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45 Year Old · Male · From Glendale, AZ · Joined on September 21, 2007 · Born on September 13th
45 Year Old · Male · From Glendale, AZ · Joined on September 21, 2007 · Born on September 13th

Hello, We are Guys With Bongs. We're an internet political/Comedy group. Our Political focus is in two areas..1. Down with Censorship, it's destorying our youth. and 2. FREEDOM OF SPEACH!!!! We will say whatever, however, and to whomever, we feel. And we believe that so should you. And then there is our comedy focus, with is pretty much whatever we think is funny and what we come up with while stoned... yes i said it... Stoned!......Fuckin high!!!! Anyhow, So now maybe back to who we are, where we came from, and other shit that you don't even know about. Guys with bongs started as an Ebay business in 2003. Started by three guys, Thomas Schultz, Dave Walther, and Keith Dunlap. Selling mostly Pop Culter stuff. They Developed a repretation for the way they described their items, it was funny. After awhile business started to boom. And emails from customers started coming and coming. Most of Guys with Bongs regular customers claimed, that one of the reasons they buy from G.W.B's, is because they loved our comical querks. Over time, and after loseing Keith. The Ebay business went under. But the emails kept coming in, soon Guys with Bongs became a form of Email entertainment, for the inbetween worker, the underworked office employee, and lunch breakers. Everyday, and in the thousands. Guys with Bongs then later Recruited two more members, Funny man Erik "Toodles" Wright, and the forever Hilarious April Willson, whom Dave and Tom had already had a comical background with both people. Guys with Bongs then, still kept up on the internet, but also moved on to local comedy gigs, and privet shows. Now 4 years later there are six team members, and over 200 internet group members. Guys with Bongs has now moved to MySpace. Because due to the realalities of work, kids, and politics, Guys with Bongs can only do a limited amount of gigs. But with MySpace, the limits are endless. We would like to thank Everyone for your support, and Because of you.......we're not going away.DaveDave Walther, 27yrs old, from Phoenix Arizona.Co-founder of Guys with Bongs. Dave has an amature stand up history, as well as a privet entertainment history. He has also been a tattoo artist for six years. Currently a Super of an apt complex, and always a pothead.shadeThomas "Shade" Schultz, 26yrs old, from Phoenix Arizona. Thomas and Dave have a long comic past together. From privet gigs, to stage, then to the internet. Tom,not giving a damn what anyone thinks, has annoyed and craked up thousands. With his off the wall, where the hell did that come from rutein. ErikErik Wright,23yrs old, from Canada. We found Erik as a party entertainer. So we picked him up as a stray. He doing great. Sign Our GuestbookVeiw Our Guestbook ARIAFrom Guys with BongsWhat is Aria. Aria. Aria is a collection of short stories By Dave Walther, Thomas Shultz, and all of us at Guys with Bongs. Even thou Guys with Bongs is a comedy group, Aria however is not. This is a collection of our Serious Side, Consisting of mostly horror, thriller, and psychological short stories. And only on MySpace....for now anyhow. Aria is FREE for all to view. We also always encorage feedback. The more we hear from you...the more we make stories. Not all of the stories are written. Aria is a collection of, Written stories as blogs, animation, comic strips, and pictures. All material is copyright by Guys with Bongs. Now for a taste of whats to come. After serveing their boss well, Yazuka member David Chow, and his partner tuko sang found each other tied up in an abandon warehouse. Breaking free from bondage was the easy part, but there was no way out. They try to put their heads together to find an escape. Until the night brought new obsticals. Demon like Ceatures start to appear, and attack them. After the burtal murder of his friend, Chow is alone to face the nightmere. And what he uncovers is even worse.One man decides to do gods work......his own way. The peacher fights crime and evil, the medievil way. But he faces a likewise satanic cultist, for a battle of good vs evil.Draven saves the life of a 9yr girl, by turning her into one of him. A vampire. Then local vampire hunters find her, and destorys her. So now draven seeks revenge. He becomes, The Human Hunter.

45 Year Old · Male · From Glendale, AZ · Joined on September 21, 2007 · Born on September 13th
Click Here to Share Your Music The Following is a list of the only good bands out there. Everything else is just Grap. In Flames, Korn, The Deftones, Nine Inch Nails, MSI, CSM, The Deftones, Pantrea, Slayer, The Deftones, Prodigy, ol' metallica, skinny puppy, The Deftones, rammstein, Type o Negative, Marilyn Manson, The Deftones, Nirvanna, Mudvayne, Acid Bath, The Deftones, Swichblade Symphony, Disturbed, My life with the thrill kill cult, damage plan, The Deftones, Stabbing Westward, slipknot, static x, rage against the machaine, 10 years, The Deftones, Adema, Danzig, Devil Driver, Dope, The Deftones, DVDA, Fear Factory, Godsmack, Gravity Kills, The Deftones, Hate breed, Killswich Engage, Kmfdm, lords of acid, Pinkfloyd, Soul fly, The Deftones, System of a Down, Tenacious D, The cure, Tom petty, tool, for love not lisa, rollins band, union underground, weird al, iron maiden, down, helmet, and oh yhea...The Deftones.

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