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Chapter 2

GIS: The Necrocon Files By: John LeRoy Chapter 2 Rex sat in his new desk, savoring the feel of power, his hands placed on each armrest. He smiles evily as he thinks about all he is going to accomplish, drifiting into a world of fantasies and desires. In the dream, the world is set asunder and burning in its own self created chaos, with Rex at its helm of destruction. Just as he settles down into the daydream, it is broken by the opening of his office door. Annoyed, he slowly opens each eye, one at a time, and glares at the man who dare intrude on his moment of victory. "Yes?" The man from before, the Kingpin's personal assitant and now his, takes a few steps into the room before closing the door. He had a flexi in his hands and his eyes shifted a little nervously. Necrocon had a past of being easly displeased and therefore quite violent when displeased. He walks over to the Neo Kingpin's desk and stands before it, collecting his thoughts as he does so. "Please excuse my intrusion, Neo Kingpin, but I aquired that information you asked for." He reaches one hand out and presents the flexi which Rex takes from him slowly and carefully as if he might get a disease from it, having been in that man's hands. Rex looks at the display and shifts through the data easily by pressing the screen in various places. "And what exactly is this, Mr?" Rex raised a eyebrow in question as the man's name escaped him for the moment. "Jensen, sir. Its a list of all military special ops teams to receive a full cybernetic upgrade. Also, the names in red are teams that received the most advanced upgarde on thier bodies. The one in yellow is the one I believe most closely matches perpertators." Jenson beamed a little, thinking it would please Necrocon that he had taken some initiative. Rex glared at him, his eyes full of deadly intent and his words dripping with venom. "Excuse me, but did I ask you for what you believed? Or did I ask you for a list of millitary groups who used a body type similar to the one we came across?" The man gulps visibly as he braces for the worse. "You asked for a list sir..." His voice faltered as he finished his sentence. Silently he began to pray what might be his final prayer. Rex savored the moment of the man squirming at his feet. Never had he got such pleasure as this at his former seat of power. Here, he held all the cards, life, death; all of them. "See to it that next time you do that again. Initiative is not a bad thing, as long as you keep it in control. Let's see what you found." The man sighs in relief as he continues his speech. "The team I singled out has a different background from the rest. They are a compound Special Ops team. Formed from 6 members, five of them specializing in a different area while a sixth was trained as a Splinter Cell operative and therefore had a dose of all the previous five's skills rolled in one." Rex merely smirks as he listens, but when he comes across the info, along with a photo of the team, his mouth nearly drops in surprise at what he sees. "I will go down the list slowly, starting with their Combat specialist. I will give you info on their body and cyberbarin type, as well as what they specialized in, and will end with the splinter cell member. In these reports, they are only known by code names, so that is what I will use. The memebrs of the team are as follows: Terminator = Combat specialist. He has 50 of the best unarmed combat syles prestored, as well as detailed info and usage skills of almost every weapon in the world, both known and black market. His body build is extremly large and built, also, his is the strongest of all 5 members. His cyber brain processes actual data at a slower rate than the rest, but process data coming in from his eyes at a extremely fast rate, allowing him to react very quickly. Retriever = Information gatering specialist. His cyber brain is adapt at logging into over a hundred different news and data gathering servers and sites at once and allows him to process large amounts of data at once. This allows him to go through several hundred sources of info at one time when searching for something. His body is fairly standard in size and build. Scout = Scouting specialist. His body type is smaller than all five, but has been built to move with such stealth no listening device in the world can track him or pick him up, no matter the environment. His eyes and ears are highly enhanced, allowing him to hear things the others can't, as well as see on different levels of spectrum and at further distances. Sometimes plays the role of sniper. His Cyber brain is capable of storing everything he sees as a video or a picture, and has nearly unlimited space for it. He is also pre equipped with 5 of the best unarmed combat styles and all information various stealth techniques. Slicer = Hacking and secruity penetration specialist. He has a small but wiry body type, with the fastest cyberbrain of all the members. His comes prestored with over thousands of different hacking programs, besides the ones he puts in himself, as well as many programs for covering tracks and hacking everything from electronic locks to regular door locks, like a dead bolt. He is able to keep up with most computers today has to offer, sometimes being able to beat them in pure speed. No normal hacker is able to contest the speed at which he can hack, and few with cyberbrains can reach that level of speed. Venom = Strategy and Politcal specialist. Also team leader. He came with a farily standard package as far as bodies go. Medium size, not too big, not too heavy. His brain, however, was possibly the most dangerous of all the weapons fielded by this unit. It came equipped with a standard package of the top five unarmed combat styles, as well as basic weapons knowledge. He was also able to speak over 50 different languages, and some written ones. He came with extensive stratgey and politic software, giving him a edge in planning for assualts and in a political situation. They say he had a silver tounge that was dripped in venom. Loner = Splinter Cell specialist. Body was above average. Big and powerful, but extremely fast for that size as well. Reflexes were jacked up, making his reaction time extremely high, though still lower than Bruno's. Cyberbrain came with 20 of the top unarmed combat styles of the world. He also came with knowledge on all the most used weapons of the world and some black market ones. He had software in stealth and intrusion. His hacking programs were extensive, though few in number. Best of the best there. He also had the abilty to connect to news gathering sources for extended periods of time while doing other things, in live time in other words. Processing speed a few tons of data at once. Strategy programs are better than the other members except for Venom, though his are more one man mission orenetied. Designed to work in the field by himself and cut off from all support if need be." Rex silently sat through the whole explanation as he read the same info, worded differently, for himself. He had recovered from his inital surprise and once again was back in control. "That's all very nice, but what does that have to do with why they are our guys?" Jenson nods slowly and smiles as he does. "Well, heres what says they are. After two years of service, they all put in for the newest millitary upgrades for their bodies and brains. Shortly after getting the upgrades though, the entire team just vanished. The millitary sent several special op teams after them, but none of them ever returned in anything more than several boxes of pieces. So, to this time, they are label as MIA, assumed dead." Jense beams as he finishes his report, confident that he had proven he was right. Rex places the flexi down on his desk and leans back in his chair. "Very good Jensen. Very well done. However, that doesn't mean for certain they are the ones, though it does seem that they may just be, given the skills there. Anyway, begin getting in touch with the millitary. See if you can get any other information on this team through proper channels." "Sir? Isn't that what we try to avoid in our line of work though?" Rex nods silently before explaining his actions. "Yes, but this team was classified ultra red level S. That means that even the President of this nation didn't know about that team. The fact you found so much information on them thus far is remarkable and I applaud you and our teams for such. However, regretably, there is some information we can never get a hold of without their permission. Also, see if the millitary will loan us three of their Combat armors. If so, tell them we will bring in this rogue team." Rex dismisses him with a wave of his hand, at which the speechless Jensen turns and walks out. "So, they are still alive then. Not to hard to believe I suppose, given the training they had. Just never expected them to resurface so close to me after all this time. Time to setup another job with my "team"." Rex laughs as he accesses his computer and gets to work on his plan. As he does, Jensen begins talks with the miltary on a rouge ex special ops team...... ******* John laid back on the couch of in a plain warehouse, tired and exhausted. He still had the combat vest and various other weapons on his body, not even having bothered to take them off upon finally returning to his base of operation. He exhales deeply as his eyes slowly close and he starts to fall asleep. "HEY BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eyes snapped open, John groans as a member os his team walks in the room, fresh from a good nights sleep. "Nahum, do you ever sleep in?" John mutters loudly as he tries to put a pillow over his face and hide himself from the hacker. "Heck no boss. Early bird gets the worm after all." Nahum smiles brightly at John's hidden face, walking over to him, having just exited his makeshift room. He looks the man over and frowns after noticing he still had his weapons on. "Get home late last night, eh?" Nahum shakes his head as he starts to brew a pot of coffee, causing John to groan some more and emerge from under his pillow. "I just got back not ten minutes ago. The damn police were combing every street looking for me after I blew my way out of that building." John walked over to the makeshift kitchen they had set up as more men emerged from other rooms in the spacious warehouse. He pulled out five mugs, one for each of them, before waving hello to the others. "Morning boss. Have fun on your mission?" A big black man walks over, his voice deep and resonating, and grabs one of the mugs, sleeply eyeing John as he does. "No Bruno, I didn't. Well, thats a lie. I enjoyed killing the target and blasting my way out of the building. What I didn't enjoy was sneaking around the back alleys of the city trying to get away alive." John sighs as another man joins them, smiling a little more cheerfully then his comrade. "So, you killed the kingpin as planned huh? How about the databanks full of offending info?" John turns and eyes the teams information specialist as he pours a cup of fresh coffee for himself. "Consider them peices of melted plastice and metal all over a rather destroyed floor. Jasru, did we get the money we were supposed to?" Jasru, the man he had been talking to, turns to his left and accesses a large group of computers that had been set up fro him and Nahum. He presses several buttons and whoops out loud, causing the fifth and final man to jump in surprise. "Damn Jasru, can you be any louder. I just woke up, not to mention my ears are overly senstive. By the way, how much tons of equipment did you waste on this solo mission boss. Hopefully not to much." "You're just jealous Levi. You want more solo missions and you know it. "John laughs, as does Bruno and Nahum. Levi frowns as he walks over to Jasru and looks over his shoulder. As he does, he whistles loudly and his frown quickly turns into a large grin. "Well, whatever you wasted, it wouldn't be able to suck all this money we just got. Boys we are way in the green, even if we bought a entire divison of tanks. Whoever that Necrocon guy is, he sure was rich. Not to mention good on his word." Levi smiles as he takes a cup full of the strong elixer from Nahum and takes a sip, almost immediatly spitting it back out. "Damn you guys. Why do you always have to make this stuff so strong." The team laughs at Levi as he frowns again and walks over to the kitchen to grab some sugar and stuff for his drink. *beep beep* "You have mail." The whole team turns to Jasru, who has still standing next to the computers, as the computers began flashing email notifications of new mail. Jasru turns and clicks several things and presses a button before reading out loud. "Sigma team. I have another job for you. This one will pay just as much as last time, as well as compensation for any dangers that happen to kill a member of your team...." Jasru's eyebrow raises a level or two as the others turn to each other in silent thought. "There is a research center in downtown New York. I would very much like to see that building leveled due to a "accident". Complete this mission with your usual effectivness, and you will be rewarded as greatly as you were for assinating the Kingpin Necrocon." John turns to the others, a serious look on his face. "Interesting. Jasru, whats the name of the building?" Jasru turns and clicks on a attachment folder and reads the data off it. "Promethues Cyberbrain technologies and research institute. We are to go in and as the message said, level the building if possible. If not, atleast destroy the research labs and all information databanks connected to them. For that atleast, we will receive exactly what we got for the last job." Nahum, who had by this time moved to another set of computers, his private set, was furousily typing away at the keyboards, bringing up screen after screen of data. "Its a research center for new cyberbrains and what not. Its the leading competetor with the Millitary." John walks over and looks over Nahum's shoulder siltently as he reads some of the data. "So they are the civillian version of the military's cyber technolgies center. Interesting." John continues to read when Jasru speaks up again, the other two members still drinking coffee. "Heres some more news boss. That man that hired us last time. He had a move of office. His first job came from a corporate office in that building you attacked last night. His second one, however, came from the kingpin's old office." Jasru looked up with some interest as he says this, John's eyebrows focused tightly on his face. "So, he got us to kill the kingpin so he could move up. Smooth." He turns to the other two and frowns as he walks over. "I smell a trap here. Kingpins are notourious for tying up loose ends. Right now, we could be classified as one. However, thats just what the movies say." John shrugs as he takes a nice long sip of his coffee before looking to the others. "What do ya'll think. Should we take it?" The others nod in unison while Nahum speaks up for all of them. "Money is money boss. Plus, we are the best of the best. Not like some crime lord could get us when the millitary couldn't." John smiles as his team makes its decsion known. John steps forward, assuming his leader position amongst them. "Alright then. Nahum, dig up whatever extra data you can from the building's records. Hack their databanks and security records, everything internal. Jasru, gather whatever intel you can thats external. Who knows what info might be floating around outside their secruity." As Nahum and Jasru bend to their work, John turns to Bruno and Levi. "Bruno and Levi, go to the site and do some background work. Try and see how many security teams there are and whatnot. You know your jobs." Nodding, they turn and head to their rooms for clothes and the like and John settles on the couch again. Nahum turns with a puzzled look om his face. "What are you going to do boss?" "Sleep." (if you liked these two chapters and would like me to write the third, please say so. If enough people ask, I will write the third chapter.)

Chapter 1

GIS: The Necrocon Files By: John LeRoy Chapter 1 (This is for those who like GIS. THis ficiton is self contained and does not involve in any way really Section 9 or the other chars in GIS: STA. However, it does contain elements of that world created by the artists of GIS.) All was quiet upon the streets of the city, the night's life stream flowing uninterrupted in the form of various pedestrians on the sidewalks and cars on the streets. The people of the city pass through its crowded streets, unaware of the events taking place elsewhere. On the east side of the city, the side of a skyscraper's fifth floor explodes as a man dressed in combat gear flies out of the building through the explosion of flames and glass. Landing in the street, knees bent, amidst a group of startled pedestrians, the road cracking under him as a small crater forms from the impact of such a drop from the height he fell. Terrified, they flee the scene as the man stands, dusting himself off; seemingly oblivious to what had happened. His broad chest covered by combat vest, its straps and pouches held everything from ammo clips grenades to a knife. His waist was encircled by a belt that held more pouches with various tools, and also held the straps of two holsters that were strapped to his legs, each holding different weapon. Strapped to his right leg was what seemed to be a single shot grenade rifle, while on his other leg sat a riot gun. Under each arm was holstered a gun, one a magnum, the other a 9mm. Well, seems this new cybernetic body is as good as they say. It took that fall as if it was a walk in the park. Not to mention how well it has performed thus far in the mission. Wonder what else it can do. He turns to leave when the doors of the building fly open and several armed men rush out to surround him, their semi-autos already locked into the rock and roll position. He looks around, quickly taking in the situation, his cybernetic brain processing the new information as quickly as it was received. Bending his large knees, he pushes off the ground with his powerful legs, launching himself high into the air as the men started firing, their rounds passing under him and instead into each other. As the men fell, their bodies bleeding from numerous holes, the man lands again on his booted feet, his body movements' fluid and controlled. "They could have at least tried to make this a little harder. I've had harder missions babysitting my sister's kids." Laughing, he turns and jogs out of the streets, heading down a dark alleyway. As he ducked into the alleys, he hears the cocking of a handgun. Thinking quickly, he ducks and turns, pivoting on one foot as the gun fired and the bullet passed just above his black red-tipped hair. He pulls out 9mm as he back flipped high into the air, up and over a second volley of shots as another gun entered the battle. Landing with knees bent, he took aim at his stalkers, two men in all black with red eyes, and fired his gun twice, each bullet hitting its mark with excellent precision, driving the men onto their back. Those guys had prosthetic eyes. They must be some kind of assassin squad. Better, watch myself then. Turning, he jump sat the nearest wall, and then pushes off it towards the opposite wall but higher, quickly traveling the height up the two buildings in that way until he reached the roof of one, flipping forward from the opposite wall and landing silently on the roof. Looking around, his eyes shifting easily as his vision easily adjusted for the low lighting, he sees no other threat. Smiling to himself, he runs off into the night, traveling by rooftops. Sirens wailed as red and blue lights flashed as the police cruisers arrived, flying through the air towards the scene of the office building where the man had been only moments before. On the eighth floor of the building, a man sat in a large black leather chair, his large fat chest ripped open by buckshot, blood all over the desk in front of him. A man stood in a black suit, with gold eyes and long black hair, comb down to either side, stood in front of the desk taking off a pair of dark shades and pocketing them. He walked over to the figure in the chair and checked for a pulse, already knowing there would not be one. Upon confirmation, he smiles wickedly to himself as more people came into the room, one in a gray suit walking right up to him. "Rex Marhiku I presume." The man holds his hand out to shake the others as Rex turned to him. "Do not call me by that name. I am Necrocon, and you will address me as such." His gold eyes narrowed at the other man, the man visibly shrinking back. "I sorry Necrocon I meant no disrespect." The man turned away from the piercing gold gaze that had become infamous within the organized crime syndicates of the city. He looked at the former kingpin of it all, an almost sad yet ambitious look on his face. Catching the look, Rex's eyes narrow sharply. "Don't even think about it. I will be taking his place as the Neo Kingpin." The other man gulps and takes a step back bowing. "Very well then, Neo Kingpin Necrocon. It might interest you that the police have arrived." The man beams as if he had found some nugget of information that was denied to the rest of the world. Rex turns away and looks out the window, out into the night. "I know that you fool. Anyone with two eyes in their heads can tell that. How about you do me a favor and get me the room's security footage, as well as the footage for the fifth floor." The man jolts to action, running out of the room and towards the security center as Rex muses on the events of the past 5 hours. He had been in his penthouse, relaxing comfortably with the company of a very lovely lady when he had gotten the call about the attack. He had almost immediately rushed to the scene to see the proof for himself that the Kingpin was indeed dead. Proof that all of Rex's scheming and plotting had finally paid off, with him at the head of a powerful organization that literally controlled the city. The man returned shortly after that with two flex screens, or flexies, handing them to Rex while trying to catch his breath. Rex places one screen under his arm after rolling it up and then holds the other in front of him. He taps the screen lightly and then observes the night's footage of the former kingpin's office. Much as he had suspected, a man armed to the teeth, looking much like the descriptions from the few guards that had survived the blast on the fifth floor, rushed in and pulled a riot gun from his leg, firing it into the former kingpin's chest. Then, having accomplished that deed, he turned and ran out off screen as he exited the room, heading for the fifth floor no doubt. Rex hands the flexie to the man before pulling out the other and playing it. The same man from before rushes into the server room and stops in front of a group of large servers. He slings a small box like object off is shoulder and pulls something on it before placing it on his shoulder and pointing it in the direction of a large group of databanks and servers. As he does, a group of men rushes into the room with weapons held in front of them, pointed at the man. The man pauses for a second before for flames erupt from the box as missiles emerge and fly into the databanks. He then drops the box, turns, and runs for the window, pulling something from his vest as the databanks explode behind him, shaking the room. He drops whatever he had pulled from his chest and jumps out the window as the objects explode behind him, causing even more damage. Shortly after they explode, the camera shakes, and the image goes blank, indicating the camera was destroyed by something. Rex smiles grimly as he hands the other flexie back to the man. "Any idea what destroyed the camera?" "Yes sir. Shrapnel from the grenades the man left behind embedded itself in the camera's lens, disrupting the rest of the feed." The man takes the last flexie and turns to leave. "If you don't need me sir, I'm going to go take care of the cops." Rex turns walks over to the man to whisper in his ear. "After you deal with them, find out any info you can about military model Cybernetic bodies that match the body type of that man. That man was obviously a cyborg, and his body's proportions suggest a military model." The man nods and then leaves, leaving Rex alone with his thoughts.
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