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39 Year Old · Female · From Round Rock, TX · Joined on July 5, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 18th
39 Year Old · Female · From Round Rock, TX · Joined on July 5, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 18th

- I love music. It's my passion.
- Evanescence is my favorite band, ever, got a tattoo to prove it.
- I'm a Christian, and I believe in God and the power of prayer.
- God and family come first in my life.
- I go to the gym everyday. I know a big girl and the gym, but it's true. Trying to get back in shape and live healthier.
- I love tattoos, I have three and I plan on getting more.
- I absolutley LOVE going to shows. Whether it's a big artist, local band or an unknown from somewhere else. That's my favorite thing to do, ever.
- I am very shy by nature.
- But once I get to know you, I don't stop talking.
- I'm not a girly girl. At all.
- My wardrobe consists of jeans and a t-shirt, that I bought at a merch booth. But I do dress up if the occasion calls for it.
- I'm not high maintenance at all, so I won't get mad if we're not joined at the hip 24/7.
- Grammar and spelling are a pet peeve of mine.
- It irks me when there, they're and their or your and you're are misused.
- I am a jokester, I love a good laugh.
- I'm not easily offended, though I am really good at acting like I am.
- I'm brutally honest, I don't believe in sugar coating because that doesn't help anyone.
- I'm not grossed out by fart or poop jokes, I make some myself 16_winksmile.gif
- But if you fart too early in our relationship, I will be grossed out.
- I'm really bad a small talk, I make things ten times more awkward if I try. But I'm working on that.
- I have a thing about BO and bad breath. Um, I don't like it.
- I cannot live with out my phone, I'm a textaholic.
- I've had my wild days, and I'm passed that.
- I'm really enjoying making this list Smile2.gif
- I am very mature.
- But I also giggle when someone says "penis" or "vagina".
- I find humor in the small things.
- I don't let the little things bother me.
- I on occasion say "sh!t", "damn", "****", and "f**k".
- Although you will NEVER hear me curse in front of my parents, nor will you Smile2.gif
- I was raised republican, but I am very liberal (I don't discuss politics OR religion).
- I will never change my views, opinions, feelings, or who I am for anyone. I stand by what I say.
- I am very hard headed, and I always do things the hard way, so just let me. Even if I'm wrong.
- I can admit when I'm wrong.
- I make up really random songs about anything. Example: the other day at work I was looking for pickles, so I sang about looking for pickles.
- I am that lame ass that says "your mom (insert what you just said)" or "your face is (insert what you just said)", nine times out of ten, it's really hilarious.
- I support the gay and lesbian community and will help fight for gay rights.
- My feelings are written all over my face. If I'm asked a dumb question or if I'm annoyed by something, you know just by looking at my face. I can't help it.
- If you do drugs, even smoke pot, don't even bother.
- I'm very sentimental.
- I like the smell of gasoline, carbon paper, and alcohol pads. Not at the same time of course.
- I over analyze almost everything.
- I sing very loudly when I hear one of my favorite songs, no matter where I am.
- I really hope you like singing too.
- I don't like insecurities.
- If I'm angry, upset, or crying, don't ask me if I'm ok, because obviously I'm not and that question makes it worse.
- I have a temper and I have a tendency to punch stationary objects when I am very very pissed off.
- But it takes a lot to piss me off. Only a few trigger words set me off and broken trust.
- I don't drink caffeine.
- I love iced tea.
- I'm a light weight and I don't drink often. When I do, it only takes two or three drinks to get me buzzed.
- I like socks.
- This is not even half of everything there is to know about me.
- Did I mention that I love Evanescence?

39 Year Old · Female · From Round Rock, TX · Joined on July 5, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 18th
Music, concerts, movies, mini golf, pretty much anything..
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I am mostly into metal and rock. But my list is wide ranging, a short list: Civet, Breaking Benjamin, Paramore, Walls Of Jericho, In This Moment, Nightwish, Flyleaf, George Strait, Soul Embraced, Living Sacrifice, Arch Enemy, Miranda Lambert, My Chemical Romance, No Doubt, Kittie, Seether, Slipknot, Lacuna Coil, KoRn, Katy Perry, We Are The Fallen, Lady Antebellum, P!nk, Michael Jackson, Elvis, Hey Monday.

Guilty Pleasure: Lady Gaga.
Anything that makes my skin crawl. The Saw series and Paranormal Activity. Vampires and zombies please. Plus I like my fair share of romantic girl movies.
My mom and Amy Lee of Evanescence.
Video Games
I'm not too into video games. I usually just like to watch. Although the only game I really play every now and then is Left for Dead. Zombies=Awesome.

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