Resaon for me to be thankful....
That I have a chance to wake up everyday and to three wonderful Sons....they are my reason for living and be'n the person I am.
My Family without their LOVE and understanding I would not even have come this far in life.I was always allowed to grown and to express myself freely, without judgement or even being told that I was wrong.
My friends, OMG without them I would not be ME, they let me see that I should be thankful for each day. When the world is so uptight, and most seem to think they are alone a Friend is there to listen without judgement, and to hold your hand and guide you thru it.
And Am thankful to God, he allows me to wake up each day and be with those people I love so much, and to always have the ear to listen to when I think the world will not understand.
Most of all I am thankful to OUR service men and women.. Without them we would not be allow to have this Thanksgiving Day, they protect and serve Our Country and am very Proud to be An American.. THANK YOU if you read this or let them know.They are not with those they love, but hope they know they are loved.
Mainly I just thankful for each day.. Today just something we have as a bonus!

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