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47 Year Old · Male · From Tulsa, OK · Invited by: 804310 · Joined on April 28, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 16th · 6 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
47 Year Old · Male · From Tulsa, OK · Invited by: 804310 · Joined on April 28, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 16th · 6 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!

I am 31, single, and happy! I am an easy person to get along with and dont ask for much from anyone, not even family or friends. In fairness I must say I do demand a lot though from my family and friends. I demand that they treat me and them selve's with respect and to be faithfully and even sometimes brutily honest with me and them selve's. I will give you the shirt off of my back but don't even for a second try to piss down my back and tell me that its raining!

I like to think of myself as a simple man, some even call me a Redneck and I reckin that I am! I was raised on beans and corn bread and I like my chicken fried. Yes, I drive a pick up truck, and I am full of american pride. I got a bible on my night stand, a pistol in the top drawer, and a flag on my wall from a man who fought and died for us all. As far as I am concerned, we need a few more Rednecks up front to take the lead.

As for me I am a cowboy!! I am proud of that and no that doesn't mean I ride bulls. Today is not yesterday..duh! Cowboys used to work as "cowboys" but not many of us can make a decent living today "cowboying". Todays Cowboy is more of an attitude than anything. An attitude that we carry with honor and pride that demands respect for ourselve's and the others around us.

I am a simple man! I stand for what is right. I live by do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Well the good book sais it so I know its true, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Im the kind of guy who wouldn't harm a mouse but if I catch someone breaking into my house I got a 12 guage shotgun waiting on the other side. Me, I prefer dirt roads. It may be about all i know but atleast they go slow enough that life doesn't pass me by. Life isn't guaranteed to be easy and I know when i take the easy roads I can get led astray. I have lived life in the fast lane and on the edge and had to watch my back and look both ways twice before making a move. Thats just no way of living! I wasn't raised that way and I'm not going to die that way. In the end all of our time is barrowed anyway so I am going to make the most of it. I am moving out to a more rural location as soon as May 1st towards the Skiatook Lake area. If your lucky you will get an invatation to the house warmiing party. :)

I would have liked to have met John Wayne. I think its a shame he didn't live long enough to run for president. Speaking of people who we would like to meet I would like to meet who I think would have made a perfect running mate as Vice President and that person is Willie Nelson. Think about it..... that would be cool!! :P Most people say the eye's are the window to a person's soul. I don't agree, my thinking is there choice or selection in music is the window to their soul. For me i listen to mostly country or Red Dirt. Anything from Waylon Jennings to Jason Boland and or Cross Canadian Ragweed.

I was married once though it was for a short time. I also have had my fair shair of learning filled relationships. One thing is for sure that i have taken with me with all of that learning is i've learned what I don't like and can't live with or live with out. I dont find much room to compromise in this area anymore and I am picky. I am mainly picky because I don't want to recieve or give anymore heartaches. I have experienced pain before both physical and mental and both hurt but nothing hurts like a broken heart.


47 Year Old · Male · From Tulsa, OK · Invited by: 804310 · Joined on April 28, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 16th · 6 referrals joined! · 1 person has a crush on me!
General:Ink,Fishing,Hunting,guns,friends, studing history

Music: In general i listen to country and more generally the older outlaw country. I really like Waylon Jennings a lot as well as Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, and several other founding fathers of country music. I also listen to a lot of red dirt country or rocka billy music which is a little more popular in the midwest than other geographical area's. My favorite artist in these genre's are Jason Boland and Cross Canadian Ragweed. I believe music is the true window to a person's soul and not really there eyes.

Television: College Football, Discovery, CMT, UFC, National Geographic, Comedy
Books American Rifleman, Maxim, Sports Illustrated


Tombstone, A Man on Fire, A Time to Kill, Brave Heart, Black Hawk Down, Wedding Crashers, The Patriot, Last of The Mohicans, Young Guns, Saving Private Ryan, We Were Soldiers, and yes I know those are all for the most part guys movies..... hello... I am a guy! lol
My parents, all of our armed service men serving for our country, and Pat Tillman!!!!

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