Current mood: horny
TELL ME........
Hair (color and style):
0. Are u a virgin?
1. Where would we go on dates?
2. Who is your favorite rapper?
3. Do you drink/smoke?
4. Do you like the rain?
5. If so...would you play in it with me?
6. Would you give me a lap dance?
7. Would you like for me to give you a lap dance?
8. Could we cuddle and just fall asleep together?
9. Would you kiss my neck?
10. Do you play any sports?
11. If so...what?
12. Would you call me right after we saw each other?
13. How would you rate your kisses from 1-10?
14. Favorite body part on you?
15. What would you say is the best thing about yourself?
16. Do you have any reps (ie: heartbreaker, prick, slut etc)?
17. Would you give me a kiss just because?
18. Would u sleep in the same bed wit me?
19. Would u take me home to meet your parents?
20. Would u have sex with me?
21. If so, whats the soonest into our relationship you'd have it?
22. Would you tell your friends we had sex?
23. Would u let me touch u wherever?
24. How smart are you?
25. Do u have a specific body type that u lyk?
26. If so wut is it? (fat, skiny, chubby, athletic,etc)?
27.What would u do if i cried?
28.If i were 2 ask u out what would u say?
29.Would u makeout with me?
30.If we got to the point in the relationship where I told you I loved you, what would you say?
31.Would u ever cheat on me?
32.Would u ever trust me? u consider yourself to be, cute, fine, ugly, average, sexy, or no comment?
34.would you give me you number?
35.if so what is it__________
36.have you ever been to prison?..
37if so why? you suffer from any mental disorders?
39.if so what?
must be field out and sent back to me