47 Year Old
From Kansas City, MO·
Joined on May 14, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 18th
I have a crush on someone!
i play drums and sing and guitar in a shitty ass punk/drunk rock/crust band...plus we started a punk rock label.... http://www.myspace.com/dogknotrecords
ok im changing this...cause i really dont know what to say about meself....i am weird...i know its cool to be weird but ive been weird way before weird was a trend...some claim they are weird but are not..i am the real article..my pics should speak the weird truth....i am a male...that means i have a penis!!!....im a nerd...i like to drink...i havent had sex in over 8 months....and at times i dont care about that but i would like to have it...id rather have a meaningful relationship though....i love punk rock and im not in it for the fashion....its my lifestyle and has been since i was a kid...uuuummmmm.....oh yeah i hate the government.....i hate all the emphasis put on our president about him being "black"...well he's also white too ....um i dont support the troops.....but thats not saying i dont respect what they do...i do in a sense but not this time..i hate war...but whatever to each his own...i do not jump on bandwagons...didnt give a fuck at the time of 9-11 still dont give a fuck...sorry people had to die but really we had it coming...i respect the taliban for what they did cause they actually had the balls to fuck with a country that will come in take all your shit kill all your people and not give a fuck about your people or the innocent kids we send to fight for old rich white men who want to prove something to the world.......but that doesnt mean i support terrorism in fact i think its stupid...i will actually talk to you if you ever want to chat..im an open book...plus im actually a nice guy and down to earth and not out looking for ass...i hate trends..i hate the fact that kids these days let old white guys tell them what to wear,what to listen to,where to shop and so on and so forth..hot topic to me is the less punk thing in the world..country music is more punk than hot topic and if you shop there to get your little misfits belts or leftover crack sticker then you need a fucking needle shoved to the middle of your brain....fashion does not dictate who i am...fashion should not dictate who you are..you should be yourself and not another trendy fucking little sheep...oh well im done now i rant sometimes about absolutely nothing but what i feel....if you read this then you can call me SIN...that is my punk rock pseudonym....always has been always will be...oh yeah I HATE RELIGION...THERE IS NO GOD AND IF YOU REALLY ACTUALLY BELIEVE YOU ARE GOING TO HEAVEN YOU ARE SCREWED UP IN THE HEAD...IF THERE IS A HEAVEN AND HELL I'LL SEE EVEYRONE IN THE WORLD IN HELL....FUCK RELIGION...FUCK GOD...FUCK SATAN...IM WAY MORE EVIL THAN HE EVER WAS,OR WILL BE...
47 Year Old
From Kansas City, MO·
Joined on May 14, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 18th
I have a crush on someone!
um i like writing music recording music,blowing snot rockets,getting blue balls,spitting on cars as they drive by me,getting completely drunk and starting shit with yuppies,going to punk rock shows and getting sweaty in the pit,stage diving,stepping on ant hills,killing bumble bees,catching fish then throwing them in a different part of the creek as hard as i can,wearing long sleeves and long johns in the summer,growing obnoxious facial hair,reading in the bathroom,undressing barbie dolls,skipping rocks,whistling dixie,leaving my sperm in weird places so i can say hey my sperm was there....
the first casualties song is actually "unkown soldier"..dont know why its says on the frontline...but i guess i have two "unknown soldier"