Name, Number, Colour & Description Of The Chakras
Base Chakra
Sexual Expression, associated with the physical body,earth
The base chakra is situated at the end of the tailbone. Its dominant colour is red. It is associated with the earth and the physical body, it is the centre of energy and vitality. It regulates the sense of smell, and is associated with will power, it is also ascribed to the planet mars.On a physical level this chakra governs the back, legs, hips, feet, spine and the circulation of blood. When functioning negatively, this chakra causes aches, strains and loss of mobility to these organs. The base chakra is the root of our manifestation, our existence. When we learn about our base chakra we come to understand that this centre is the base to past, in this life and our past lives. It is our connection to the earth and to the physical. The physical being what you can see, feel and hear. How we function on this level depends on how this centre is working.
This chakra needs to be flooded with positive energy, and positive love for it to be at its best. Love is an energy that is able to heal any sickness emotional stress. Love comes from the heart centre and flows through the body and out through our aura. How others perceive us is because of the energy that we emanate from our auras. This chakra can also unlock our past lives to help bring out old talents and wisdom into this lifetime. This chakra can also any past life negative patterns and pain that might be hindering our present life In many old cultures they believe in the wheel of life. We believe that we go through cycles of birth, death and rebirth. Each time we go through death there is a chance to recreate our birth in a more healing and positive way. When we heal this chakra and have it pulsating with positive healing energy we are able to heal our past.
Sacral Chakra
Passion, intimacy, creativity, nature
The Sacral chakra is the energy center that controls your passions, your sexual needs, the abundance that you allow into your life for fulfilment of your desires. It also controls the body’s organs, your lower sexual organs, bladder and lower intestines. This centre is where you find your creativity on the physical level. When functioning positively, it creates a sense of well being that is your ability to feel good about yourself. When this chakra is aligned and balanced, your emotions are stable and you are able to express your true feelings to others without fear or exaggeration.
When this chakra is functioning on the negative, you may have low esteem and may think that you are not physically attractive and have nothing worth giving to others. You may also fell repressed sexually. Allot of stomach disorders because this chakra is disfunctional. This is because there are issues with others and how we relate and express emotions outside of ourselves. People who suffer sexual related diseases are caused through the chakra becoming exposed and vulnerable to negativity.
When we flood this chakra with healing energy, we experience a sense of well being, which is when we love and appreciate our body and ourselves. When this chakra is working positively, we are able to experience more positive and fulfilling friendships and relationships. We are more open, receptive understanding and compassionate. We learn to open our creative side and we become filled with a desire to learn about art, music, dance and spirituality. We are more open to nature and all her wisdom and beauty. The colour orange is a powerful colour that invokes passion, creativity and vibrancy. The more colourful and bright the orange the more avant-garde you feel. The more earthly and brown looking the orange the more connected to the earth and mother nature.
Solar Plexus
Survival, strength, self esteem, respect
The Solar Plexus Chakra is situated between the twelfth and the first lumbar vertebra. Its dominant colour is yellow and it is associated with the astral or emotional sheath. This is the centre of vitality in the physical body because it is where prana "the upward- moving vitality" and apon "the downward moving vitality" meet, generating heat that is necessary to support life. When these to energies join, the centre awakens. The Solar controls our will, and personal power. It also controls our upper intestines, and upper back and spine. They say our true wisdom comes from the healthy workings of this chakra. It brings us our strength, our courage and our will to succeed, achieve and survive.
The Solar chakra, when functioning negatively can cause a person to be very fearful, and to suffer from low self-esteem. They also may have very little self worth. When this centre is functioning positively, we have a sense of our own self worth. We meet our own needs and then we give to others without giving our own personal power away. When this centre remains open, a deep and fulfilling spiritual, emotional, and physical life is experienced.
Heart Chakra
Heart energy, spiritual healing, love, emotions
The "Heart Chakra" is situated in and around the heart area for both the physical and spiritual body. Its ruling planet is "Venus" and is associated with the quality of harmony through conflict. The dominant colour, which radiates from this chakra is "green". In the physical body the heart pumps the flow of blood that is needed to keep us alive. Without the heart we can not function on the physical plane. On a mental level, the heart functions on an emotional basis, our feelings and how we express them towards ourselves and to others. How we think gets turned into, how we behave with our feelings on this level. When functioning on the negative this chakra makes it hard for us to feel any real emotions. However when functioning in the positive, this centre offers us real love, real friendships and true joy for those who are apart of us.
This is the centre through which we love. Love can be expressed on many different levels. It can be purely selfish, demanding and constricting, or it can be compassionate and caring. The more open the centre is, the greater our capacity to extend undemanding spiritual love. When a person has transformed personal desires and passions into a love which encompasses his fellow human beings, animals and nature, the energies from the solar plexus are raised into this centre. When this centre is open, we can perceive the beauty and spiritual love in our fellow human beings. Its awakening brings out sensitivity to touch, and detachment from material objects. This centre is linked with the crown chakra and the dimensions of higher consciousness. This link can be strengthened though the practice of meditation.
Throat Chakra
The throat, communication, self expression, speaking the truth
The Throat Chakra is associated with the color sky blue. This chakra is our will center. The healthfulness of the fifth chakra is in relation to how honestly one expresses himself/herself. Lying violates the body and spirit. We speak our choices with our voices (throats). All choices we make in our lives have consequences on an energetic level. Even choosing not to make a choice such as in repressing our anger (not speaking out) may manifest into laryngitis. We have all experienced that "lump in our throats" when we are at a crossroad of not knowing how to speak the right words in any given situation, perhaps even stuffing our own emotions. A challenge of the throat chakra is to express ourselves in the most truthful manner. Also to receive and assimilate information. Seek only the truth.
Brow Chakra
Finding Spirit, Clairvoyance, Manifestation, Communicating with Spirit World
This Chakra is associated with the deep inner level of Being we call the Spirit, and with what we consider spirituality and the spiritual perspective, the point of view from that deeper part of our being that western traditions consider the subconscious or unconscious. It is the place where our true motivations are found, and is the level of consciousness that directs our actions and, in fact, our lives.
It is also from this point of view that one sees events in the physical world as the manifestation of co-creation among the Beings involved in those events. Inner Sound, the sound one hears inside that does not depend upon events outside. Often considered a pathological condition by traditional medicine, it is also seen by eastern traditions as a necessary prerequisite to further spiritual growth.
Location: Center of the forehead
Colour: Indigo, Midnight Blue
Parts of the body: This Chakra is associated with the forehead and temples, with the carotid plexus
Senses: Extra Sensory Perception, all of the inner senses corresponding to the outer senses, which together are considered spirit-to-spirit communication. These include, for example, clairvoyance (inner sense of vision), clairaudience (inner sense of hearing), clairsentience (inner sense of touch).
Crown Chakra
Healing Powers, Connecting with Spirituality, Connection with the Divine
The Crown chakra is situated at the top of the head. It radiates the colour violet and is ruled by the planet neptune. This chakra governs part of the spinal cord, and the stem of the brain. When people become sick and suffer a lot of pain that they cannot handle, it is because the energy flow is blocked to this chakra. When not functioning properly on a physical level this chakra causes a loss of control over a person's ability to live and interact with the world. This chakra is the chakra that can create miracles. If you believe and have hope, working with this chakra can bring out true healing on any level. When functioning positively on the physical level. You will feel alive and filled with spiritual energy. Your health is radiant, and you are strong in mind, body and spirit. Crown is at the very top of the body and connects us to the heavens, to the stars and beyond, the sky and all the power and wisdom that belongs to our higher mind.
This chakra is truly an amazing life force energy channel for healing and spiritual awakening. This chakra governs the connection that we have to the "Divine". The crown chakra embodies belief, unconditional love and beauty. When we open ourselves to unconditional love, we allow ourselves to love and accept all beings. We are free from judgment and we are non-racial to others and their beliefs. We embrace the concept that we are apart of every living thing that exists. If you believe in god, the creator or great spirit, you believe that these beings are apart of you. On a spiritual level, the Crown chakra is our connection to healing and life force energy.
This center is connected to your higher mind. Your higher mind is the part of you that knows all of the answers. When you open this chakra up you channel though spirits from different planes, aliens and many more beings that communicate on this level. This chakra can also send healing energy down through to the other chakras. Beauty is within. We are all beautiful. When we truly open our hearts and our eyes we see the beauty in all life. We are able to look at others who suffer from defects and scars with love and compassion instead of embarrassment and pity. We are able to focus on beauty rather than scaring.