probably wondering what happened at todays' doctor appt.. GOOD NEWS BAD NEWS, but Isn't it always like that? Bad news first I guess,,, he seemed to think maybe going a year with out Botox shots didn't do me any good.( THANK YOU INSURANCE COMPANY FOR FIGHTING BILLS AND ME BEING DENIED MEDICAL TREATMENT SO MUCH NEEDED!!! Stress, might be a big factor, that muscles may have tightened up so much around nerves I lost feeling n control of my limbs. Plus a medication reaction, that made me walk n talk like I had been drinking that put me into the hospital Good News: Botox shots were given. But probably with only 60% positive note at this time. ( Time will tell )So, I went through about 30 shots today in the head, under the skull, in the traps, upper spine, traps, shoulders, armpits,and head. Being I have gone so long without them I may only see a 60% chance success rate at this time. I am to call him in a month let him know how I am doing. And he will see if he can get the Ok to inject more sooner then January. so, today he ordered to continue home health care until end of month. Physical therapy for 6 weeks after home health care PT. A shower chair, Cervical pillow, Cane to use after physical therapy has begun ( until to continue using walker ), hand rails to be installed in my bathroom and continue use of pain medication. But off of bedrest as tolerated!! (he didn't keep me down b4.. hmmmm shhhh I didn't tell him I didn't stay in bed the time he wasn't around... he seems to have a positive note with the end results with the botox shots back into effect and a good recovery of it all if treatment is followed. Let's hope the insurance company follows through with the plan of treatment now at $4000.00+ a session. I want to thank my friends that were so patient with me during this time n the time ahead of me.. I can only say thank you and tell you I love you all very much. Please bare with me, but Thank you again for your love n understanding. love you all very much, di

Di where have u been?

that ? has been asked many times,,, well look at the blog b4 this one,, then read the bad luck continues,, last friday night i was going into a convienence store to ask directions,, fell into a pot hole.. n.. fell.. needless to say .. I busted my knee cap 3x... well wed now i go to an ortho surgeon to see what will happen ; problem after problem i guesswill come by and say hi now n then.. n do keep up with my mail here.. but.. can't spend to long sitting here.. I love you all.. di

will it ever end???

well went to lake friday // cqm home saturday..:( spent early sat morning in ER; i tripped on a pot hole broke my knee so! plz some one take this black cloud from 0ve r me;;; -plz plz help ,e i jave fallen n can[t get up;;

Health n fub

Hi e1... Just a note to say I LOVE YOU ALL! and to let you know what is going on in my life... I am not in the best of health right now...INSURANCE COMPANIES are making sure it will get worse... as most of you know.. I deal with migraines.. most of the time.. but get BOTOX shots to deaden the nerve from the neck to the brain. Well, I have an insurance war going on to who may pay my bills on this. Time to hire a lawyer... I have Rhumatoid Arthritis of the spine based at the neck... With very little spinal fluid at the C 4-6 n degenerative discs at 2-3, 7-8 . In which causes migraines. Well in Dec 06 was in a car accident in which made it worse. Now, Insurances are passing the buck back n forth to make it all worth the mighty buck. Meanwhile, I will suffer... with pain until things get back on track... I will not be in fubar all the time...anymore. sorry if I neglect you.. But some days can't seem to see straight enough to walk no less look at the computer screen.. AM SORRY.... ALL I can do is.. do my best.. You all mean alot to me.. But, Its almost time for shots.. but I get a call from my Neurologist saying they are canceling my shot appointment because of lack of payment from the insurance companies. owed to them is over $12,000. These shots are very expensive, they run about $4000.00 a series. I will be in n out to check messages and try to send my love to you. I can only do what I can do at this point. Somedays sitting here in tears.. wishing I could crawl up in a corner n die. but I try. With all this pain my blood levels are out of control ( I am diabetic ) and my blood pressure is up.. so that makes more of a problem for me. I just wanted to say I love you all.. and will come to see you when I can. And when things get back on track.. I will resume what I was doing for you all.. as I could n can.. Will see you all soon I hope.. If not, little by little as I stop in.. I Love you all.. and please love one another for me... as I do you... I will be back. hugs n kisses.. di
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Me as a person.... I am a flirt.. I love sending comments to all my male friends to make them smile n get a *rise out of them.. early morning especially Love giving my female friends one that ... make them smile so early in the morning as well. Am married, but have a CT husband as well... oppps.. did I say that? hehehehehe... Am very into my friends.. stop by n chat any time.. I am always cleaning up my friends list.. If I don't see a response from ppl.. as I have given them.. to bad so sad.. you gone! Friendship works 2 ways .. you get as well as you give... Doesn't matter how.. say gm.. once a week.. I can deal with that.. Spend the majority of my day n evening on Fubar.. am not hard to catch at all.. I am pretty.. low keyed.. but don't get on the wrong side of me.. I will eat you alive.. I do have a back bone .. I do know how to use it. anything anybody wants to know.. ask.. I am a open book.. I am honest.. a true friend to those who want to be friends. And do understand we all have lives off the pc.. as well as on.. well I don't think.. I have missed much.. oh yeah.. 1 more thing.... why don't I have my age.. postd.. I play a guessing game.. with it.. can you guess .. only 1 person has been right on the nose.. wanna guess .. go for it.. you can't insult me.. you just make me smile..

Interestin Days ahead...

Hi Everyone.. well to let u all know.. the next few weeks will be real hectec around here. busy schedule.. i just got home from the lake... today.. celebrated fathers day for my husband, son, n future son in law.. and boom.. i will be gone in the morning again.. I will return for an appt wed.. n another one thursday.. and to.. do a sad venture.. have my puppy dog put down.. :( .. i am sad.. but she is 15... she can't make it anymore.. she is draggin her legs behind her.. and in alot of pain.. with some tumors.. on her back side.. its time.. she will be well missed.. but had a full life in a 1 family home.. then out the door again on friday .. back to the lake.. again... i will be home sunday for sure.. and the following friday morning leave again.. *(THE 28th) leave for a 10 day vacation at the lake.. I will return to the main computer.. *SUNDAY the 10th of July.. to all of my american friends.. HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY!!!! To all my friends.. I will return .. fully relaxed.. n ready to go again. :) I do have a lap top.. at the lake. but sorry to say only a dial up connection.. and will not bring in ct. :( .. any who want to contact me.. you can find me at my email address: precious_angel2201@yahoo.com.. n also my yahoo IM does work up there.. Have a good few weeks my friends.. LOVE, Di

Interestin Days ahead...

Hi Everyone.. well to let u all know.. the next few weeks will be real hectec around here. busy schedule.. i just got home from the lake... today.. celebrated fathers day for my husband, son, n future son in law.. and boom.. i will be gone in the morning again.. I will return for an appt wed.. n another one thursday.. and to.. do a sad venture.. have my puppy dog put down.. :( .. i am sad.. but she is 15... she can't make it anymore.. she is draggin her legs behind her.. and in alot of pain.. with some tumors.. on her back side.. its time.. she will be well missed.. but had a full life in a 1 family home.. then out the door again on friday .. back to the lake.. again... i will be home sunday for sure.. and the following friday morning leave again.. *(THE 28th) leave for a 10 day vacation at the lake.. I will return to the main computer.. *SUNDAY the 10th of July.. to all of my american friends.. HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY!!!! To all my friends.. I will return .. fully relaxed.. n ready to go again. :) I do have a lap top.. at the lake. but sorry to say only a dial up connection.. and will not bring in ct. :( .. any who want to contact me.. you can find me at my email address: precious_angel2201@yahoo.com.. n also my yahoo IM does work up there.. Have a good few weeks my friends.. LOVE, Di

Spring n Summer Weekends

As we all know. when Spring n Summer arrive we all get more active and do alot more with life. Well as of 2 pm today.. like all Fridays coming.. I will be gone.. We go to the lake n live out of our travel trailer every weekend.. Rain or shine. This year will be a little different tho, this year I had an internet service put in. And got myself a laptop. Tho, sorry to say .. I won't CT to it.. I am leavin the drama behind. R N R time.. from May to September... NOthing but fresh air.. fishing n relaxing all weekend. I will return on Sunday afternoons.. And be back on the net.. anywhere from Sunday to Monday morning. I have met alot of very nice ppl on ct. but I need to do things for me while the weather permitts.. lol .. minnesota land in the winter I don't get out much.. Will see u all by monday.. Loves ya.. hugs.. n most but not least.. Have a gr8 weekend.. I LOVES Each n everyone of you !!!!
yesterday, all was happy. I cooked n cleaned to have 25 ppl at my house.. but something funny happened... I would like to share.. My 6 grands were here, my oldest grandson age 11, normally a real good kid, we never really have to speak to him about something.. he had done something .. I can't quite remember what.. but I spoke with him.. during all that was going on.. and said.. hon, why did u do that? he replied, " To give you something to live for." It just caught me off guard..all I could do was chuckle n smile. Being as busy as I was, it caught me off guard but but a funny.

hectec week

it's been a hectec week for me.. I am trying to hold down 2 house holds..after my daughters surgery, and keep myself going. Sorry I haven't been on alot this week, but by the time i get home I am ready to buckle under. today I was lucky.. help came to take my grand daughter to school, and a friend stayed with her last night, her fiance' went to work. But my shift starts in a 1/2 hour. so i have to be out of here again. I just keep telling myself to take one day at a time... and we will conquor, to stay possitive and all will be well. But most of all I am writing this to tell my friends .. THANK YOU! Thank you for all the support and understanding they have given me through this week. For all the support n prayers they gave me when I was ill. You all have always put a smile on my face n more love in my heart than I could ever know.. I LOVE YOU ALL.. and once again THANK YOU, I appreciate you more n more everyday.. Well, time to get on the road again.. Loves!!!
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