ok, ok,....i understand that these things are supposed to be cool and everything so i won't start out by saying how myuch i hate them. yes, i'm using it to vent BUT that's because it's mine and very different from a bulletin. being that it's mine, if you don't like what i write, you can leave. i didn't ask you to come here and i won't ever ask you to. i'll be stepping on toes and people will be cursing me left and right (like i care) and maybe even leaving nasty comments (like i care) and i may possibly make some people cry (if you're that weak, leave now!). that being said, here goes.....
#1) what in the hell is up with all the contests around here? yes, i do vote if i have a friend that i REALLY like in one of them but i would NEVER enter one. i think they only present lc members with the chance to be judgemental, to make one person feel very special or to make another feel like dirt. who's to say who's sexiest, has the sexiest eyes, has the sweetest disposition, has the smelliest ass (ok, so it hasn't gotten that bad yet...but i can see it coming!), etc. everyone on lc is special for one reason or another that is unique to the individual so why must there be a contest on anything? who really cares?? in the scheme of all things big and small and at the end of your long life, who's gonna give a rat's ass about who thought you had the biggest boobs on an internet website? lol...c'mon people....
#2) "The Family"....dare i go there? hell yes i do! i know a lot of the people in this lc group and, for the most part, they are good people but i can see a trend here and it's really gonna suck when it unfolds to it's fullest. "The Family" is pretty much creating it's own site-within-a-site and it's upsetting a lot of people. i'm not sure why, but it is. what upsets me is this....people are soon going to feel like "The Family" is trying to develope it's own little government to launch an lc uprising which would result in their taking over all of the net. yes, i know, i'm exaggerating but that's honestly how some people feel. it's a website people and we're all supposed to be family...not just a few of us. creating this group is reminiscent of some other groups that developed throughout history isn't it? i'll leave it to your imagination to guess which ones.
#3) what's up with all the "do you want to fuck me?" bulletins? if you have to ask someone if they want to fuck you, the answer is no, they don't...enough said! lol
so now that i've made 1/3 of you think, 1/3 of you laugh and the other 1/3 of you are pissed beyond all reason, i'm finished. don't send me any hate mail...that will only result in you being deleted from my list or, if you aren't on my list, you'll be blocked alltogether. i'm just tired of all the drama and all the high school hijinx. this place is getting to be worse than myspace as far as all that goes and i hate to see it happen. y'all have a nice night and always remember...