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Fuck Him

I've Come To Terms No More With His Bullshit... I'm Moving On Im Young I'll Find Someone So Much Better ♥

idk what to do no more

I Know Its Long You Dont Have To Read It But This Is The Update With My X.. IDK What To Do HEs Stupid... Should I Move On?? Or Keep Trying Cause One Of These Days He'll RElize?! Kyle: wats up Me: n2m u Kyle: nuttin chillin wit tom Me: tell tom i say hi! Me: haha Kyle: he says word Me: haha swet Me: sweet* Kyle: yea duder Me: haha so whats good with u guys?! anythign? Kyle: nope Kyle: so are we still chillin this weekend Me: uhm i havent hurd from michaela or danny so idk whats up with them.. do u still wanna chill? Kyle: i guess i aint doin anything except on saturday Me: yeah same here... Kyle: yea Me: so hows ur life? Kyle: just got interesting Me: whys that? Kyle: dont worry about it Me: uhm ok Kyle: trust me Me: sure lol Kyle: yea Kyle: so i hear u and tom are becomin good friends Me: friends that it why? Kyle: nuttin he was just sayin he has been talkin to u Me: yeah hes a cool kid Kyle: i kno Me: so u guys having fun? Kyle: i guess Me: u guess? Kyle: yea Me: oh yeah that sounds like fun lol Kyle: yea wat u doin Me: just thinkin n talkin to a few ppl Me: also lookin at some new pix i took... Kyle: wat u thinkin about Me: alot of shit Kyle: like Me: just stuff thats been on my mind for a while... nothing i can change yano.. Kyle: yea i kno Kyle: but let me guess so of its about me Me: would it matter to u if it was? Kyle: idk maybe Me: whys that? Kyle: idk Me: oh ok Kyle: yea Me: well idk nvm Kyle: ok Kyle: guess wat Me: what Kyle: im talkin to mike c Me: oh Me: hes one of my good friends lol he used to like me alot lol Kyle: yea Me: uhm yeah Me: what u guys talkin about? Kyle: things Me: oh Kyle: yea Me: hmm Kyle: its all good Me: oh? Me: idk... ima steal ur room at ur moms house ur beds comfy! lol jk Kyle: yea i kno myt beds comfy and its all mine Me: yeah not for long imma come steal it haha Kyle: bring it on Me: ok! Me: will do Kyle: when are we goin to battle for my bed Me: when we next hang out! Me: i'll woop ur ass! Kyle: doubt it Me: oh really? Kyle: ur about as mean as a box full of teddy bears Me: haha so u think Kyle: so i kno Me: oh really now? Me: since when? Kyle: since tom said so Me: oh really haha well we'll see about that Me: i have two older brothers i know how to fight i could woop any bitches ass.. n kyle pft plz ur probly weaker than me! Kyle: are u serious Me: mhm Me: i am dead serious Kyle: ok i believe Me: no u dont Kyle: i kno Me: haha ur so mean Me: =] Kyle: so u still like me Me: yeah so what haha Kyle: im just sayin Me: haha Kyle: hey si are u goin to go out wit tom Me: toms cool in all but i only like him as a friend theres only one kid i really like right now but ahem yano that story Kyle: yea i kno Me: yuppers Kyle: i wonder who u like Me: hmm me too Me: haha Kyle: i bet u kno though Me: i bet u do too Kyle: i do Me: haha Me: i know tom knows Kyle: tom knows Kyle: tom said wat do i kno Me: who i like Me: haha Kyle: oh Me: yeah haha Kyle: tom says he is a good man Me: who the guy i like? Kyle: yea Me: hmm yeah id say so too... Kyle: really Me: no id say it just for show haha yeah he is duh! Me: haha Kyle: just for show??? really u think so Me: no i really think the guy i like is well idk if i should get into that Kyle: y Me: well the guy i like last time i knew he had a gf who treated him like crap Kyle: oh Me: yup n i think he deserves way better than that because hes a really great guy.. but idk what he thinks about that... cuz last i knew he was confusd which im not sure exactly what hes confusd about Kyle: he has his reasons Me: yup i guess so =/ Kyle: yea everyone has to have a reason for everything Me: well yeah i guess like the saying goes everything happens for a reason.. but i just hate seeing a really sweet n really nice guy being treated like shit.. they dont deserve it no matter anything Kyle: true but maybe he has to learn things on his own and not listen to others Me: how many times does he have to be put through being hurt n treated like shit before hes gunna finally find out he could have better with someone whos infront of him n when will he know when its too late n the other girl couldnt take watching him get hurt anymore? Kyle: when he finally realizes he could do better he will realize wat he lost and he will kno he did wrong Me: why relize when its to late why not try to relize it now... Kyle: dk Me: well look at it this way... why go back to someone who treats you like shit.. when you have someone infront of you who really likes you n would never hurt you.. why not give her a try... why go back to where everything sucks? Kyle: cuz goin back is the only thing that makes him happy Me: so the girl whos infront of him didnt? not even looking in her eyes? he didnt see nothing with her? Me: so going back to where hes treated like shit is happiness? Kyle: the thing about goin back is that he had only known that for a long time and he feels safe and content there lookin into her eyes showed that there was more but it scared him Me: so not taken a chance with something that could be the greatest thing he ever did.. just leaving someoen who would never think about hurtin him because when she looked into his eyes she saw alot she knew her feelings were true and as much as they scared her she liked how she felt so she was pursuin something but to only get to where he leaves her to go bak n be treated liek crap... instead of being with her where she would never hurt him n where she sees him going bak to that it hurts her because she likes him alot n doesnt want him to get hurt but knowin he will ... it makes her sick to her stomach because she has all theses feelings for him but hates the fact hes with someone who treats him like sht and she cant do anything because she doesnt know what to do or how he even feels for her at all Me: because hes with someoen else Kyle: i dont even kno wat to say about that at all Kyle: i am dumb founded Me: kyle im tellin you the truth.. i wouldnt lie to you and i dont want to see you hurt.. i like you alot.. i havent felt this way towards a guy in a long time.. i hate seeing you with her because i hate knowing she treats you like shit n you dont deserve that... and i honestly dont know what to do... idk how u feel towards me or anything and it sux... Kyle: she doesnt treat me like shit anymore xLoveMehAlwaiyzX: so its ok to just go back to something n just forget about whats infront of you because your scared? Kyle: idk wat to say Me: why? Me: say whats on ur mind kyle Kyle: everything about wat ur sayin Me: what bout it Kyle: its just so much Me: y Kyle: its just so much Me: kyle i need to know what is idk what to do idk wat to say.. you know my feelings towards you... but yano i feel like ur scared of change of something better.. but then again im probly wrong Kyle: idk Me: kyle what do you know Kyle: i kno alot of things but i dont kno about thi right now Me: well idk what to say anymore... i really like you alot.. i hate that your with her nuff said there... i think u deserve so much better... even if its not with me... i know you know things when you know it... but if your so confusd why are you back with her? Kyle: idk Me: kyle you must know i mean you are back with her Kyle: i kno but i guess i never lost feelings Me: ok understandable.. but look at this.. you also used to say she treated you like crap.. tons of ppl have told me that she treated you like crap... remember when me n u first started really talkin before we chilld n all that happend.. i askd you about if u could see yourself with her for like every.. u told me no.. Me: could you answer that question for me again.. could you really see yourself with her forever? or do u see yourself datin other ppl? Kyle: idk Me: ok well do you have any feelings for me at all? jw Kyle: yea Me: alright well could you answer me something else.. when you look into my eyes what do you see? Kyle: ur eyes Me: well no shit lol.. but no u used to say something else.. Kyle: i did Me: yeah n that was a reason why you couldnt look me in the eyes Kyle: u had those eyes that were piercing Me: yeah lol Kyle: yea Me: u also told me u would forget what u were sayin when u lookd into them i found that a lie but idk was it really true? Kyle: umm Me: i take it as a lie? Kyle: no Me: well do u do that when u look into ur gfs eyes? Kyle: depends Me: hows that depends? Kyle: mood Me: haha wow Kyle: wat Me: question... what is it about me that you like anyways? Kyle: im not sure Me: but you know what you like about ur gf? Kyle: im not sure Me: would she have done what i did the other day?! Me: or better question.. has anyone ever done that? Kyle: she has Me: all the way to ashburnham? Kyle: yea Me: how many times? Kyle: a couple Me: better question.. how many times has she hurt you.. n how many times have i? Kyle: thats not cool Me: its the truth kyle Me: how many more times you think shes gunna hurt you.. and how many times do you think i wanna hurt u cuz i can tell you straight up i would never even think about hurting you, you dont deserve to be hurt Kyle: idk Me: are you scared of new things? Kyle: nope Me: then why not try something new Kyle: idk Kyle: idk Me: ok could u prove to me if this is wrong? what im about to say? Kyle: tom says alot of bullshit that i dont want to hear Me: whats he saying? Kyle: wat he just said Me: whats teh bullshit? Kyle: bc kyle like his gf alot he soo mutch feelings for her and you r trying to break him and her up and thats whats bullshit Me: uhm well if i can recall tom told me the other fuckin night ur gf doesnt deserve you n i do n i think i might have that convo saved too Kyle: that was b 4 i knew wat was going on Me: w/e yano what kyle here have a great life with your gf.. i hope she doesnt hurt you this time.. but know i still really like you and i would never even dream of hurting you im out pce Kyle: b 4 him and her use to get in fights all the time but that has changed now Kyle: that from me tom Me: ppl dont change over night Kyle: what do u mean Me: ppl do not change Me: look at how many times shes hurt u kyle Me: n u think shes gunna stop now Kyle: yea she has Me: for how long? Kyle: a whiel i hope Me: until she knows i dont like u kno more or something n u wont leave her for me again? Me: a while Me: you can live with just a while? Me: instead of being with someone who wont hurt u at all? Kyle: but she dont kno about you Me: yano my feelings i know wont change... expecially not in a day ... everyone keeps tellin me yano go after him he'll relize.. but yano i cant do that... liken someoen this much n watching them go bak out with someone whos cheated on them n really hurt them in the past sucks... n yano i rather be friends with you than nothing at all no matter how much i like you n it kills to see u with her... but imma do it.. why because im not a bitch n im not gunna up n leave n say see u later... because your one of th sweetest guys i know.. n yano idk if you'll ever relize you can have something way better with me... i honestly dont know anything right now but my feelings towards you.. n it really sucks... but i gotta live with this n to u righ tnow u probly think im insane or crazie but w/e these are my feelings n i cant change them Kyle: i completely understand but i dont kno wat to tell u at this point maybe we just need to hangout more or something and just talk Kyle: well im going to bed cause im tired as balls Me: ok Kyle: so talk to u later Me: yup later Kyle: tom says hes srry for what he said Me: its fine its the truth isnt it? Kyle: yup Me: bye Kyle: k bye
Alright Here It Is!! Im Curious How Guys Would Feel In This Situation... Say You Were With This Girl Who Was 4 Years Younger Than You & Shes Underage Major... & She Treats You Like Shit.. & Shes Cheated On You Also "lost feelings" for you. but yet is so "IN Love" With YOu She Says... & You Meet A New Girl... You Kinda Like Her.. You Dump The Chick Who Treats You Like Shit.. & Also This New Girl Is Only A Year Younger Than You.. SO Better With Age (I Know Age Dont Always Matter But There Age Is Illegal...) N-E Who... You Get With This New Girl Where You Know She Wont Hurt You.. & Has Told You And Wants You To Not Get Hurt... But 6 Days Later You Break Up With Her.. Cus Your Confused... Then About Two Weeks Later You're Back With The Girl Who Treats You Like Shit... & Then One Day After Not Talking To THe New Girl Since A Week After You Broke Up With Her.. She Shows Up At Your House.. Tells you... She Really LIkes You .. You Dont Deserve To Be Treated Like Shit Like Your GF Does.. Deserves So Much Better Even If ITs Not With Her.. & Says That SHe Knows Her Feelings Are Real For Him & If They Were'nt She Wouldnt Have Gone An Hour Outta Her Way To Go Talk Face To Face TO You.. & Shes Gunna Wait But She Cant Wait Forever.. What Would Be Going On In Your Head.. Please Tell Me!!


So to me all guys suck.. im sryy i kno alot of you all are decent im just so sick of being used, emotionally abused, controlld, feeling worthless, feeling like i have no more controll over my life, not being able to do stuff i want, being cheated on, cant chill with my guy friends cuz i'll be accused of cheating... n so on.. im just so sick of it... i mean what am i suppose to think anymore my last three relationships ended very badly ok well not past three my last one and not the one before it but the one before taht... all in 2006 deff. not the greatest year for me... started with first love which ended bad because his ex girlfriend came back into his life after his friend died he pushd me out i broke up with him cuz he was emotionally abusing me with tons of shit... then he threatend to have me stabbd... after that i went out with this kid for just a lil of 3 n a half weeks... he used me and cheated on me and told no one he was with me.. that made me feel oh so not great... then i dated a few guys... one just droppd me for another chick he didnt even get with... then after him i went to date this other kid who had liked me for almost a year we went to go to the movies he showed up the tickets were sold out he left me there for 2 n a half hours by myself and stupd me almost gave him another chance after already giving him 5 chances so i gave up on him... still hookd on the guy who threatend to stab me... i kno it was sad but he was my first love.. but i didnt think i could find no one else... then my most recent boyfriend came along everything went good for about a month then i needed a break to get a few things straightend out... thought hed understand but he didnt... so thats when we started fighting once we got bak together... cuz he started hanging out with bad ppl and yano i live in mass he lived in NY we were 3 hours apart.. i kno longer felt secure with him going and hangin with these ppl cuz they were trying to hook him up with another girl.. but as stupid as i was yano we broke up a few other times... and i started to feel like i wasnt really hangin or talking to my friends that much and that wasnt me i felt controlld and i felt really weird like i wasnt acting me i was crying alot and i didnt know what to do i wanted to be with him but i was so ehh at times... he broke alot of promises to me.. then everytime i came down to us might not being together i always took him bak if i broke up with him or he broke up with me.. stupid moves on my part and everytime i was mad at something like he did or something he would always switch to make me feel bad for him which i guess kept me hangin on then this past tuesday we got into this huge thing i cant really get into details just kno that he said he was done with my bullshit and we were through so i was in tears so much that day i was so upset i didnt kno what to do i ended up pucking because of what was going on he no longer didnt want anything to do with me no more... after i told him one thing which broke my heart when he said what he said... n again im sry but i cant get into detail... but we havent talkd since i told him i couldnt talk to him right now those where my last words to him that i said a few times.. which brought to deleting my myspace... which was also a big part of my 2 relationships priar to him... so i said screw it... and i just wanna go out and have fun although i miss being with my x my friends can deff. tell a difference in my attitude and so can i.. im smiling alot.. im really happy now i mean id lve to start DATING again but im deff. not jumpin into relationships my friends are already wanting to hook me up with there friends and i mean i love being single im just affraid i'll be single forever with how everything with me and relationships are... well yea so thats whats been going on and why i havent really been on... ♥ Babi B.

Guys Suck!

like totally haha just kidding ya'll please do me this one fava! vote n comment!!! image.php?u=386287&i=3408957797&tn=1


Every Site I join i always have a reason to delete my account because of an asshole that thinks hes tha shit n that i have to talk to him ever freakin sec. of my life.. well thats not how it goes... im sry that when i get off this thing it still shows im on... my MSN has been fuckin up lately n wont let me talk to ppl... SO THANX FOR CALLING ME A CUNT! i know im not and w/e call me what u want because i know im not.. so idc.. n-e who... if ur someone whos goin to wanna talk to me every freakin sec. of my life n not want me to have my own life.. well screw u n dont tlk to me... its like ok u still gunna b this way or talk to me if i have a boyfriend?? w/e n=e who hope everyones doin good!! <3


so i went to go to the movies with this kid i really liked last night to see saw3 well by tha time they got there the tickets were sold out so him n his friend calld up there friends who were also coming n they decided to go to a different movie thearter i couldnt leave cuz my ride was coming at 9 so i got stuck there for 2 fucking hours thank god i new a few ppl who were working cuz i woulda been bord outta my mind.. but i mean what kinda guy does that fucking invited u n then ditches u.. oh yea he liked me alot.. sorry just really pissd.. n idk if u think i have a right to b but i think i do <3 Britt
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