He is a fream he is a life he is one that no one can take or replace he is someone that i take with deep thought and that i love with all that i have he is the person that i call my bf and my soul mate. For he walks the path of standing with me and showing me that with all that goes on in this world that we call love we make it through it all and love each other with ever beat of our hearts with out a a moment of anything we look at the night time sky and dream of the wonderful things that have been brought to us from each other ....I love him with all that i have and he loves me with all that he has.
Someone the other night put a smile of over my face when she told me something ..... SHe said that my blogs of poems and words are imsprational...That really ment something to me because it goes to show that someone is really reading what im wrtieing and it has some affect on someone. So to that person thanks for being a reader of my stuff and enjoying what i post.
To that specail man that i have in my life thanks for always being there for me when ever i need you and thanks for loveing me for who i am and i will always return the favor loveing you for who u are and for what we stand for many thoughts and lots of love to you hun
Thanks to all that like to read what i write and thanks to all those that post a comment....
Im closeing now please rate and leave a comment thanks once again *~Mandie*~