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Female · From Cortland, OH · Invited by: 2846795 · Joined on April 11, 2009 · Born on August 25th · 16 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
Female · From Cortland, OH · Invited by: 2846795 · Joined on April 11, 2009 · Born on August 25th · 16 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

Ok its time to write something.

First off, I don't want to talk about your sick little fantasies, just because you aren't getting any for real most likely means you need to wise up, grow up and maybe, and I mean maybe, a woman might give you a second look.

Next, I WILL NOT get caught up in petty childish drama. I made it through high school without getting involved with that crap, I'll be damned I will start now. I don't care if someone is snotty, won't rate you etc, I don't believe in the Fu-Bible there is a passage stating you have to. So don't bother them, then you won't feel bad.

If you rate me, I will rate back, but understand, I may be logged in, but not around, I live a real life, and don't make it so my life revolves around Fu, I can go days with out a Fu-fix.

Lastly, don't beg, I hate that, I don't even like to ask for help to level, but if I do, compensation is made, why should I be the only one to benefit when you help me out.

So, have fun, play nice, and will see you around, unless I find a reason to block you.

Female · From Cortland, OH · Invited by: 2846795 · Joined on April 11, 2009 · Born on August 25th · 16 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

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