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60 Year Old · Female · Joined on September 12, 2006 · Born on June 5th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
60 Year Old · Female · Joined on September 12, 2006 · Born on June 5th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

http://www.mixpod.com/playlist/89814468 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1112562653Angel2.JPG You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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60 Year Old · Female · Joined on September 12, 2006 · Born on June 5th · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
Jack Johnson

Add to My Profile | More Videos Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I am all about, good friends, family and a whole lotta fun, likes, H-D, my horses, fishing, camping, photography, campfires, sunsets, dancin' like no one is watching, I am a spur of the moment girl, I hate to make plans 'cause as soon as you do..... somethin comes up! OH AND DON'T TRY TO ADD ME UNLESS YOU SHOUT AT ME OR SOMETHING, I'M NOT HERE TO WIN THE MOST FRIENDS CONTEST, SO UNLESS YOU TRY AND TALK TO ME 1ST YOUR REQUEST WILL BE DENIED,!!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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  • 12 years ago · Reply
  • Alottafun Brethdchic
    Ride free

    12 years ago · Reply
  • hdchic
    well that sucks!

    12 years ago · Reply
  • JustKillme Aka ...hdchic
    Ridden by to say hi,...wishing you a sweet and safe day!...

    12 years ago · Reply
  • evergladeshikerhdchic
    Good Morning

    12 years ago · Reply
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    12 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    An attorney arrived home late, after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution. His last minute plea for clemency to the governor had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed. >>> As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about, 'What time of night to be getting home is this? Where have you been? Dinner is cold and I'm not reheating it'. And on and on and on. >>> Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a shot of whiskey and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks as he dragged himself up thestairs. >>> While he was in the bath, the phone rang. The wife answered and was told that her husband's client, James Wright, had been granted a stay of execution after all. Wright would not be hanged tonight. >>> Finally realizing what a terrible day he must have had, she decided to go up stairs and give him the good news. As she opened the bathroom door, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, bent over naked, drying his legs and feet. >>> 'They're not hanging Wright tonight,' she said. He whirled around and screamed, 'FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WOMAN, DON'T YOU EVER STOP?!'

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    Sometime this year, we taxpayers will again receive another 'Economic Stimulus' payment. This is indeed a very exciting program, and I'll explain it by using a Q & A format:Q. What is an 'Economic Stimulus' payment ?It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.Q.. Where will the government get this money ?From taxpayers.Q. So the government is giving me back my own money ? A. Only a smidgen of it.Q. What is the purpose of this payment ?A. The plan is for you to use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy.Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China ?A. Shut up.Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the U.S. economy by spending your stimulus check wisely: If you spend the stimulus money at Wal-Mart, the money will go to China or Sri Lanka . If you spend it on gasoline, your money will go to the Arabs.If you purchase a computer, it will go to India , Taiwan or China . If you purchase fruit and vegetables, it will go to Mexico , Honduras and Guatemala .. If you buy an efficient car, it will go to Japan or Korea .If you purchase useless stuff, it will go to Taiwan . If you pay your credit cards off, or buy stock, it will go to management bonuses and they will hide it offshore. Instead, keep the money in America by:1) Spending it at yard sales, or2) Going to ball games, or 3) Spending it on prostitutes, or 4) Beer or 5) Tattoos. (These are the only American businesses still operating in the U.S. )Conclusion: Go to a ball game with a tattooed prostitute that you met at a yard sale and drink beer all day !No need to thank me, I'm just glad I could be of help.

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    Eat a peachSoft fuzzTickles the noseDelicate creaseTongue caressJuice sweetestAfter passion spentEat a peachHer wound divineDesire Fruit of minepoet

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    DOGGONEA young cowboy from Texas goes off to college. Half way through the semester, he has foolishly squandered all his money. He calls home."Dad," he says,"You won't believe what modern education is developing!They actually have a program here in Austin that will teach our dog, Old' Blue how to talk!""That's amazing," his Dad says."How do I get Old' Blue in that program?""Just send him down here with $1,000" the young cowboy says."I'll get him in the course." So, his father sends the dog and $1,000. About two-thirds of the way through the semester, the money again runs out.. The boy calls home."So how's Old' Blue doing son?" his father asks."Awesome, Dad, he's talking up a storm," he says,"but you just won't believe this - they've had such good results they have started to teach the animals how to read!""Read!?" says his father,"No kidding! How do we get Blue in that program?""Just send $2,500, I'll get him in the class." The money promptly arrives. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year, his father will find out the dog can neither talk, nor read.So he shoots the dog. When he arrives home at the end of the year, his father is all excited."Where's Old' Blue? I just can't wait to see him read something and talk!""Dad," the boy says,"I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Old' Blue was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading the Wall Street Journal, like he usually does. Then he turned to me and asked,"So, is your daddy still messing around with that little redhead who lives down the street?" The father exclaimed,"I hope you shot that son of a bitch before he talks to your Mother!""I sure did, Dad!""That's my boy!" The kid went on to law school, and now serves in Washington D.C. as a Congressman.

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    BelongShall I belong to a songOr a chordOf a six string guitar?Shall I belong to a colorBe it red or blueAnd its corresponding passion?Shall I belong to meOr shall it be you?The smile on your faceSays it allI shallAnd that is all.poet

    13 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    Due to the popularity of the"Survivor" shows, Texas is planning to do one entitled,"Survivor, Texas-Style." The 9 contestants will all start in Dallas , Then drive to Waco , Austin , San Antonio , Over to Houston and down to Brownsville . They will then proceed up to Del Rio , El Paso , Midland , Odessa , Lubbock and Amarillo From there they will go on to Abilene , Fort Worth and finally back to Dallas . Each will be driving a pink Volvo With bumper stickers that reads:"I'm a Democrat,""I'm Gay,""I love the Dixie Chicks,""Boycott Beef,""I Voted for Obama,"" George Strait Sucks,""Hillary in 2012" And"I'm here to confiscate your guns.." The first one to make it back to Dallas alive wins. God Bless Texas

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    Silent ApologyHe brought me flowers today - Beautiful blue roses - My favorite.I prick my finger on a black thorn...I wonder what he did wrong?poet

    14 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    WOMAN'S LOVE POEM Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man, who's not a creep, One who's handsome, smart and strong. One who loves to listen long, One who thinks before he speaks, One who'll call, not wait for weeks. I pray he's gainfully employed, When I spend his cash, he won't be annoyed. Pulls out my chair and opens my door, Massages my back and begs to do more. Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind, Knows what to answer to"how big is my behind?" I pray that this man will love me to no end, And always be my very best friend. MAN'S LOVE POEM I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs who owns a bar on a golf course, and loves to send me fishing and hunting. This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit.

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    Gods HandsOn the seventh dayGod stood back and saidIt is goodCreation Made by handsFormed from clayEach dayA child is bornWho playsDrawingTouchingMud PiesPutting all in one’s mouthBuildingSand CastlesTo createTo formMusicalLyricalWrittenPaintedMoldedThe artistEach childPlaysEach ArtistCreatesEach childThe artistGods handsPoet

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    new poem..Survivor or More?Black eye taken for your brotherAbusive fatherFamily rejectionI am!Right brainHolistic, prosodic, intuitiveParents don’t understandPlease understand!Leaving homeWho really cares?Treasures by the side of the roadModelingBartendingDirty martiniDishwater blondeLoving laceRaincoat and high heelsWanting moreLeaving himTaking sonOnly $2000Hand me downsMismatched dishesDate rapeNo one really caresTreasures on the side of the roadItalian manLeft-brainAnalytic, Verbal, Logical.Honest first dinnerSecuritySafetySafe.Material needsNeeding to be neededTwo more kidsDo I really care?Treasures on the side of the roadCrooked eyebrowImpish smileSensitive neckI moanElla FitzgeraldMerlotVodka/CranberryVodka/GrapefruitBeautyDefine me.Trouble follows,Life evolves,Tarot, searching.Simplify,Simplify! More than survive!A girl my lordIn a flatbed fordSlowing down to take a look at me.I should really care!A treasure driving down the side of the road.poet

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Poethdchic
    So Sweet your loveI adoreThe taste ofYour loveAs it tricklesIn rivuletsDown my chinAs I chanceA lookUp your torsoAt a head thrown Back in twistedPleasure feltAs nailsRake my backBlood mixingWith sweat saltsI stingI pull yourHips closerTo taste your loveSo sweet your lovepoet

    15 years ago · Reply
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