2024 events
the hu, oct 25 at hob
drive by truckers, oct 23, hob
die antwoord, agora, oct 19
jasson isbell n 400 unitalejandro escovadonautica pavillion ampitheatre, sept 10
bush, candlebox, jerry cantrellnauctica,. aug 13
hobo johnson, july 28, hob
hot water music, quicksand tim barryjune 14 at HOB
gary clark jrnauticamay 24
spongewinchester in lakewoodmay 3
tom greenpickwick n frolic/hilaritiesapr 13
bob marley cover band, the ark, n carlos jonesmarch 2the music box
2023 events
comedian - the sklar bros???hilaritiesdec 2nd
michelle wolfhilaritiesoct 28
nathaniel rateliff n the night sweatsnautica, jacopobs pavillionsept 19
tj miller the gentle giants tourpickwick n frolic, hilaritiessept 2
ll cool jrocket mortgage field houseaug 12
future islandsthe agoramay 24
bruce a ramathe agoraapril 20
Mike Hammer's entry for the Small Worlds contest in Ohio Poetry Day 2024
44779 Street
House. Show. Tonight.
A grand piano
in a tiny living room.
Eye Vree Tickla is on tour.
I am the one humming along.
i was recognized as an Honorable Mention for this poem
i do not usually do form poetry but this contest was sponsored by my friend, writer Rhonda Baughman so i chose to enter to support her the contest guidelines were to enter a 5 line poem that is in the tanka or limerick or cinqain form i chose the tanka form, and wrote a modified tanka, which is a traditional 5 line Japanese poem, a 'short song'
according to poets.org the tanka is a thirty-one-syllable poem, traditionally written in a single unbroken line. A form of waka, Japanese song or verse, tanka translates as “short song,” and is better known in its five-line, 5/7/5/7/7 syllable count form.
27 years after he died, Bukowski gives me an interview - from Purgatory Bukowski confirms the existence of God and makes an educated guess that humans are about to die
DUDE, check it, i finally made it onto ESPN, sort of, ha - this is a story that aire on ESPN+ about the jr pga and The Turn - and one day when the film crew was around they filmed me making a put, in the indoor golf room standing up in my paramobile (i show up at 3:05 mins for a few seconds)
it shows how awesome my golf place is
Milking the cow is good for stress, anxiety and sleep too
register to the virtual Walk n' Roll to Cure Ataxia and donate at - https://www.naflive.com/ - any help or sharing is appreciated, n donate straight to me at - https://app.mobilecause.com/vf/NAFLIVE/MikeHammer - if u want. Thanks