Hey tita, its your friend Kevin, how are you? Its been a while since we last talked I was just wondering how you are and all, well I hope that everything is going well for you. your friend Kevin P.s. if you ever need to talk like not online but like to hear anothers voice or anyhign like that you can always call me or whatever, heres my cell number 314-378-1543
Hey tita, I guess you ended up deleting your myspace account, so I just wanted to stop by on here to see how you are doing!so whats up?Me nothing much I think I told you that I have a girlfriend that goes to my school and all that now so yeah but I cant see her over the summer which sucks but I just have to wait until the first day of school and me and her will be seeing each other every day again yay. so talk to you later!your palKevin