1.) Blow Job
How to play:
Need shot glasses and a couple pairs of guys and girls
The guys sit down and put one shot (beer or hard liquor) between their legs and the girls race to pick up the shot glass with their mouth and drink the shot.
2.) Flip, Sip, or Strip
How to play:
This drinking game is easy to figure out, exciteing, and will probably end fast. But, you will definitely have fun before it ends!!!
Best with 3 or more people.
Start by having any player flip a coin and call heads or tails, while it is in the air.
If player guesses right, player passes the coin to the right.
If player guesses wrong, player passes the coin to the left and either takes one article of clothing off, or drinks a shot.
Great Rule: You cannot do the same thing (sip or strip) more than twice in a row.
3.) Suck and Blow
How to play:
Doesn't matter how many players as long as there is a circle with the order guy, girl, guy, girl, etc. You'll see why in a minute.
Grab a driver's license, college ID, or some random card (even a business card will work and it'll make the game a little easier). The object is to pass the card from one player to the next using only your mouth. You hold the card by sucking in and you pass it to the next person by giving a gentle 'blow' when they are close enough to take it. If the card is dropped the players it is dropped between take a shot (shot of beer if less experienced). Here's the catch. If you 'accidentally' drop the card right as you are passing it to the next person, you get a nice smooch from them.
4.) Screw The Dealer
How to play:
Better to have 3 or more people.
Start with anyone holding the deck (the dealer) and another person guessing a card. The dealer takes 10 drinks and puts the card on the table face up if the person was right. If the person was wrong dealer says whether the card is higher or lower and the player gets a second guess. If he or she gets it on the second guess the dealer takes 5 drinks and puts the card on the table. If they get it wrong they drink as much as how far off they were and the dealer puts the card on the table. (ex. If they guess 6 and the card is 10 they have to take 4 drinks.) The dealer has to get 2 people in a row wrong to pass on the deck (can be varied depending on the number of people). Then the deck goes to the next person and the person guessing also keeps going in order.
Guess toward the middle to have a 50/50 chance at the second guess. *Better used toward the end of the game.
Guess toward a higher or lower side. (ex. If you guess Jack and the person says higher, you have a choice between a smaller number of cards)
Don’t get stuck being the dealer at the end of the game because almost all the cards are on the table and it’s easy to guess what the last ones are. *Hence the name screw the dealer.
5.) Asshole
How to play:
4 or more people
Pass all the cards out to the players
The person to the right of the dealer begins.
Any card or pair of the same cards can be put down to start, the next player has to put down a higher card or a higher pair. You can also put down the same card or pair of cards as the previous person. Doing this skips the next player, or next two players if you put down the same “pair of cards.” If you can’t beat the previous players cards you can put down a two to clear the pile and start fresh or you have to DRINK. Then it goes on to the next player. If none of the players can beat or clear a certain pile and it gets back to the person who put those cards down the pile is cleared.
The goal of the game is to get rid of your cards as fast as you can.
The 1st one out is the President, 2nd is the V-President, 3rd the People, and 4th is the Asshole for the next game.
*****This is when it gets fun!!!
The President makes a rule at the beginning of the game…BE CREATIVE, it makes the game more interesting. (ex. You have to drink again if you don’t cheers with someone before you drink)
The President can also make anyone drink at any time…Have fun but be careful, you won’t always be the President.
The V-President can make anyone drink accept for the People.
The People can make each other and the asshole drink.
The Asshole has to clear the pile and get people beer when they want it or need it…Doesn’t that suck.
*When this game ends it starts over again with who ever being the first one out becoming President, etc.