46 Year Old
Joined on July 12, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on May 16th
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
46 Year Old
Joined on July 12, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on May 16th
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First off I'm here to make friends and friends only, and maybe meet someone who could teach me more than I already know. I love MUSIC, movies, animals, history and plants! So if any of these are your fortay, then by all means lets get to know one another. I love FuWorld as I call it, its were I come to to have me time. I love meeting people that can have a intellectual conversation, not just about perverted shit. I can't stand Haters, Liars and CHEATERS! So if your Married and your in a relationship be straight up! I'm currently in a relationship, but like I said I'm here for friends and harmless flirting! I love to make people happy so if you need cheering up just let me know! And if you read this then your already on the right path to becoming A REAL FRIEND.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
46 Year Old
Joined on July 12, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on May 16th
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
Video Games
Love my XBOX 360! WWE Smackdown Vs Raw. PGR RACING, HALO3, OUTLAW, VIVA PINATA, SPIDERMAN and a few more just ask.
Hello there stranger....LiFe better be treating you well....LoVe and peace, beeI believe this!God doesn't give you the people you want,He gives you the people you NEED. To help you,To hurt you, to leave you, to love you andTo make you into the person you were meantTo be.LOVE YOU !!!!!NOW YOU'RE ON THE CLOCK!!!!IN 9 MINUTES SOMETHING WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY,BUT YOU HAVE TO TELL 9 SISTERS YOU LOVE THEMINCLUDING ME. GO!!!!
HAVE 20 MINUTES TO TELL 5 OF YOUR SWEETEST FRIENDS THAT YOU LOVE THEM (INCLUDING ME) SO I LOVE YOU! GO! AND TAG YOU'RE IT!! YOU HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED ONE OF MY SWEETEST FRIENDS ON MY LIST. X X X. SOME FRIENDS: Will ignore this,BUT THATS OK-GO AHEAD AND SENT IT TO YOUR 5-INCLUDING ME IF YOU CARE.hugzL*O*V*E* Y*O*U*! Today is love u day. Send 2 everyone you love. Whether it's real love or friend love. Ur spoiled if you get 4 back Hi Anne.....OoOopSSSS! Just can't get this shit right.....LOL! pEaCe....LoVe!