Anything outdoors in the country, camping, hiking, swimming, walking, bicycling, driving, sight seeing. Indoors reading, crocheting, computer games, video games, board games, card games, bedroom games, music.
Family, Friends, motorcycles, old cars particularly MOPAR!
Horses, dogs, snakes, cats, farming, dancing, snow sports.
Check out my MUSIC photo album... there's a lot of pics in there of my fav bands.
Snow White, Bambi, Peter Pan, Hook, Original star wars, newer star wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Beaches, Miss Congeniality, Meet the parents/Fockers,and many many more.

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My children,My friends, countless men and women who fight for our country and our lives Military, Police, Firefighters,Nurses, Doctors, Caregivers of young and old alike!
Video Games
Halo games, Madden, zelda....hmmm...I know there's more lol