57 Year Old
Belton, TX
Joined on February 9, 2016
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on September 14th
1 referrals joined!
I have a
crush on someone!
I love Music, I DJ for charity events when asked.
I love cars, I have several, a 1965 Lincoln, 1969 Air Cooled Beetle, that I am making into a Steam Punk Ride, and a 1989 Shelby Dakota (#568)
Classic Rock, Colt Ford, Moonshine Bandits, The LACS
Wow, there is a lot...But I will give a few
Star Wars IV,V,VI & VII
Long Kiss Goodnight
Fast & the Furious
Mad Max Fury Road
Video Games
Fallout4 (XBOX1), Might and Magic:clash of heroes