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Readie Eddie's blog: "Get a clue!!"

created on 10/11/2007  |  http://fubar.com/get-a-clue/b140220
I'm not the best writer so bare with me on this. Thanks! During this story about me I've witnessed death in front of my eyes countless times. It's wierd, but it made me never scared of life. I'll start off by saying, "thanks bitches for getting me started for the fact you bitch about what you have and brag about things you don't have!" I'm glad I'm me, let me tell you! I grow up in a low income background, believe me it wasn't always like that. I was a military brat and my family traveled all over the country. My dad had deep pockets untill he made some mistakes at the age of 30. My parents wanted to stay young and so they made stupid choices. (hello, who's perfect!) They tried to live large and then it caught up with them. So at the age of 11 to 16 I was cooking food for my brother and watching over him. (Wow, ramon noodles all most every night!) That sucked, but we're still living! At the same time the clothes that I had and my brother had were hand-me-downs. How do you think that feels? Living in a small town and everybody knowing that you are a scrub. It doesn't feel to fuckin' great. To be blamed for things that you can't help. It sucks bad!! Getting beat up at school, nobody wants to hang out with you, girls don't even act like your alive. So many years of that helps me become tough and realize who I am, and that I'm still alive. At 16 my parents got divorced and didn't tell me or my brother. My mom blamed me for being a bad son. How do you think that feels coming from someone you love. (News flash! Not to fucking great!) So then I was dropped off at my dad's door step. That fuckin' sucked too. Living in a 2 bedroom apartment with my dad and his friend. (Wow, what a cluster fuck!)Now I'm in a different high school in the city. It was a culture shock. So many kids! It was cool I could be myself and no one would judge me. Things started to look better for myself. My dad always had a little more money then my mom. So it was easier to ask my dad for money. When I say that I mean pocket change like 50 cents to five dollars. I lived a simple life so I didn't ask for much. The thing I'd asked for most was my brother. He was a mama's boy. So imagine how he responded to being dropped off with me and my dad. His world crumbled. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but my brother and I fought like cats and dogs every chance we had. I did it because it was fun and I didn't want him to be a pussy. My dad taught me martial arts at the age of five. So, these fights were major brawls. Think about it now. Me, my dad, and my brother under one roof. Shit, it was like world war three. Okay, I'm back with my brother again and life is great. School kicks ass and the people do too. This was Whitehall-Yearling H.S. in Whitehall, Ohio right outside of Columbus. I had the best times there. So my sophmore year my dad tells use where moving again. I'm like, shit when is it going to stop? My dad moved me and my brother to Florida. We lived with people that had a pot belly pig for a pet and sulfur water coming out of there taps. (Nothing like koolaide and taking showers smelling like eggs.) The people were like the adams family. I was so pissed at my dad. My brother and I stayed at this house for a month with no sign of my dad. (For christ sakes their strangers!) So I had to watch over my brother again. Things don't work out for my dad again and we move back to the same place. I was so happy to be back. I learned alot about that trip. On how be be a good brother for one. My brother and I started becoming close. I started to become popular at school and all the girls checking me out. It's a god feeling. I was also teaching karate to students of the age of 5 to adults. I was only 17. The whole town knew I was a bad ass. So with all that knowledge came alot of responsiblities. I fought alot with random people and puting people in check. My friends would join in too. We were a goup of bad asses. So at 17 my dad told me were moving again. I told him to fuck off! I have a girl that loves me and I'm tired of moving. Well my dad and my brother moved to Ashland, Ohio another small ass country town. There was no way in hell I was moving back to that type of living. I Moved out and I worked in a steakhouse at that time and still teaching karate. So I had money and a car. I started hanging out more with my friends and doing drugs. My friends sister was a stripper so it made it easier to find shit. My life headed south when my girl I loved was cheating on me. I found out later that it was my old neighbor Kevin. So I told her to fuck off and you just went from frist class to coach. (To this day I haven't told another girl that I love them) My friends told me she was a slut, but I did listen. So love in my book is an energy you can't explain but serious to note. So I'll just keep it that way. Now, with no girl, no brother, no one to love me. I had to find a way to hide my sadness. I started experimenting with other crazy drugs and drinking. This was the life for me. The whole time I took drugs nobody knew about it. So I did more. I can't even explain how much I did but, to a normal person they'd probly be a veg somewhere. It got worst when I moved to Myrtle Beach. I met so many people just because of the drugs. There were nudist parties, raves, house parties, and just club activites. I met so many famous people at these parties it was crazy. I was doing X everyday, sniffing coke, acid, weed, and shrooms. It got so out of control I almost killed two people with my bare hands. Because of my temper. It wasn't pretty at all. Let me remind you during this whole time my apperance and how I fit the crowd didn't change. I was the say old me. I was 24. Nobody helped me through any of this. I fought myself out of it. I moved back and chilled out for a few months. I then ended up moving back home with my dad and brother. They weren't happy at all. My brother at 18 joins the Army and leaves like 2 months later. That was a built up of more sadness for me that I still hide to this day. So soon after that I joined the Air Force. It was for a couple reasons. I didn't want my brother to be alone, my whole family said I couldn't do it, and it was a way out of the crappy life in the counrty. Now to present day life. I'm living happy and I have some kickass friends. I've been through alot of things in my life, but who hasn't you know. I feel that I'm on this earth for a reason. I don't know what it is yet. I can tell you that I know who says what when, I've been around the social seen longer then anyone that has been to my house, and I know who's playing the "I'm cool game." I don't need to have all the cool shit to fit in. If you think I do, go fuck yourself and get a life. I make more money then most of the poeple I know and hangout with and have more things also. Can you tell, NO! I only splurg when I wan't. I'm not a stuck up dick. I'm cool as all hell with people that are cool with me. You know who you are!! For rest of the fucks that bitch about what they are wearing, one up other people, talk shit behide peoples backs, or simply use people. You can jump off the snotty end of my fuck stick screaming my name. Bottom line if your ever around me and pull some shady shit I'll call you out. I'll call anyone out and I don't give a fuck. Thank you very fucking much for being a tool and I hope you never cross my path! I'm real, this is real shit, and I'm done with it all. So if any of you meet me I'm a great guy until you fuck with me. Then it becomes fun for me. Don't even try and kiss my ass. It's a new me and I'm done with all the fucks that ever crossed my path!! Come test me if you want! That's why I'm Readie Eddie
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