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39 steps of wisdom

1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. 2. Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often. 3. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. 4. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity. 5. If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before. 6. My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance. 7. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious. 8. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission. 9. For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program. 10. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip. 11. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks. 12. A conscience is what hurts when all of your other parts feel so good. 13. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway. 14. Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it. 15. No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes. 16. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand. 17. Middle age is when broadness of the mind and the narrowness of the waist change places. 18. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming. 19. Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it. 20. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on. 21. Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. 22. By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends. 23. Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator. 24. Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world. 25. It ain't the jeans that make your butt look fat. 26. If you had to identify, in 1 word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, & never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings." 27. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." 28. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them. 29. You should not confuse your career with your life. 30. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. 31. Never lick a steak knife. 32. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip. 33. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time. 34. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment. 35. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven. 36. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers. 37. A person, who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.) 38. Your friends love you anyway. 39. Thought for the day: Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.

Just to see who replies...

I'm going to clear out my friends list very soon... anyone who bothers to read this and comments, I'll be sure to leave you a gift :) Massive purging is in order... There are people who constantly ask for ratings, comments and then never hear from again. If I've missed you over the last 3 weeks, its because we lost power for 6 days.. then the holidays .. and now the stupid f'n spammer rule, which doesn't allow for me to leave funny pics on every pages anymore. So, I took a break from this site for a few.. but am planning to come back and start leaving comments again for all those who are still around! Miss you all... Dawn


We got the word yesterday that due to the severity of damage on our hill.. that we aren't expected to have power at the house until Thursday or Friday... great... we're already working on 5 days w/o. A big thanks to everyone that showed concern and left messages. I appreciate all the comments and support :) I'm only able to get on here for a little bit at a time during work hours... :( I'll keep you posted! Send luv!! Keeps me from being a crabby bitch instead of just a sarcastic one!! lol
Hi all.. we're good... dealing... huge huge storm on Thursday. However, all is getting back to normal.. power at work.. just not the house.. we do have a generator though. we have heat and lights.. no hot water and no cable.. :( It was bad.. 70 mph winds.. we had 2 100ft trees come down near our house. Took out the transformers and 3 major lines and stuff. missed all three houses thank god! We're probably not going to have power for another 2 days. They've brought in crews from as far as Wisconsin and California. Over 1.5 mill without power friday.. and still over 200000 without .. including us. We lost 3 sections of the fence and the gate. Did roof repairs all day Friday.. took off a 6 x 6 section of roofing off the house.. branches down everywhere... looked like the hurricanes from Florida! lol... warzonesque. We were able to get a 240 converter at 5am this morning from the Electrical supply wearhouse so we can plug in our hot water heater! Yeah! There are days that I'm so grateful that my husband is an electrician!!! lol and Thank god for good friends who let us shower at their house when their power came back on yesterday! Just wanted to let everyone know what was up.. sorry I haven't been able to return emails.. messages or comments. Hope to be up and running by mid week!! Hugs to everyone.. Dawn

beer warnings...

Due to increasing products liability litigation, beer manufacturers have accepted the Medical Association's suggestion that the following warning labels be placed immediately on all beer containers: WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a wanker. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell the same boring story over and over again until your friends want to smash your head in. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to thay shings like thish. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that ex- lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at 4 in the morning. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell happened to your trousers. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may make you think you can logically converse with other members of the opposite sex without spitting. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may make you think you have mystical Kung Fu powers. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to roll over in the morning and see something really scary (whose name and/or species you can't remember). WARNING: Consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug burns on the forehead. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, more attractive, and smarter than some really, really big guy named Franz. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe you are invisible. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing with you. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause a flux in the time-space continuum, whereby small (and sometimes large) gaps of time may seem to literally disappear. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may actually cause pregnancy.
Though we encourage sexual experimentation, getting too creative can sometimes be a very, very bad thing. Here our readers share some of the masturbation disasters. Learn from their mistakes! With a tambourine It was just before my A-level exams and I was masturbating to relax my nerves. I decided to stick my cock inside the thumb-hold of a tambourine on my desk ... Big mistake, because what went in when I was soft wouldn't come out when I was hard, and it was damn painful too. And of course the blood took ages to leave my cock because the veins were blocked by the constriction. So I had to lie down for ages and ended up getting to my exam late. D'oh! With a bicycle pump I had heard the term "blow job," but didn't really have a clue what it meant. So, I thought I'd experiment. I got out my bicycle pump, placed the valve on my urethra, and pumped that handle down hard, expecting to feel pleasures beyond my wildest dreams! AHHHHHH! My groin hurt for weeks as I think I tore something inside, but was too ashamed to tell anyone. I really felt stupid. Everything seemed to work fine once I just started masturbating. With an RC truck I was fooling around with my battery-operated RC truck. It was upside down and has little bumps on the tires of the truck. I wanted to know how it felt on my cock, so I tried it for a little bit. Unfortunately, it gradually caused me to bleed on the head of my cock. You can barely see the scar now, but it wasn't smart using my RC truck. It hurt and I never did it again! With a hard plastic love doll I don't know of any guys who have a fake pussy to fuck. So I bought one. I tried freezing it (it's weird to do it with an ice-cold pussy) and then I tried heating it. Ouch!! Too hot! Then I just fucked it hard and fast. I pulled out during one of my strokes and jammed my dick on the hard plastic lid part of the toy. It sliced my dick and I had to get four stitches. I told the doctor that I had dropped a knife to cause the damage. With hot sauce Well, I tried using some hot sauce on my cock while masturbating, and it felt like hell! I'm writing this just to tell other people to NEVER DO THIS!! It is the worst thing you will ever feel. With a pen I was masturbating with a capped pen up my anus at about 1 o'clock in the morning. My parents were in the next room so I tried to keep it quiet, but I had a amazing orgasm (or at least from what I have experienced). I stopped before I moaned but when I pulled the pen out, the cap (which was on the pen to keep it from poking me) wasn't on it. I could feel the tip of the cap in my anus, but when I tried to get it out by pushing my anus muscles I couldn't and it went completely in my anus. I was so scared and I couldn't tell my parents. I tried all night to get it out and finally fell asleep. The next day I still tried in vain to get it out, but finally that evening I took a crap and it came out. Whew! I had never been so scared in my life. With shampoo During my first semester at college I found that I had a lot of time to masturbate. One night I decided to masturbate, so I put some porn in the DVD player and tried to find some lotion to use as lube. I couldn't find any, so I figured that I could use some shampoo. While I was whacking off it felt really good! The shampoo had a tingling sensation on my cock. Unfortunately, I did not know that the shampoo dries your skin out. My cock's skin got really tight and started to crack, much like chapped lips. It hurt like hell as the skin fell off my cock to reveal new pink skin underneath. I'm fine now, but I always make sure I have some KY on hand! With wire I saw an anecdote on the Internet once about how Arabs masturbate and I decided to try it! It involves inserting a long wire into the urethra and down the length of the erect penis. Long story short, the wire didn't follow the path precisely and I ended up stabbing my penis from the inside. I was in the hospital for three days. With toothpaste I was experimenting with different lubes, and one time I tried toothpaste. At first it was strange yet nice, but when I was done some of the toothpaste went inside me. It burned like hell for about 20 minutes, and I was in the shower trying to cool it. With chewing gum One day I was chewing some Big League Chew gum. It felt so soft and gooey in my mouth that I decided to rub it on my dick. It was the worst decision I ever made! As I was rubbing it on my dick, the gum got caught on my pubes. I got in the shower and spent like an hour trying to get the stuff off. Then I finally decided just to cut my pubes off with some scissors. I had no pubes left. With Jalapeno peppers I was making chili with jalapeno peppers, about the hottest kind that you can get. While I was chopping them I didn't realize that the juice and oil in the peppers would burn more as time went on. Later I was stroking my cock and realized that not only were my hands now burning from the pepper oil, but now my whole shaft was burning too! I stopped immediately and tried to wash it off, but I found that it takes something like baking powder to neutralize the acid. Too late!! I felt my cock burning for about a day after that and I couldn't stop thinking about it as a result. I still managed to get in a few orgasms though! Now I wear gloves when handling spicy foods! With a TV remote One night I was home alone and watching TV. I suddenly "got that urge" and needed to hump something fast. All I could find to use that was remotely close to a dildo was, ironically, the remote. It was fairly good-sized and I was forcing it in and out of my pussy and rubbing my clit at the same time, and the buttons felt INCREDIBLE. So after I came, I took the remote out and wiped it off on my pants, and started to use it ... but it didn't work! I changed the batteries, I cleaned it as best I could, but all my cum had totally clogged and fried the thing! So I had to throw it against the wall until it looked plenty broken and then I told my parents I stepped on it. With a pencil I'm a guy. I was in college, and feeling pretty down on myself at the time for reasons to do with my sexual identity. I was masturbating, and I had begun to explore inserting long and skinny, smooth objects into my urethra/the tip of my penis. One night I had been drinking, and had just had a fairly disappointing sexual encounter with an also-drunk classmate, a gal. Anyhow, I was just experimenting while learning that I preferred guys. So I was back at my dorm, alone, jacking it, and I inserted a pencil, eraser-end first, into my penis. It was clean and new, but the metal edges were a lot sharper than I was realizing, me being intoxicated and all. It hurt, but that seemed okay. But when I shot, the cum came out with a lot of blood. I was horrified! The next day, it burned when I pissed, but it seemed to have healed. However, as a result, years down the road, I have ongoing pain in the section of my urethra where the eraser's metal band cut, and I am prone to PAINFUL urethra infections in this same section of "road." It's really stupid that I still hit myself in the head over this, but there's really nothing to be done save for going to a doctor, which I suppose is the next step. Life sure is funny! Humorously enough, of all my entire life, this is probably one of my very few regrets. It was a case of self-mutilation that was a consequence of my feeling really down on myself. Dumb duhdumb duhdumb, oh well! With duct tape One morning after I woke up I was feeling right randy, and I guess a little loony as well! So what did I do? Well, I opened up a chest in my room and got a ring of duct tape, taped it around my little friend, and started to wank. It did not work too good, and now that I think about it, I don't see how it could have, but I was very tired at the time so you can't blame me. I was feeling right loony. But anyway, the duct tape was very tight and started to cut off blood flow. I couldn't get it off so I ran around the house trying to find something to cut with. I found a knife and then started to cut the tape and then "OUCH!" I stabbed myself right in my willy! I had to run to the docs for help and from there to the hospital! I didn't want my penis to come out looking like hamburger meat so I has to swallow my pride and let them remove the tape at the hospital. But my willy came out fine in the end! With a candle I was masturbating with a candle like I usually do, but I couldn't find my usual one, so I decided to use a teal-colored one. After cumming multiple times I pulled the candle out and realized it was faded white.... I went to the bathroom to clean myself up and my cum was teal. I'll never use that candlestick again; now I only use white ones! With a curling iron When I was first learning about my sexuality and how it all works I decided to try masturbating with a curling iron. It was the kind that is a dual curling iron and straightener in one. At first I thought it was locked and it wasn't, so I tried to lock it and it pinched my insides. That hurt bad enough, let alone a short while after when I realized it was turned on!! I was in pain for about two weeks and, needless to say I never used a curling iron again! With magnets One time I put two neodymium magnets on each side of my scrotum. They slammed together and the magnetic force was so tremendous I couldn't remove them without tools. I took two pairs of pliers and pulled like hell. They came off but I couldn't feel my sack until the next day, when it hurt like hell. With a Barbie shoe I was masturbating and saw a tiny Barbie shoe. I managed to stick it into my pussy but it got stuck, and when I managed to grab the end of it, the shoe just slipped further in. I managed to sneak into the kitchen without being spotted by my mother and took a spoon from the kitchen drawer, which I stuck in me and eventually used to scoop the shoe out. I threw it in the garbage and now I never do that anymore!! With a shampoo bottle This actually happened a couple months ago. I do not own any sex toys, so when I want to masturbate my anus, I have to do it with my finger. Well, one night a couple months ago, I decided to try to find something a little bigger. I found one of those travel-size shampoo bottles under my bathroom sink. I lubricated it and started it using it on myself. I was rather enjoying it, until my fingers became too slippery and the bottle was sucked out of my hands and up into my rectum. When I tried to get it out, the bottle some how turned sideways and was stuck. I couldn't go to the hospital since my mother works there. I just had to wait until it came out own, or I was able to get it. It took three days to get it out, and another seven days before I was able to fully sit down again. Never will I do that again. With Liquid Heat I was into masturbating with men's colognes for lubes. My father used this stuff called Heat for his back and I thought it had a wonderful scent and it turned me on. One day my parents were out and I snuck into their room and took my father's cologne Heat. I went into my room and stripped down, laid on my bed, and got myself hard. Then I got some of the Heat and put it on my balls and cock and started to jack off. I had the most intense orgasm! I laid there for about 10 minutes and then got up to take a shower, mainly because this stuff was starting to burn. I got in the shower and when the warm water hit my balls and cock the heat intensified. I was in agony. Soap wouldn't wash it off. I was sore for days. Little did I know that my dad used the Heat for back pain relief. Stupid, stupid, stupid!! Never again! With a banana I started to explore different methods of masturbation, particularly focusing on the integration of phallic objects into my routines. One night, as my family slept, I crept downstairs into the kitchen and stole a banana from the fruit basket. When I got back to my room, I began to masturbate with it. Eventually I climaxed, and as I did, I felt/heard this odd "pop." So I immediately attempted to pull the banana out. Upon some exertion, I found myself staring at half a banana; the entire thing had exploded from my bodily heat and the pressure of orgasm. I ended up spending nearly 20 minutes sitting on the toilet, trying vainly to push the other half of the banana out. Unfortunately, the stickiness of the hot mashed banana was impeding its path out, and it was too far up for me to reach. Eventually it slid out, and I spent a great deal of time in the shower trying to rid myself of the banana smell and stickiness ... fortunately, I managed to keep quiet enough and not wake anyone. To this day, I have never used any other phallic-shaped foods to masturbate, nor can I stand to eat bananas anymore. With a banana wrapped in plastic wrap Well, my husband is a wonderful man, but he is also physically incapable of having sex. So one day while he was SUPPOSED to be out of town on a business trip, I decided to masturbate. I peeled a banana, wrapped it in Saran Wrap, and went at it. Suddenly, I realized that the Saran Wrap had come off and the banana had squished out into my pussy. This was not pleasant. So I was sitting there in the bathtub, trying to get the squashed banana out of me, when, SURPRISE! My husband walked in. Turns out that his flight had been delayed. It was mortifying! I was trying to think of a way to get myself out of this when he suddenly started laughing. For some reason, this just made me feel worse. I finally did get the banana out, and my husband never brought the incident up again. But I will NEVER, EVER masturbate with fruit EVER again! With a glass cigar case I was really horny and wanted to wank, but I felt like doing something a little unusual and kinky. I found one of those cylindrical cigar cases, and it was hard and smooth and I put some vegetable oil on it and shoved it all the way up my ass. I had a great jerk with the toy against my prostate, and when I came my ass contracted and shot the toy out of my ass and onto the floor. It turns out the cigar case was made of GLASS, and it broke all over the place. I was freaked out about what would have happened if it had broken in my ass! With melted chocolate One time I melted chocolate and I used it to masturbate, and I fell asleep with it in my hand. When I woke up my hand was all sticky with chocolate, but I still got off good! It kicked ass! But, only problem was, the chocolate was so hot from me melting it that it hurt/was good at the same time. It turns out that I had first-degree burns from a chocolate bar! Never use anything that you just nuked in the microwave. Ow!!! With a penis pump In return for buying $50 worth of erotic literature and videos from a certain company, I was given the choice of receiving either a free dildo or a penis vacuum. Not being gay or otherwise interested in inserting anything into my ass, I opted for the masturbation pump. I had never seen one up close, but my first impression was that it looked very cheaply made. It was little more than a fleshy latex sleeve, tube, and bulb. I'm far from hung but somehow on my first attempt my only partially aroused penis immediately filled the tube, thus preventing the escape of air. And because of the suction, I had trouble losing my erection. By the time the sleeve finally split, my penis was ridiculously bright red, swollen around the glans, and smarting at the urethra. I threw the contraption away and promised myself that from that point on I'd stick to my hand and the female anatomy. Thank God I didn't go for the dildo! I might've been slain. With Lava soap I used to work in a plastics molding plant and my hands would get quite dirty. I always kept Lava bar soap in the shower to get them clean. One morning I was showering in the dark and grabbed the Lava instead of the Ivory soap to slick up my penis and masturbate. I didn't know the difference until I was done and my penis was rubbed raw by the abrasives in the soap. With homemade lube I like to masturbate with lubricant. One day, I wanted to use lubricant but the tube had been empty for quite some time, so I decided to make my own lube. Instead of simply using petroleum jelly, I mixed together Palmolive dish soap and water. I began to feel a painful irritation, but in the excitement, I didn't stop until I'd cum. The next morning, my balls seemed just like they where grilled. They were covered in red spots and my skin was textured like melted plastic wrap. I didn't know what to do, so I did nothing, thinking it would be okay in a couple of days. Not exactly! I was pulling off dead skin for at least a week!! With incense Probably one of the stupidest things I have ever done, I did in a state of drunken horniness. It had been more than six months since I had last had sex, and I was practically screaming for an outlet. After seven homemade tequila benders, I went upstairs to begin a long session of humping my pillow. After several minutes, I was exhausted and seemingly out of juice. That's when I spotted the incense next to my bed. I grabbed it and inserted the narrow end into the tip of my penis. Then, in what was probably a stroke of drunken genius, I lit the other end, thinking that the erotic sensation of a flaming scented piece of wood would really get me off. Unfortunately, I was more tired after the pillow session than I realized, and in my drunken state, I passed out with the incense still inserted into my manhood. When I woke up, the incense had burned all the way down and effectively cauterized my penis. No way in, no way out. To add insult to injury, the remaining shard of incense had contracted too far in for me to move my legs without sharp, wrenching, stabbing, burning pain. It really, really, really hurt!! I had to go to the ER and get my dick effectively reopened at the tip, as well as have surgery to remove the loose piece of incense from my gallbladder. However, after spending a week in traction and then walking around with a safety hold in my dick to stop the burns from healing together and cutting off my opening, I am none the worse for wear other than a small scar and a strange new phobia of scented products. I am never introducing a foreign object into such a vital part of my anatomy ever again. With bicycle spokes When I was younger and uncircumcised, it felt good to play with my foreskin. One day, I got the bright idea to let the spokes in an old exercise bike "vibrate" my foreskin. (Think playing card in bicycle spokes.) Well, I was using the peddles to spin the wheels when I lost track of what I was doing. My dick got caught in the chain and then it got pulled through the chain guard!! Needless to say, I am now circumcised! I'm embarrassed by it, but the cut was pretty straight and the doctors were amazing, so to the untrained eye my dick just looks a little lumpy in places (which isn't necessarily a BAD thing, mind you). And yes, I still have sex. (But I stay away from those exercise bikes with spokes! Eek!) With a deodorant stick One day I was masturbating with a deodorant stick with the top on. My pussy was so tight, though, that the top kept coming halfway off every time I pulled it out of me, so I put some tape around the top to keep it on. I put the deodorant stick in my pussy and went in and out and so on, and when I was finished, I saw that the tape had slipped off the deodorant cap while it was inside me. I don't know what happened to that tape, but it was about five years ago and I've been to the gyno about 10 times and they say everything looks "just fine," so maybe it came out sometime later and I didn't know about it! With clove oil One time I thought I saw something called "love oil" among my mom's various herbal remedies, essential oils, etc. She was busy elsewhere in the house, so I locked myself in the bathroom and tried it on my penis. I didn't even get to start masturbating, it stung so badly--turns out it was actually clove oil (quite a potent substance), and the "c" had worn off the bottle. As with the Tabasco story, the moral is, don't put weird shit on your dick.
Ok... so you whine bitch and complain about your stuff being ripped copied and stolen. Well, newsflash.. everyone on the internet can access your files to copy! Try this.. Go to www.google.com and type in your online name. I would venture to say that you will appear in one of the first three options, and guess what, it's your lost cherry id! Here's mine... lostCherry user: The Perfect Sarcastic Bitch Returns (140421)The Perfect Sarcastic Bitch Returns's recent blog posts:. Child Predators (worth the watch). 2006-10-05 (22 views) (3 comments) ... www.lostcherry.com/user/140421 - 69k - Cached - Similar pages So don't be so nieve people! Don't post stuff you don't want spread all over the internet!!!

Beerology 101

Beerology 101: Beer Term Dictionary Bait-and-switch - When an attractive person invites you to his or her table then steers you to a less attractive friend. Barley sandwich - Beer for lunch. Also called a slurp sandwich. Bayonetting the wounded - Gamely drinking the half-finished beers the morning after a party. Booze coupons - Money. Bedspins - The variety of spins that occur while lying prone. Putting one foot on the floor usually helps. If you are already on the floor, may God have mercy on your soul. Beer bitch - The person sitting closest to the cooler or refrigerator at a party whose sole purpose in life is to grab another beer for you whenever you go empty. Beer Buffet - Any bar with more than ten different beers on tap. Beer blinders (Beer goggles) - Ones perception when under the influence of alcohol. Often causes unattractive people to look hot, long distances to look jumpable, and also makes break dancing moves look easy. Beer Pressure - The tendency to drink what your friends drink. Beer queer - A straight man who will pretend to be gay in order to solicit free drinks from an unsuspecting homosexual. Blackout Brigade - A group of heavy drinkers. Booze compass - The instinct that leads you home when youre blackout drunk. Booze muscle - The increase in courage and combat abilities linked to heavy alcohol consumption. Booze snooze - A nap taken early in the afternoon after a morning of drinking, designed to prepare you for the evenings drinking. Boozgart - The person who, when he is supposed to be passing the bottle of liquor around, stops to reflect on the first time he got drunk, last time he got drunk, etc. A derivative of the stoner term bogart. Breaking the Seal - Urinating for the first time during a drinking session. Once the seal is broken, restroom trips become much more frequent. Britney Spears - Rhyming slang for light beer. As in, How can I take you seriously when youve been drinking Britney Spears all night? Buzzkill - That which destroys the buzz. Examples are fights with ones significant other while at the bar, boors who insist on telling that story one more time, your best friend admitting that he/she is sleeping with your significant other, horrible music after youve just heard three of your favorite songs in a row, or discovering that you actually have less than half of the money that you thought you had at the beginning of the evening. Date Rape - Nickname given to any of a number of alcoholic beverages that taste like they have no booze in them whatsoever. Refers to their effectiveness in helping a high school boy get his hands down the pants of a girl who doesn't like beer. De-boned - To become so drunk you appear not to have any skeletal structure to hold you up. Deep-dish olive pie - A martini. Deja booty - When a drunk inexplicably has sex with a person that he/she swore he/she would never speak to ever again, again. Deja booze - When an infrequently enjoyed drink reminds you of the last time you enjoyed it. As in, This margarita reminds me of when I was partying in Tijuana, just before I vomited on myself, picked a fight with the bartender and got thrown in the clink. Good times, good times. Deserter - A full beer, possibly hidden, found when cleaning up the next day after a party. Drink link - An ATM. Drink shrink - Those who, after a few drinks, discover they have the ability to psychoanalyze and offer solid personal advice to their friends and/or strangers. Drinking in stereo - Boozing with a drink in each hand. Driving by brail - Using the sound and feel of the road turtles to keep your car on the highway. Felony juice - Tequila. Flip wire - That fine, fuzzy line between buzzed and hammered. As in, That fucker aint driving, he tripped the flip wire three shots ago. Floored - When youre so drunk standing up just seems a silly waste of time. Frontloading - Getting drunk before going to a nightclub because the clubs drinks are expensive. FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Fugly bus - The mysterious bus that whisks away all the ugly people from the bar and replaces them with their beautiful cousins while youre in the bathroom draining your tenth pint. Get the fade on - Going out with intention of getting very, very drunk. Grog monster - The part of the brain that insists you keep drinking long after you should have went home and passed out. Gutter hugger - Drinkers who empty the contents of their stomach into a gutter or nearest trash can. "Hells Own Drag" Influence - As in, See the size of that shot? Ever since I started dating the bartender, Ive got hells own drag at this bar. Hooch hotel - The drunk tank. Housed - Moderately drunk. This term is particularly popular with those who listen to the Grateful Dead and smoke large amounts of marijuana. Jack and Jill - A shot of Jack Daniels and a beer. Joint of no return - A bar from which you are 86d. Juice card - Received on your 21st birthday. Jumping on the grenade - When two groups of the opposite sex meet, one member jumps on the grenade by talking to (or possibly sleeping with) the least attractive member of the other group so as to ensure the success of the rest of the group. Jumping strays - Stealing unattended or abandoned drinks at a bar or party. As in, Im so broke Ive been jumping strays all night. Kamikaze eyes - The look a drunk gets when he spies someone he always hated but never had the guts to fight. Until now. Keg commander - The boisterous chap who hovers around the keg so as to ensure everyone knows how to properly pour a beer. Keg sitter - Someone who stands next to the keg and drinks. Anyone who abandons social interaction for the sake of insuring that they get their proper share of the beer. Last call lothario - Someone whos shy until last call, at which point hell try to hook up with anything that has a pulse and/or booze at their home. Loudmouth soup - A shot of strong liquor. MDA - Mysterious Drinking Accident. When you wake up with bruises and cuts you have no recollection of receiving. Also called UPI (Unidentified Party Injury), UBB (Unidentified Beer Bruise) and drunk marks. NBR - No Beers Required. Someone sufficiently attractive enough to hit on while sober. One for the ditch - A less optimistic version of One for the road. Pavement pizza - Vomit on the sidewalk, often found outside bars. Prole piss - Any cheap American lager. Prole piss poser - A yuppie who attempts to appear down with the working class by making a point of ordering only bottom shelf liquor and cheap beer. Mystery guest - The guy at the party no one seems to know. They usually lurk in the kitchen near the booze. Riding a rocking horse into battle - Getting drunk on 3.2 eer. Roadside olympics - Roadside sobriety test. Shelf jumper - Someone whose tastes improve from bottom to top shelf when someone offers to buy them a drink. Skinflint sprint - The fast walk a departing patron employs after hes left the cocktail waitress a less-than-generous tip on the table. Slop jaw - Someone who spills (unintentionally or otherwise) most of his shot down the side of his face. As in, Dont waste anymore money on Mike, he slopjawed the last three shots. Stout gout - The morning-after flatulence that often follows a night of drinking Guinness. Tart fuel - Bottled alcopops, e.g. Hooch, Sky Blue, etc., regularly consumed by young women. Thousand mile glare - The blank, vaguely hostile look a veteran bartender will give you when you ask a stupid question such as, Is the beer cold? Tip jar anxiety - The fear that an unobservant bartender wont notice you left a good tip. Trip dog - The invisible canine that starts getting underfoot around your tenth drink. Once he arrives he will trip you up the rest of the night. Trojan hooch - Bringing an empty bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag to a party so you wont appear a mooch. Twelve stepper - A reformed drinker or someone who wants to quit drinking early. As in, Hold on there, twelve stepper, the bouncer hasnt even threatened us yet. Two pint screamer - Someone who gets noticeably drunk after two drinks. Vodka vision A liquor specific brand of beer goggles. Wobbly pop - Any beverage containing alcohol. The Barf Factor - Probility of barfing while drinking beer with your buds. But could also be used on a much large scale if necessary. This is the equation for figuring out The Barf Factor. B(barf) / P(population) = barf factor percentage or N(population) - S(unbiased sample) = B( arf) / S(random sample) = barf factor percentage The Larry Jar - A large cup, pan, or jar containing the lot of unfinnished beers from the evening before, of which you must drink. This can also be done by drinking one unfinished soldier (beer) at a time. This is called Beyonetting the Wounded. Standing On A Field Of Victory - Sucessfully taping the keg, also know as A Redneck Victory. Point Of No Return - Being so hammered you know you'll still be drunk in the morning. Hit and Run - Recieving drunken action and after its over never see or call that person ever again. Escaping the Lion's Den - Getting out of bed very quitely, but quick fashion in attempt not to wake the hidious beast laying beside you. Double Barrelled Shootgun - Smoking either 2 joints, blunts, cigars, or cigarettes at the same time. Going to Court - When your friends interigate you about a questionable event and then give you shit about it. The Survivor - The last beer. Beer and Such - A term to say when your so completely blitzed you cannot bring yourself to utter anthing else. The Weasel - The sneaky burp that comes up after a large drinking fest. At first you feel fine, but soon after it causes you to puke. The Haymaker - The drink that pushes you over the edge and causes you to either A. Not want to drink anymore B. Pass out or C. Throw up. Keg Juice - Beer from the keg. New Words for Drunk: Jagged up, boiled as an owl, mothered, curried and mashed, de-ossified, full tight, skinned, pie-eyed, gibbled, in the paint, pile-axed, rat-assed, stinko, torn off the frame, torqued, troll-eyed, wired to the tits, banjoed, chateaued, one over the eight, pixelated, swipey, wankered, zigzag, slaughtered, juice-looped, 12 gauged, Boris Yelstinned, cop-sluggin drunk, five winos gone, jackassed, liver-lubed, monkey assed, mullocked, paralytic, stolichnyed, ten feet tall and bulletproof, tore up from the floor up, Kennedied, wearing a big hat, shined up, wingdinged, off the leash, drunk uncled, picassoed, and finally, locked out of your mind.
And your cry baby whiny assed opinion would be.....? Do I look like a fucking people person? This isn't an office, it's hell with fluorescent lighting. I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left. I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me. Sarcasm is just one of the services we offer. If I throw a stick will you leave?? YOU!.... Off my planet! If I want to hear the pitter patter of little feet I'll put shoes on my cats. Does your train of thought have a caboose? The bible was written by the same people who said the earth was flat. Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe? Errors have been made, others will be blamed. Ohhh, let me turn on the part of my brain that gives a damn. A hard on doesn't count as personal growth. Whatever look you were going for, you missed. Well, this day was a total waste of make-up . See no evil, hear no evil, date no evil. Are these your eyeballs, I found them in my cleavage. I'm not your type, I'm not inflatable. I have a computer, a vibrator and pizza delivery. Why should I leave the house? Not all men are annoying, some are dead. Did I mention that kick in the groin you'll be receiving if you touch me? It's not the size that coun... no wait, it's the size! A woman's favorite position is CEO I'm trying to imagine you with a personality. A cubicle is just a padded cell without the door. Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep yet. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted pay checks. Okay, Okay, I take it back! UnFuck you! Too many freaks not enough circuses. Macho law prohibits me from admitting I'm wrong. Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it? Chaos, panic, disorder - my work here is done. I plead contemporary insanity. And which dwarf are you? How do I set the laser printer to stun?
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