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44 Year Old · Female · From Glen Burnie, MD · Invited by: Sinister Savage · Joined on January 17, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 19th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
44 Year Old · Female · From Glen Burnie, MD · Invited by: Sinister Savage · Joined on January 17, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 19th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
44 Year Old · Female · From Glen Burnie, MD · Invited by: Sinister Savage · Joined on January 17, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on March 19th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

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25 random things, facts, habits, and/or goals about you.

Here we go:
1. I like shiny things, I seek something out that is shiny and pretty and usually end up buying it.
2. I like cats, they comfort me, people confuse me.
3. I think about how to deconstruct a crime when i hear about it in the news, I dont first think of the victim, I think of how to catch the suspect, and the exact details of all evidence included.
4. I try to be in control of my actions, thoughts and emotions at all time.
5. I very rarely cry when something bad happens to me, or I hear bad news, I have only cried at funerals twice.
6. I hate dry skin, i carry lotion constantly and I am continuosly making sure my hands are smooth.
7. I fidget alot, my fingers are always finding something to occupy them, I also have tremors where my hand shakes.
8. I am severely annoyed by morons, idiots, people who know english and refuse to speak it.
9. I like to pour candle wax on my skin and pick it off.
10. I read more than any person I know, on any subject.
11. I hate when people I dont know or I dont like invade my personal space.
12. I am a very hard person to please.
13. All of my tattoos and piercings are markers of change in my life.
14. I always help my friends with thier problems and issues, and never ask for help with mine.
15. I fully support capital punishment and the death penalty, I also feel that rapists, child abusers/molesters, and murders need to be sterilized. I also do not agree with the 'well if someone i know was raped, i would kill the rapist, I think that if this were to occur, you should be held accountable for the murder of that person, just as the rapist should have been held accountable for thier crime.
16. I am numb to most normal emotions, and rarely show mine to anyone.
17. I have accepted that I may never get my happily ever after fairy tale, and I learned to survive on my own.
18. I often worry I am like a serial killer in my thinking on certain subjects.
19. I love to cook, yet my parents rarely eat the food when i make it so I never do.
20. I have planned the decoration of 3 rooms of a house I dont even own yet.
21. Despite the fact that I show all signs of Manic Depression, I have never had thoughts of suicide and never will.
22. I hate being alone in a house with no one else there.
23. I have the desire to paint, yet lack any ability to do so.
24. I am very brutally honest, and often have made people cry.
25. I am double jointed in my wrist, my shoulders and my legs.

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  • Just The Artist... If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?
    15 years ago · Comment

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